Good Evil

Kylie Bradshaw
The Harry Potter series written, by J. K. Rowling is an incredibly popular series, worldwide. The books have sold a
record 450 million copies and have been translated into 70 different languages (par. 3). Despite its fantastical amount of fame,
there are many who say that the books are evil, Satanic, and go against the teachings in the bible that give commandments
such as, “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that
useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a
wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord… (Deut. 18:10-12).” It is argued that
the series corrupts the minds of its young readers by glorifying wiccan rituals and does not set a clear line between good and
evil. It is also said to even give many nightmares due to its dark themes. While many people have ideas such as those, there are
plenty of others, who believe that the books do, in fact, teach young readers the difference between good and evil. Despite
that it is about a world of witchcraft and wizardry, it contains many Biblical beliefs and allusions by way of the creatures
represented in the novels, the characters it introduces, and the events that take place. Throughout the Harry Potter series,
there are many biblical allusions that one can find upon close evaluation. They may not be easy to notice upon first glance, but
if read with the right frame of mind, these allusions are everywhere! On the other hand, there are characters who make it hard
to distinguish between right and wrong.
Phoenix: Often represents resurrection, rebirth
after repentance, and even the Holy Spirit.
Unicorns: They are always said to be pure, like
Christ . Killing one is comparable to denying Christ
Thestrals: These creatures can represent faith.
They cannot be seen by most but they are always
there pulling the carriages.
Giants: These creatures are often unpredictable and
violent. In the bible, it often expresses the need to stay on
the righteous path because the wrong path is unpredictable.
Dementors: They are terrible creatures that instill fear
in everyone. They represent depression and the loss of
hope. The Devil tries to make one lose hope and believe
that they are beyond the point of no return when one sins
Snake: This creature is one of the most common
allusions that appear in the series. The biggest is in
reference to the serpent in the Garden of Eden that
tempted Adam and Eve to partake of the Forbidden Fruit.
This snake represents the Devil..
Harry Potter: Harry is a multilayered character. He is one of
many that represents Christ; he is The Boy Who Lived and the
one who is supposed to save the world, according to the
Lord Voldemort: This character represents all things
evil, just like Satan. They also are associated with snakes.
prophesy. Similarly, Christ was the Son of God who saved the
Neither one know how to love, they only know how to
world from sin.
Lily Potter: She is also like Christ in the way she gave up her
life to save Harry’s and in doing so created a protection for him.
Her name also is a symbol of purity which is a Christ-like
Albus Dumbledore: This wizard can represent God in the
fact that he always appears to be all-knowing.
Severus Snape: Snape was once on the Dark Lord’s side but
switched over to fight for good. The process was a painful one
full of regret and sorrow. His whole character represents
repentance and spiritual rebirth.
Bellatrix Lestrange: Bellatrix is said to be in love with
Voldemort. Since Voldemort represents all things evil, she,
quite literally, loves evil. She only lives to commit evil acts.
Pettigrew’s betrayal: Peter was the Potter’s Secret Keeper to their hide out away from Lord Voldemort. He betrays that
secret to Voldemort, who finds the Potter’s and kills Lily and James. This part of the story is like they way Judas betrayed
Christ’s identity to those who sought to crucify him.
Cemetery: While Harry and Hermione are in the cemetery in Godric’s Hollow, they come across headstones that have
quotes on them. Upon further research, it is proven that the quotes are from different books in the bible.
The Resurrection Stone: When Harry goes into the Forbidden Forrest to sacrifice himself to Voldemort for the sake of
everyone else, he summons the spirits of his father, mother, Sirius, and Lupin. He asks them to stay with him as he goes. This
is similar to when Christ went to the Garden of Gethsemene. He asks His disciples to wait for him as he goes to pray.
Fawkes’ death: Fawkes is a phoenix. At one point in the series, Harry goes into Dumbledore’s office to talk to him.
While in there waiting, Fawkes suddenly bursts into flames and turns to ash. In no time at all, Fawkes is suddenly reborn from
the ashes. Christ died and suffered for the sins of everyone and was soon resurrected in his tomb.
