Study Guide Science-The Respiratory System, and the Excretory

Study Guide Science-The Respiratory System, and the Excretory System! (Stuff in TB)
The Respiratory System:
1. Function of the Respiratory System: To breath in __________and breathe out ______________.
2. Breathing is the movement of the _________that brings ______to the lungs and removes
3. There is less ______in the blood than in the cells of the lungs.
4. Cellular Respiration: ___________is delivered other cells to release ___________.
5. __________________and ________are waste products of cellular respiration.
6. These waste products are carried back to the lungs in the __________.
7. Air enters the body through two openings: ________or the ___________.
8. ____________in the nostrils trap _________from the air.
9. After this (#8) it passes through the nasal cavity, where is gets ___________________and
10. This process helps ________the air we breathe.
11. The tiny hair like structures are called______________, and the help sweep __________to the
back of the throat where it can be swallowed.
12. The pharynx is the _____________________ used by food, liquid, and air.
13. When you swallow, your ___________ folds down to keep food or liquid from entering your
14. If you begin to choke, it is because:_________________________________________
15. The _________________is also called a voice box, and it is an ________________.
16. Forcing air between the vocal cords in the larynx causes them to _______________and
17. From the larynx, air moves into the ________________, another name for windpipe. This is
__________about 12 cm in length. ________________keeps the tube from collapsing.
18. The trachea is lined with ______________________and ________________.
19. Air is carried into your lungs by two short tubes called __________________, which are at the
end of the _____________________.
20. Within the lungs, the bronchi branch into ______________tubes.
21. The smallest tubes are called ____________________.
22. At the end of the bronchioles are clusters of tiny, thin-walled sacs called _____________.
23. The _______________________surround the alveoli like a net.
24. ESSAY:
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place between the ________________and the
_____________________. Oxygen moves through the thin cell membranes of the _______and
then through the cell membranes of the____________into the ________. There oxygen is
picked up by ________________, and carried to all _______________. At the same time,
__________________and other _____________ leave the body cells. Once the wastes move
through the cell membranes, they are carried by the ____________. In the ___________, waste
gases move through the cell membranes of the _______and ______________. Then waste gases
leave the body during ______________.
25. Why do you breathe?
26. As ___________________increases, your breathing rate increases. When there is less, your
breathing rate ____________-.
27. T/F-----You have to think about breathing, your brain doesn’t just tell you like it does with the
beating of your heart.
28. Breathing is partly the result of changes in ________ __________.
29. Gases move from an area of _________________________to ___________________________.
30. Your diaphragm is the muscle beneath your ________________ that contracts and
__________to help move gases into and out of your lungs.
31. When you inhale, the rib cage moves _____________ and the diaphragm moves ____________.
32. When you exhale, the rib cage moves_______________and the diaphragm moves ___________.
33. I am disease of the respiratory system that affects the upper respiratory system, and can cause
irritation and swelling. I am caused by bacteria or viruses. Who am I? (Lol)__________________
34. I am a disease that affects many of the body’s systems. The virus in my disease multiplies in the
cells lining of the alveoli and damages them. I am caused by a virus. Who am I? ______________
35. I am an infection of the alveoli, caused by bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms. Who am I?
36. I am a disease in which the bronchial tubes are irritated and mucous is produced too much. I am
caused by smoking, polluted air, coal dust, and asbestos. Who am I? __________________
37. I am a disease in which the alveoli in the lungs enlarge. I can cause people heart pain. I am
caused by smoking, polluted air, coal dust, and asbestos. Who am I?_________________
38. I am a disease that is the third leading cause of death in America. I am caused by carcinogens
found in cigarettes. No Smoking! Who am I?__________________
39. I am a lung disorder that causes shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing. Also, in my disease
bronchial tubes contract quickly. I am caused by cigarette smoke, plants pollen, certain foods, or
polluted air. Who am I?________________
Excretory System
40. Functions:
 _____________wastes…
 Examples:
 ___________________system which removes water and undigested food
 ___________________system which sends carbon dioxide and water out
 The ________________which removes salt and organic substances
 _________________system which removes excess water, metabolic wastes, and salts
41. To stay healthy, _____________________within the body must be maintained.
42. The ______________constantly monitors the amount of water in the blood.
43. Wastewater=_________________
44. Urinary system balances the amounts of certain _______and _______that must be present for
cell activities.
