What is Biology? Biology is the Study of Life Biologist study the interactions of life. Entomologist Anthropologist Ornithologist Botanist Zoologist How does science define life? There are 8 different Characteristics that an organism must have to be considered. What might these be? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juxLuo-sH6M Share with the person next to you and come up with 8 characteristics of all living things. Cells/Organization Living things are highly organized: they are all composed of tiny living units called cells. Cells are the smallest units that are considered alive. Some organisms consist of only a single cell, others have trillions. Multicellular Unicellular Image from: http://www.time.com/time/daily/special/genetics/ethics.html Obtain and use energy Living things take in energy to grow, develop and reproduce. The chemical reactions that build up or break down materials is called metabolism. Image from http://photographytips.com/page.cfm/3575 Reproduction Individual organisms die, but the species continues because of reproduction. Reproduction without genetic contribution from two parents is called asexual. Sexual reproduction produces offspring with genetic material from both parents. Imae from http://www.karlloren.com/biopsy/p66.htm Image from http://www.cccturtle.org/contents.htm Growth and Development Living things grow over their lifetimes. Single- celled organisms increase their volume and multicellular organisms add to the number of cells in their body. Development example: seed to apple tree Image from http://www.sosun.com/company.html Response to the Environment When presented with the proper stimulus, a living organism will respond. Example: chemical produced by a plant to keep caterpillars away. Image from http://greennature.com/gallery/caterpillarpictures/cinnebar-caterpillar.html Living things evolve Groups of organisms will evolve or change over time. Evidence of these changes can be found in living things and fossils. Darwin and Natural Selection provide the evidence satorismiles.com/.../ Maintain stable internal environment Organism must keep their internal environment stable even when the external environment changes. Maintaining an organisms internal environment is referred to as homeostasis. Ex: humans internal temperature Universal genetic code All information needed to live and grow is stored in a genetic code known as DNA. Information is passed from parent to offspring. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss3/DN A2.gif Any Questions? Let’s review….What are the characteristics of life? Write down the characteristics we talked about today Do scientists consider this living? http://s.hswstatic.com/gif/light-virus-1.jpg Consider all 8 characteristics of life Do you think a virus is living or not and defend your answer? Unity and diversity of life How is the unity of life, the fact that all living things share the same characteristics explained? Let’s go outside! Part 1- Collect and/or observe 5 specimens from outside. They can be anything as long as we are not damaging the ecosystem Write down observations during your time outside. You have 10 minutes You will come back inside and pair up with another person. Compare your observations. Group your specimens together and indicate why you grouped them that way. Make a list of similarities and differences. Unity: due to common ancestry Diversity: having different forms through adaptations in response to different environments http://www.riverdell.org/cms/lib05/NJ01001380/Centricity/Domain/85/evolutionary_t ree_of_life.gif Diversity Diversity of organisms has occurred through adaptations to different environments. Which characteristic of life does this connect to? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY BT1pC7uuA http://2.bp.blogspot.com/1Lq_mfiF1BE/UGM7XK2RtzI/AAAAAAAAA_0/IutmR0TLYfw/s1600/BIOL OGY.png Taxonomy Organization of organisms that have similar structures and function. Why should we classify organaisms? http://www2.estrellamountain.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/kingdoms.gif Six Kingdoms and 3 Domains http://go.hrw.com/venus_images/science/mbbios02005a.jpg Classification Carl Linneaus – developed modern taxonomy Organized organisms based on common structures which reflects evolutionary relationships Developed two part naming system called Binomial Nomeclature http://media-cacheak0.pinimg.com/236x/da/83/07/da830730e48278b1393606ce552f8ccc.jpg