Unit 4 Foner's “Give Me Liberty” Part of Ch. 8, Ch. 9

Unit 4 Foner’s “Give Me Liberty” Part of Ch. 8, Ch. 9-13
Note that Unit 4 will be divided into two exams (Ch. 8-10 and Ch. 11-13)
You will need to access the weebly site in order to get the Foner readings and answer the
questions. Note that there could be a reading quiz or homework check at any time.
Oct 16: Read pp 255-262 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws”)1. Revolution of 1800
2. How did slavery play a role in the politics of the day?
3. Gabriel’s Rebellion
4. Jefferson as president
5. Marbury v Madison
6. Judicial Review
AND Read pp 262-267 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws”)1. Louisiana Purchase
2. Lewis and Clark
3. Barbary Wars
4. Embargo
5. Madison and war—who wanted war with the British? Why?
Oct 19: Read pp 267-280 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws” where necessary)1. War of 1812
2. Treaty of Ghent
3. Effects of the War of 1812
4. What three historical processes were accelerated after the War of 1812?
5. How is freedom being defined?
6. To what extent is America physically transforming? Consider the innovations that
improved economic ventures and transportation.
7. Explain how the market revolution gave rise to the West.
8. What happened with Florida? Include an identification of the Adams-Onis Treaty of
Oct 20: Read pp 280-291 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws” where necesary)1. Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin
2. How was the westward movement “unfree”?
3. How did the market revolution affect the South? The North? The West?
4. How did the market revolution affect cities?
5. IHOS: The Factory System (I=identify H=historical context O=Outcome S=Significance)
6. What was life like for the industrial worker? How did this affect women in particular?
7. In what ways did American law support the efforts of business?
8. What was Manifest Destiny?
Oct 21: Read pp 291-301 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws” where necessary)1. Transcendentalism
2. Individualism
IHOS: The Second Great Awakening
How did the prosperity of the market revolution affect the following?
a. John Jacob Astor and other self-made men
b. Free blacks
c. Women
d. Skilled Craftsmen
7. Republican Motherhood versus the Cult of Domesticity
8. How does Foner summarize the market revolution?
Oct 22: Read pp 306-316 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws” where necessary)1. Describe democracy in America. Consider how specific groups are left out—women and
African Americans in particular.
2. IHOS: The American System
3. Why was the Bank of the U.S. important?
4. IHOS: The Panic of 1819
5. McCulloch v Maryland
6. IHOS: The Missouri Compromise
Oct 23: Read pp 316-321 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws” where necessary)1. Monroe Doctrine
2. Election of 1824
3. Corrupt bargain
4. What did Van Buren believe about political parties?
5. Election of 1828
Oct 24: Read pp 321-328 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws” where necessary)1. Give three examples of how Jackson was a man of contradictions.
2. Describe the workings of:
a. political machines
b. party conventions
3. Jackson’s kitchen cabinet
4. Specie Circular (333)
5. Compare and contrast the Whigs with the Democrats (you may do this in chart or
diagram form)…use 322-325 for a thorough analysis.
6. Nullification Crisis
Oct 26: Read pp 328-336 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws” where necessary)1. The following are KEY events under Jackson’s presidency.
a. Indian Removal
b. The Bank War (the “killing” of the national bank)
c. Pet banks
2. Van Buren (“affectionately” known as Van Ruin) had to deal with the consequences of
Jackson’s economic policies. Describe:
a. The Panic of 1837
b. Van Buren’s actions to address the panic
3. Jackson has been adored by historians or vilified by them. How does Foner seem to treat
Jackson? Positively? Negatively? Balanced? Use specific examples from the reading to
support your position.
Oct 29: Test Ch. 8-10 (Combo or all multiple choice)
Oct 30: Read pp 337-345
1. peculiar institution (vocabulary)
2. Mason-Dixon Line (vocabulary)
3. South’s white gold (vocabulary)
4. Paternalism (vocabulary)
5. How did the paternalistic ethos justify slavery?
6. Foner writes that the economic investment of slaves had far exceeded the value of
the nation’s factories, railroads, and banks. How does he account for this?