45. Kidneys: _________shaped, Filter_____, red-brown in color because of______________. Blood
in the kidney leaves through a large ________ and enters through a large ______________.
46. In the kidney are about 1 million tiny filtering units called _______________-.
47. Blood moves from a renal artery to the capillaries in the _________________structure of the
48. Filtration of the Kidney:
 The first filtration of the kidneys occurs when ________,____________,__________,and
________ from the blood pass into the nephron’s cuplike structure.
 Left behind in the cells are_______________________and ____________________.
 Then, the cuplike structure is squeezed into a _________________tubule.
 Capillaries that surround that tubule start the second filtration.
 Most of the ________,__________,and _______ are ________________to the blood.
 These collection capillaries merge in to small _________, which merge to form a renal
vein in each kidney.
 ____________blood is returned to the main circulatory system.
 The liquid wastewater left behind flows into the collecting tubules…wastewater
 An average sized person produces about ________of urine per day.
49. ________are tubes that lead from the kidneys to the bladder.
50. The _________-is an elastic, muscular organ that holds ________until it leaves the body.
51. A tube called the _______carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body (potty).
52. _____________also filters the blood to remove wastes.
53. What happens when kidneys don’t work well?
54. How can urine be detected? _______________
55. What is a dialysis machine?______________________________________
56. What is a dialysis machine used for?_________________________________
Answer Key:
Function of the Respiratory System: To breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide.
Breathing is the movement of the chest that brings air to the lungs and removes waste gases.
There is less oxygen in the blood than in the cells of the lungs.
Cellular Respiration: is delivered other cells to release energy (glucose).
Carbon Dioxide and water molecules are waste products of cellular respiration.
These waste products are carried back to the lungs in the blood.
Air enters the body through two openings: the mouth or the nostrils.
Fine Hairs in the nostrils trap dust from the air.
After this (#8) it passes through the nasal cavity, where is gets moistened and warmed.
This process helps filter the air we breathe.
The tiny hair like structures are called cilia, and the help sweep mucus to the back of the throat
where it can be swallowed.
The pharynx is the tube like passageway used by food, liquid, and air.
When you swallow, your epiglottis folds down to keep food or liquid from entering your airway.
If you begin to choke, it is because: your pharynx is a narrow passageway and food can get
logged in it easily, especially in small children (ex. peanuts)
The larynx is also called a voice box, and it is an airway.
Forcing air between the vocal cords in the larynx causes them to vibrate and produce a sound.
From the larynx, air moves into the trachea, another name for windpipe. This is a tube about 12
cm in length. Cartilage keeps the tube from collapsing.
The trachea is lined with mucous membranes and cilia.
Air is carried into your lungs by two short tubes called bronchi, which are at the end of the
Within the lungs, the bronchi branch into smaller tubes.
The smallest tubes are called bronchioles.
At the end of the bronchioles are clusters of tiny, thin-walled sacs called alveoli.
The capillaries surround the alveoli like a net.
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place between the alveoli and the capillaries.
Oxygen moves through the thin cell membranes of the alveoli and then through the cell
membranes of the capillaries into the blood. There oxygen is picked up by hemoglobin, and
carried to all body cells. At the same time, carbon dioxide and other cellular wastes leave the
body cells. Once the wastes move through the cell membranes, they are carried by the blood. In
the lungs, waste gases move through the cell membranes of the alveoli and capillaries. Then
waste gases leave the body during exhaling.
