CIS 162 Final Exam Study Guide

CIS 162 Final Exam
Study Guide
Date, Time & Location
 Saturday, April 20th
 9:00 am – 11:00 am
 Lower-level of Manitou
Items you should bring
A good eraser and pencils. Do not use ink since that may require you to scratch parts of
your answers and cause them to be unclear.
Indent your code appropriately so that the reader can easily understand your code.
Write legibly and clearly. In order to help in that respect, outline an algorithm on the back
of your 8.5” x 11” sheet before writing your final answer.
Electronic devices are not allowed. Do not bring music players, calculators, cell phones
and so forth.
Topic List
 Writing code using loops, if statements and Strings
 Writing a complete class
 Tracing code with method calls
 Arithmetic expressions
 Terms and key concepts from Ch 2 - 8
 Writing code with arrays and ArrayLists
 Writing code from Project 5 – Adventure Game
 Software Failure stories from the end of Ch 2, 7, and 8
 Identifying compile and runtime errors