
Can we put all the pieces back together again?
Lincoln’s Plan for Reunification
Lincoln’s plan
TN, VA, LA and ARK in the union again
Congress would not allow them to take their seats
Under executive control
If 10% of the voting population of the presidential election of 1860 swear allegiance
to the US, they are in.
Radical Republicans
Make the South pay!
a desire among some to punish the South for causing the war
Concern for the freedmen
believed that the federal government had a role to play in the
transition of freedmen from slavery to freedom
Political concerns
the Radicals wanted to keep the Republican Party in power in both the
North and the South.
Wave the bloody shirt
Remind everyone that the Confederates are Democrats
Wade-Davis Bill
Lincoln killed it with a pocket veto
Instead of 10%, a state needed 50% of the 1860 Presidential election.
Iron-clad oath
Never helped the Confederacy
State constitutions had to be amended
Forfeited rights theory
The states had never been out of the Union, but had forfeited certain rights under the
Constitution, which could be restored only through the direction of Congress.
Theory of State Suicide
Although the states had not been out of the Union, the adoption of ordinances of
secession had caused them to commit felo de se
In the status of territories
Congress prescribed rules and regulations.
Charles Sumner
Conquered Province Theory
Thaddeus Stevens
States in question had lost all their rights under the Constitution, and were merely so
much conquered territory, possessing only the rights they might claim under
international law.
Three days prior to his assassination
Abraham Lincoln related a dream he had to his wife and a few friends.
Ward Lamon
: "About ten days ago, I retired very late. I had been up waiting for important
dispatches from the front. I could not have been long in bed when I fell into a slumber,
for I was weary. I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a death-like stillness
about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a number of people were weeping. I
thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was broken by the
same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible.
I went from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful
sounds of distress met me as I passed along. I saw light in all the rooms; every object
was familiar to me; but where were all the people who were grieving as if their hearts
would break? I was puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning of all this?
Determined to find the cause of a state of things so mysterious and so shocking, I kept
on until I arrived at the East Room, which I entered.
There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a
corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were
acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, gazing mournfully upon the
corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully. 'Who is dead in the White
House?' I demanded of one of the soldiers, 'The President,' was his answer; 'he was
killed by an assassin.’
Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which woke me from my dream. I
slept no more that night; and although it was only a dream, I have been strangely
annoyed by it ever since."[10]
Assassination was Planned
John Wilkes Booth
Southerner who hated Lincoln
Planned a kidnapping
Lewis Paine-(Powell)-Seward
George Atzerodt-Vice President
Ford’s theater
The others
“Your name is mudd!”
Family members, as late as 2003, were still trying to get his conviction overturned.
TN Boy
Read about Johnson’s reconstruction plan
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Gave the freedman due process of law and citizenship.
Questions answered by the war
13th amendment Slavery is gone
States Rights
14th Amendment
Put it in the Constitution
Due Process and citizenship
Passed with the support of the Northern states
Deal for the South
Ok the 14th amendment and the reconstruction process would be over
Sinful 10
Congressional Elections of 1866
Johnson and Grant both campaigned for Johnson’s Reconstruction plan.
Did not work
Radical Republicans won ¾ of the seats in BOTH houses of Congress.
They could override any Presidential Veto.
Reconstruction Act of 1867
What were the main intentions of the federal government's reconstruction
efforts? Ed Ayers:
A good way to think of Reconstruction is a set of goals that the Republicans in
Washington had in mind. And those goals are for the South to rebuild the social order
along the lines of the North: free labor, free ballot box, and general equality before the
law. That's all. And when those things are in place, then the South is back in the Union.
But as simple as that sounds, in practice it is remarkably complicated.
Yankees in the South
Enforce post-Civil War order and protect former slaves
But they had help from
Black Americans
The Help
opportunists and exploiters bent on grabbing economic and political benefits.
Southerners who would help the Yankees.
They were in the majority
Black Reconstruction
Black Reconstruction
C- p. 486
R-Go online
Hiram Rhodes Revels
C&R-Go online
Ace in the Hole
The Black vote
15th amendment-Right to vote
BUT…grandfather clause (Guinn v. US)
literacy tests
poll taxes
“Forty acres and a mule"
Sherman-to get rid of the slaves following his army
Freed slaves welcomed it as proof that emancipation would finally give them a stake
in the land they had worked as slaves for so long.
