
Respiratory System
Unit 4
What is the difference between Ventilation and
How are External and Internal Respiration different?
Name the organs of the Upper Resp Tract. [4]
What are the 3 functions of the Nasal Cavity?
How many bones make up the sinuses?
Name the organs of the Lower Respiratory Tract. [6]
What 3 actions do the sinuses do?
What is another name for the Pharynx?
Name the 3 parts of the Pharynx/locations.
What is another name for the voicebox?
What type of tissue lines the Respiratory Tract?
What’s its function?
What is the flap that covers the Trachea? What is its
What is the trachea made of? Shape?
What is the name where the trachea branches into the
Ventilation [Breathing]- the act of moving air
in/out of the lungs
Respiration- process where ventilation occurs
along with the exchange of gases in the lungs
and the body tissues
Types of Respiration
External Respiration
-exchange of gases between air in lungs and
blood [alveoli and pulm. capillaries]
Internal Respiration
-exchange of gases between the blood stream
and body’s tissues
Upper Respiratory Tract Organs
- Nose, Nasal Cavity, Sinuses, Pharynx
Lower Respiratory Tract Organs
- Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs, Bronchial Tree, Alveoli
Upper Respiratory Tract
- made of bone and cartilage
- nares/nostrils-openings guarded by hairs that filter
Nasal Cavity
-divided sagitally by nasal septum
-lined with mucous membrane
1. Warms air
2. Moistens air
3. Traps particles
Nasal Conchae [superior, middle, inferior turbinate]
-bony, scroll like projections on lateral wall of each cavity
-increase surface area inside [helps mucous membrane]
-channel and speed up airflow through nose
-air filled hollow spaces inside 4 bones of skull
[ethmoid, sphenoid, maxillary and frontal bones]
- positioned around nose
-lined with mucous membrane
Drain fluids
Decrease weight of skull
Resonate the voice
Pharynx [throat]
-3 regions: Nasopharynx-posterior to nasal cavity
Oropharynx-posterior to oral cavity
Laryngopharynx- posterior to larynx
*Pseudostratified ciliated epithelial tissue lines most of
Cilia encourages flow of mucous
-trapped particles travel down esophagus into stomach
Lower Respiratory Tract
Larynx [voicebox]
-walls made of cartilage
-Thyroid cartilage [adam’s apple]
-Epiglottic cartilage- covered with mucous membrane
-epiglottis blocks opening to trachea [glottis] when
False Vocal cords- musc/conn. tissue; same function as
True Vocal cords- musc/elastic fibers; vibrate with air
passage; helps form words
Trachea [windpipe]
-Anterior to esophagus
-4-5 inches long
-Connects larynx to thoracic cavity
-Divides inferiorly at an area called the carina, into R and L
primary bronchi (each lung)
-Lined w/ciliated mucous membrane
-Made of “C”-shaped cartilage rings allowing for expansion
of esophagus when consuming food
-Also smooth muscle
Primary bronchi lead into the lungs and divide to form the
bronchial tree
Primary bronchi  secondary bronchi tertiary bronchi
bronchioles alveolar ducts  alveoli
Lungs [Right and Left]
-Right – 3 lobes (upper, middle, lower)
– divided by 2 fissures (horizontal b/w upper and middle
lobes; oblique fissure b/w middle and lower)
-Left - 2 lobes (upper, lower)
– divide by oblique fissure. Lung is slightly smaller to
accommodate space for the heart
Pleural Cavity
-double-layered membrane covering
-visceral pleura: inner layer on the lung surface
-parietal pleura: outer layer lines the inside of the thoracic
-space in b/w the pleural layers filled with serous fluid to
reduce friction as lungs inflate and deflate.
Pleurisy- infection of the pleural layers. Reduced serous
fluid and increased friction when breathing
-Serous fluid creates surface tension b/w the pleural layers
-keeps them adhered to each other
-essential for keeping the lungs inflated.
 When the outer pleural membrane (parietal pl.) moves
outward because it is attached to the thoracic wall ,the
inner pleural layer (visceral pl.) moves with it.
 Pneumothorax: air gets in the pleural space
 Atelectasis: too much air gets in the pleural space
disrupting surface tension b/w the pleural layers and
causes collapsed lung.