25. Why do you breathe? Signals from your brain tell the muscles in your chest and abdomen to
contract and relax.
26. As carbon dioxide increases, you breathing rate increases. When there is less, your breathing
rate decreases.
27. T/F-----You have to think about breathing, your brain doesn’t just tell you like it does with the
beating of your heart.
28. Breathing is partly the result of changes in air pressure.
29. Gases move from an area of high concentration to low concentration.
30. Your diaphragm is the muscle beneath your lungs that contracts and relaxes to help move gases
into and out of your lungs.
31. When you inhale, the rib cage moves up and the diaphragm moves down.
32. When you exhale, the rib cage moves down and the diaphragm moves up.
33. I am disease of the respiratory system that affects the upper respiratory system, and can cause
irritation and swelling. I am caused by bacteria or viruses. Who am I? (Lol) Cold
34. I am a disease that affects many of the body’s systems. The virus in my disease multiplies in the
cells lining of the alveoli and damages them. I am caused by a virus. Who am I? Influenza (flu)
35. I am an infection of the alveoli, caused by bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms. Who am I?
36. I am a disease in which the bronchial tubes are irritated and mucous is produced too much. I am
caused by smoking, polluted air, coal dust, and asbestos. Who am I? Bronchitis
37. I am a disease in which the alveoli in the lungs enlarge. I can cause people heart pain. I am
caused by smoking, polluted air, coal dust, and asbestos. Who am I? Emphysema
38. I am a disease that is the third leading cause of death in America. I am caused by carcinogens
found in cigarettes. No Smoking! Who am I? Lung Cancer
39. I am a lung disorder that causes shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing. Also, in my disease
bronchial tubes contract quickly. I am caused by cigarette smoke, plants pollen, certain foods, or
polluted air. Who am I? Asthma
Excretory System
40. Functions:
a. Eliminates wastes…
b. Examples:
c. Digestive system which removes water and undigested food
d. Respiratory system which sends carbon dioxide and water out
e. The Skin which removes salt and organic substances
f. Urinary system which removes excess water, metabolic wastes, and salts
41. To stay healthy, fluid levels within the body must be maintained.
42. The hypothalamus constantly monitors the amount of water in the blood.
43. Wastewater= URINE!!
44. Urinary system balances the amounts of certain salts and water that must be present for cell
45. Kidneys: Bean shaped, Filter blood, red-brown in color because of all the stored blood. Blood in
the kidney leaves through a large vein and enters through a large artery.
46. In the kidney are about 1 million tiny filtering units called nephrons.
47. Blood moves from a renal artery to the capillaries in the cuplike structure of the nephron.
48. Filtration of the Kidney:
a. The first filtration of the kidneys occurs when water, sugar, salt, and wastes from the
blood pass into the nephron’s cuplike structure.
b. Left behind in the cells are red blood cells and proteins.
c. Then, the cuplike structure is squeezed into a narrow tubule.
d. Capillaries that surround that tubule start the second filtration.
e. Most of the water, sugar, and salt are reabsorbed to the blood.
f. These collection capillaries merge in to small veins, which merge to form a renal vein in
each kidney.
g. Purified blood is returned to the main circulatory system.
h. The liquid wastewater left behind flows into the collecting tubules…wastewater called:
i. An average sized person produces about 1L of urine per day.
49. Ureters are tubes that lead from the kidneys to the bladder.
50. The bladder-is an elastic, muscular organ that holds urine until it leaves the body.
51. A tube called the urethra carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body (potty).
52. The Liver also filters the blood to remove wastes.
53. What happens when kidneys don’t work well? The waste products that were not filtered by the
kidneys act as poisons to the body cells. Also the un-removed water can accumulate and cause
54. How can urine be detected? Color
55. What is a dialysis machine? A machine that helps people with kidney failure
56. What is a dialysis machine used for? It filters the blood since the kidneys can’t.