GAC013 Assessment Event 2: Case Study Investigation (Draft)
Compare and Contrast the Two
Scientific Advances
Student’s Name: Song Yongsung
Student ID #:
Daniel Choi
Due Date:
19 July 2012
Word Count:
Table of Contents
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Process ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Data collection methods................................................................................................................................................... 1
Addressing the Research Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 2
Findings .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Discussion .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................................................. 3
Reference ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Appendices ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Appendix A .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Appendix B .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
GAC013 AE2
Song Yong Sung HUK21984
Two scientific researches about genetic mutation and cholesterol are both helpful to human society. I
used the internet when I researched about these topics in The New York Times. Also, I made a table to
compare the two findings. Next, I will explain how these findings contribute to human progress which
is helpful to general health. Finally, I choose the genetic mutation contribute better than other findings.
This essay is made to compare and contrast the two scientific discoveries for distinguishing the
scientific advances for human between finding good cholesterol which is called HDL and finding a
fish which adapt to PCBs by genetic mutation. Before I did a research on these two topics, I had a
stereotype that cholesterol is no way helpful for human health and that genetic mutation is always
harmful for organisms. This scientific finding should be helpful for human society so people don’t
avoid foods with low cholesterol content and the other predicted effect is that genetic mutation can be
helpful for people.
a) I decided on the two topics.
b) I researched on the internet to finding scientific discovery.
c) Compare the two scientific advances
d) Choose which one is better.
Data collection methods
a) Internet
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A. Site 1 – New York Times
Addressing the Research Purpose
A. New York Times – 1. Genetic mutation give help to tomcod to survive.
2. Tomcod didn’t affected to PCBs
3. HDL may lower the disease risk
4. HDL may have no relationship that make better to heart disease.
A genetic mutation allows
River fish to adapt to PCBs.
Genetic mutation is not
always harmful. It also can
give help to organisms.
It can solve that surviving the
extremely rough
‘Good cholesterol’ structure
identified could help explain
protective effects.
Cholesterol is not always
to human health.
This discovery can be the
solution to
many kinds of disease.
Which part of science does it belong
to and why?
Biochemistry and genetics.
Health science, biology and
When and by who was it discovered?
NYUS of Medicine scientist
found out at 2/18/2011
UC researchers found out at
Aspects to be examined
What is the scientific advance?
Which issue does it address
Provide a historical perspective what was the previous strategy for
dealing with the issue?
What is the contribution of the
scientific advance to human
People found out just basic
information like appearance.
And can survive the rough
circumstance-So they didn't
eat the tomcod.
Genetic mutation can be
helpful for the survival of
people regardless of the
People think all cholesterol is
harmful. Hence, they don't eat
the foods which have lots of
This discovery gives help to
human health such as heart
These two discoveries are related to health science.
Also, people stereotype is changed.
Finding timing was similar.
Table 1: result of compare and contrast the two topics.
This table shows some questions to illustrate the comparison. Generally, I explained the comparison
and how these scientific findings can affect human progress in a good way. Also, what the people
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were thinking, before these scientific findings were found out, was dicussed. Lastly, I also tried to
determine the similarities between Hudson River fish and Good cholesterol.
The reason why tomcods can survive in Hudson River which is polluted with PCBs is the
extremely bad environment occurred the genetic mutation to tomcod which is changing the gene
called ARH2 which can control the toxic. Before scientists knew about this fish, people thought
there was no fish in Hudson River because of PCBs. After people found out, they start to avoid.
But the New York University medical scientists want to know how they can survive. And so they
did a research on it. This discovery proves that the genetic mutation is not always bad. For
example, we can make genetic mutation artificially so people who live in a bad environment can
adapt to that region. Also, this can help in finding solutions to some diseases. Hence, by the
discovery of genetic mutation, some diseases can be treated.
According to UC researchers, the discovery of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) that is called good
cholesterol can also be helpful to human health. Especially, cardiovascular diseases like stroke
can be prevented by a high number of HDL. This is because HDL has lots of Apo lipoprotein A-I.
Prior to the research, people think that cholesterol is always bad. After this, people’s thinking has
changed. However, according to The New York Times, HDL may have no influence to
cardiovascular diseases. Only a little part of HDL molecules can affect heart diseases. Also, trials
in which taking medicines that help to improve the HDL level were stopped because there were
no improvements on cardiovascular endurance. On the other hand, this scientific finding can still
contribute in making medicines for cardiovascular diseases. Although The New York Times stated
that there may be no relationship between heart diseases and HDL, it’s not clearly identified yet.
Conclusions and Recommendations
After the comparison between the two discoveries, finding a genetic mutation that allows Hudson
River fish to adapt to PCBs is a better finding. This is for the reason that the former involves only a
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specific part of the human body while the latter can be of help to the human society.
Kolata, Gina. “Doubt Cast on the ‘Good’ in ‘Good Cholesterol’.” The New York Times. The New
York Times, 18 May 2012. Web. 19 July 2012.
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Rabin, Roni Caryn. “ ‘Good’ Cholesterol May Lower Alzheimer’s Risk.” The New York Times, The
New York Times. 16 Dec. 2010. Web. 19 July 2012.
Reinberg, Steven. “Trial Stopped After Niacin Brings No Benefit to Heart Patients.” US News. US
News, 26 May 2011. Web. 19 July 2012.
Rudolf, John Collins. “Speedy Evolution, Indeed.” The New York Times, The New York Times. 18
Feb. 2011 Web. 19 July 2012.
Zimmer, Carl. “Evolution Right Under Our Noses.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 25
July 2011. Web. 19 July 2012,
Appendix A – it’s a picture that tomcod in Hudson River.
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Appendix B- This picture is show the difference between HDL and LDL
Readability Statistics:
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