The orders were in effect for only one year.
That is mine!
Southerners came home and claimed what was theirs.
They had the support of President Johnson
They must rebuild the Southern agricultural economy.
Negotiations between former slave and slaveholders.
Land had not been cultivated in sometimes four years
Railroads were a mess
Houses were in disarray
Some items were taken by the former slaves for safe keeping
Poor, illiterate and intimidated by widespread violence after the Civil War, many
former slaves agreed to sharecropping contracts, designed to keep them poor.
Let’s get rid of Andy
Edwin B Stanton
Sec of War
Spy for the Radicals
Andy wanted to get rid of him
So let’s get rid of Andy
Tenure of Office Act
Overrode Johnson’s veto
Have to get Congressional consent to fire on of your own people
High Crimes and Misdemeanors
Johnson tried to get Congressional approval
So fired Stanton anyway
House of Representatives charged Johnson and impeached him
Seven Martyrs
Johnson is tried before the Senate and found not guilty
The seven Rep who tipped the scale were never allowed to have public office again
Triumph for Checks and Balances
Johnson won
Made sure that Congress could not hold the office of the President hostage
But, never had any power
Lets’ buy Alaska?
$7,200,000 (about 1.9¢ per acre)
$108,300,000 in modern terms
The New York World said that it was a "sucked orange." It contained nothing of value
but furbearing animals, and these had been hunted until they were nearly extinct.
Except for the Aleutian Islands and a narrow strip of land extending along the
southern coast the country would be not worth taking as a gift.... Unless gold were
found in the country much time would elapse before it would be blessed with Hoe
printing presses, Methodist chapels and a metropolitan police.
Seward’s Folly
Andrew Johnson's Polar Bear Garden
Seward Day-Last Monday in March
Election of 1868
R- Grant
Grant as President
Widespread political corruption
Credit Mobilier
Black Friday
Indian Ring
Whiskey Ring
On Every Level
State Reconstruction
Scalawags & Carpetbaggers
City level
New York’s Tweed ring
Credit Mobilier
Read about Credit Mobilier
C-Go online
Vice President Skylar Colfax had been bribed as well
Black Friday
Gould and Fisk wanted to corner the gold market
Got Grant’s brother in law to make sure Grant would not stop them
In the end, Grant made sure this did not happen, but…
The Indian Ring
Grant’s Secretary of War, William W. Belknap, accepted bribes from companies with
licenses to trade on the reservations of many Native American tribes.
The Whiskey Ring
In the years following the Civil War, federal liquor taxes were raised to extremely high
rates to help pay off the cost of the fighting.
To avoid paying this, distillers would bribe officials.
Grant’s personal secretary, Babcock, was involved
Things go sooo bad, it led to the use of the term “Grantism,” a word synonymous with
greed and corruption .
Grant also signed into law making Christmas a federal holiday in 1870
The Confederate Soldier
Men and officers were "allowed to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by
United States authority so long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force
where they may reside.".
This stipulation allowed Confederate soldiers to return to their homes without the
threat of trials for treason
All had to apply for individual pardons
Former Confederate government officials with the rank of colonel and above from the
Confederate army
Lieutenant and above from the Confederate navy.
People owning more than $20,000 worth of property
When the Military Reconstruction Act was set up
Amnesty Act of 1872
President Grant signs the Amnesty Act of 1872 into law restoring full civil rights to all
but about 500 Confederate sympathizers
Election of 1872
R- Grant
D-Horace Greeley
Grant 2nd administration
Redeemers -(Democrats) were taking more and more control from the Republicans in
the South.
KKK “helped”
Yellowstone National Park
Election of 1876
R-Rutherford Hayes
D-Samuel Tilden
Tilden WON!!!!
Old 8-7
Hayes was mediocre
Only thing of worth is that he ended Military Reconstruction
Reading Assignments
Freedman’s Bureau
End of material for the final exam, you sorry individuals!