 To many, mainly those of Christian faiths, the series does not set a
clear line between good and evil. This, for them, is a concern they
have for their young readers. They fear that it will set a bad example
for the young readers, that it encourages them to be a fence sitter
when it comes to choosing right from wrong. Here are some
examples as to where their fear stems from.
This student starts out seemingly bad from the beginning.
He and Harry have a rivalry from day one. As the series goes on,
readers learn that his father, Lucius is a Death Eater. Even further
down the line, it is discovered that Draco has become a Death
While the opposing side may have a point, they
also need to remember that no one is perfect. Most
people during their teenage years go through a period
Eater himself and has been chosen to murder Dumbledore. When
of trying to find out who they really are. They may
it comes to that crucial point in his career as a Death Eater in
make mistakes along the way but many of them turn
book 6, Draco finds that he cannot finish the deed. Throughout
out to be good, hard working people. Society forgives
that entire book, Draco struggles with who he is and who he is to
become. At the end of the series, Harry ends up saving Draco’s
them of their past mistakes and more importantly,
life twice. This is enough to push not only Draco but also his
God forgives them of their past mistakes. While
parents to back away from the fight. Draco’s mother, Narcissa,
Malfoy’s personal struggle is different from a real
even saves Harry’s life. The key problem here is that they don’t
teenager’s, the concept is the same. In the end he
fight against Voldemort, they avoid the fight completely. Many
chooses to be good rather than evil.
leaders in Christian faiths believe that this will encourage their
youth to do the same; be mostly good but never fight for it.
The moment readers are introduced to Snape, they are sure that he
is a bad egg. He always is in a bad mood, always wears black, works in the
dungeon, constantly picks on Harry and other kids with low self-esteem,
and is always acting suspicious. Throughout the entire series, no one is
It does seem at first that Snape’s character
glorifies bullying. Upon further evaluation, he can be
seen as a scared child whose only outlet is to bully.
ever sure of whose side he is on. At one point, readers find that he indeed
When kids bully others in school, often it is a result of
is branded with the Dark Mark, but if Dumbledore trusts him, shouldn’t
a hard life and home situation. Society understands
everyone else? Even when Snape kills Dumbledore, everyone thinks that
that and tries to help those kids. In Snape’s case, he
their suspicions have been laid to rest. Readers don’t discover the total
too does not have any outlet but to bully, even
truth until the end of the seventh book. As it turns out, Snape was in love
with Harry’s mother, even during his days as a Death Eater. As soon as he
though he really is a good person. The difference is
learns of the Dark Lord’s plans to kill the Potter’s, he immediately goes to
that no one knows his true character and so no one is
Dumbledore to reveal all of Voldemort’s plans. He begs Dumbledore to
able to offer their help. Snape is simply someone who
protect Lily and her family. Everything he does from then on, always
needs forgiveness.
risking his life, is for Lily. Many see Snape’s character as a temptation to
treat others badly. While Snape may ultimately be a good guy, he still
treats those around him with distain and hatred. This could pose a
problem in that it teaches young readers that hate isn’t a bad thing.
Harry is always seen as a good person to readers
It seems that the opposing side is always quick to
in every book. When reading the books, Harry isn’t so
jump to conclusions. While many may fear that if
sure that he is a good person. He often fears that
their parents are bad, they are bad too, the majority of
because of his connection with Voldemort, he himself
those with that fear prove it wrong. They do so by
is a bad person. Various characters put his suspicions
being good, contributing citizens. Harry is just a way
to rest and he even does so by destroying Voldemort.
to relate to those kinds of readers. Even though he is
Those of Christian faith fear that these ideas will
not always sure he is a good person, he works hard to
cause panic in those who are born to parents who
prove to himself as well as everyone else that he, in
aren’t good people. It could lead to them believing
fact is a good person, no matter what curse hit him.
that they are bad as well and therefor feel no remorse
He is there to help readers realize that no matter what
for making bad decisions.
they deal with, they can always be good.
 While leaders of Christian faiths may have a point, that point seems
minimal. When compared to all of the biblical allusions and ideas that
appear in the series, their qualms seem miniscule. It appears that they are
looking at the story narrow-mindedly, jumping to conclusions to quickly.
These books can’t be read with a negative mind. They need to be read as
if the reader is yearning to learn something new. When reading the series,
it is important to be open to new possibilities, it is a fantasy after all.