7. How did the southern slave system affect the north?
8. How did slavery hurt the south’s development?
9. How many people actually owned slaves in the south?
10. How did the majority of white southerners make a living?
11. Why did the South’s non-slave holding population so readily accept slavery and
the power exerted by the elite plantation class?
12. Compared to the north, in what ways was southern society somewhat
13. What were the key arguments of the pro-slaveryites?
Nov 2: Read pp 346-353
1. By the 1830s, notions of slavery being a necessary evil and even a questionable
institution were replaced with other ideas. What were these ideas?
2. Describe the law as it pertained to slaves.
3. What happened in the case of Celia?
4. As the 1800s progressed, what improvements were made to slave living
5. What was life like for free blacks in the Old South?
Nov 3: Read pp 353-365
1. Describe the worst aspects of slave labor.
2. How were slaves kept under control?
3. How did religion help slaves?
4. How did slaves resist?
**Think 5 “Ws” on the following:
5. Amistad case
6. Gabriel’s Rebellion
7. Turner’s Rebellion
8. Denmark Vesey
Nov 4: Read pp 367-376—Be prepared for a quiz…you may use your notes from reading
Nov 5: Read pp 376-388—Be prepared for a quiz…you may use your notes from reading
Nov 6: Read pp 388-396 and answer the following based on the entire chapter
1. What role did African Americans play in the antislavery movement?
2. What was the most effective piece of anti-slavery literature? Why?
3. The abolition movement was not without violence…what happened to William
Lloyd Garrison? Elijah Lovejoy?
4. What did Douglass mean when he said, “When the true history of the antislavery
cause shall be written, women will occupy a large space in its pages”?
5. In what other ways did women seek to reform society? (make sure you note
Dorothea Dix and the Grimke sisters)
6. What were the women at Seneca Falls advocating? How did they understand
freedom and liberty?
7. Describe the split within the abolitionist movement.
Nov 9: Read pp 397-409 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws”)1. Continental Expansion
2. Mormon’s plight
3. Texas Revolt
4. Texas annexation-why did it take so long to finally make Texas part of America?
5. President Polk
6. War with Mexico (consider causes and consequences)
7. California Gold Rush
Nov 10: Read pp 409-420 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws” where necessary)1. Wilmot Proviso
2. Free Soil Party
3. Compromise of 1850 (note Clay’s role)
4. How did the issue of California cause a great debate?
5. Fugitive Slave Law (the new one that was part of the 1850 Compromise)
6. Kansas-Nebraska Act
7. Northern economy
8. Rise of the Republican Party
9. Growth of Immigration
10. Rise of Know-Nothings
Nov 12: Read pp 420-425 and answer the following (think about the 5 “Ws” where necessary)1. What does free labor ideology refer to?
2. According to Republicans, why should slavery be kept out of the territories?
3. Though many abolitionists joined the Republican Party, the party itself did not promote
abolitionism. Why?
4. Bleeding Kansas
5. Who were the candidates in the 1856 election and what was the outcome?
6. Dred Scott decision
7. What was Lincoln’s stance on slavery?
Nov 13: Read pp 426-435
1. Lincoln-Douglass debates
2. What role did Harpers Ferry and John Brown play in further dividing North and South?
3. How does William Walker’s expedition into Nicaragua illustrate southern nationalism?
4. Vocabulary to define: fire-eater
5. What happens to the Democratic Party in 1860?
6. Election of 1860 (note too the Republican Party platform)
7. Describe the secessionist movement.
8. How does Buchanan handle the above crisis?
9. If Lincoln had accepted the Crittenden Compromise, would that have solved the crisis or
simply postponed it? Explain your position.
10. Firing on Fort Sumter
Nov 18 Exam Ch. 11-13 (Combo or all multiple choice)