Spanish Second Level Weather

Spanish Second Level
The Weather
The weather and seasons
¿Qué tiempo hace?
Hace buen tiempo
Hace calor
Hace frío
Está nublado
Está nevando
Está lloviendo
Hace viento/hay viento
Hace sol/hay sol
What’s the weather like?
It’s nice
It’s hot
It’s cold
It’s grey
It’s snowing
It’s raining
It’s windy
It’s sunny
Las estaciones
¿Qué estación?
Es la primavera
Es el verano
Es el otoño
Es el invierno
The seasons
What season is it?
It’s spring
It’s summer
It’s autumn
It’s winter
Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning
• Actively take part in daily routine
• Understand and respond to classroom instructions and personal
information from familiar sources
• Listen, join in and respond to a story, song or poem
• Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays
• Further develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for
other countries, cultures and languages
• Demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of the value of
language learning including skills for life and work
• Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves, others
and interests of their choice
• Ask for help confidently using learned phrases and familiar language
• Give a short presentation about a familiar topic
• Pronounce words sufficiently accurately so as to make the meaning
• Work with others and make a successful contribution to a group
presentation in English supported by the target languages
Second Level Significant Aspects of
• Read aloud a simple text
• Read and understand a variety of simple texts
• Make comparisons between English and
target language (including use of a bi-lingual
dictionary with support)
• Write about themselves and others and check
the accuracy of own writing
• Exchange straightforward information in
writing using familiar words and phrases
Please note.
• First section of this powerpoint recaps
weather vocab from Early/ First level.
• If pupils are already secure, you could skip
straight through to seasons.
¿Qué tiempo hace?
¡Hace buen tiempo!
¡Hace calor!
¡Hace frío!
¡Hace mal tiempo!
Hace viento
Hace sol
Las estaciones
La Primavera
El Verano
El otoño
El invierno
¿Qué estación?
¿Qué estación?
¡Si, es el Verano!
¿Qué estación?
¡Si, es el invierno!
¿Qué estación?
¡Si, es el otoño!
¿Qué estación?
¡Si, es la primavera!
Embedding the language
Ask what the weather is like/ Season in
Spanish at the start of everyday along
with the date.
While learning outdoors in differing weathers, I have described and recorded the
weather, its effects and how it makes me feel and can relate my recordings to the
SOC 0-12a
Sample activities
You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to
practise the vocabulary in the classroom.
This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or
adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
You will find a set of more challenging activities in First Level
¿Qué tiempo hace?
• Look at the following weather
• Listen to the audio description of
the weather.
• Decide which Season they are
¿Que estacion?
las fotos
eschuchad los
de los
¡Decidid que estacion es!
¿Qué estacion?
¡Si, es el verano!
¿Qué estacion?
¡Si, es la primavera!
¿Qué estacion?
¡Si, es el otoño!
¿Qué estacion?
¡Si, es el invierno!
¿Qué tiempo hace?
Spanish weather rap.
• On the next slide is a rap about Spanish weather to
the tune of a Black Eyed Peas song.
• Show pupils the rap – add actions if you like.
• Once you have taught pupils the key weather vocab,
pupils can create their own weather rap.
• Pupils should choose a popular song they know the
tune to. Then create a rap/song about the weather
to that tune.
• These can then be performed/recorded as
assessment at end of unit.
El tiempo rap
Explain everything app!
• If your school has ipads/ tablets you can use
explain everything for pupils to create an exciting
presentation about the weather.
• This link is from the digital learning team website
which explains how to use the app.
• Pupils can demonstrate the vocab they have learned
through drawing, writing and recording audio in
Songs and videos!
You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use
to practise the vocabulary in the classroom.
This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt
them to suit the needs of your class.
You will find a set of more challenging activities in First Level
Days of the Week and Months.
Spanish weather song
Seasons and weather song
ICT Resources online
You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to
practise the vocabulary in the classroom.
This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or
adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
You will find a set of more supported activities in Early Feelings
and more challenging activities in Level 2 Feelings.
Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you
click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you
can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.
Not again Farley Weather
Weather matching game.