• In the Christian tradition, sexual intercourse between people outside
of marriage (pre or extra marital sex) is regarded as morally wrong.
• The bond of Christian marriage is permanent, thus enabling the
couple to grow in love and commitment to each other, to God and to
the children who may be created from their union.
• Jesus affirmed the covenant relationship of marriage. (Mt 19.3-9)
• SACRED TEXTS: In the Genesis 2 creation story the man and
woman 'become one body'. They give not only their bodies but their
whole selves, body, mind and spirit to each other
• This forms a covenant of love, an indissoluble bond.
• In the Old Testament we find marriage is often used to describe the
covenant of love between God and the people of God. Christians
see Jesus' self-giving love for the Church as the model of the love of
husband and wife in marriage.
• In marriage, husband and wife are distinct persons, but united. They
bring forth new life and with their child become three in one. The
family, even more than the individual, reflects the Trinitarian image
of God.
• Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican traditions, marriage is a sacrament.
• The sacrament offers the divine grace from God to live this covenant
• Is 'faithfulness in marriage and celibacy outside it' is just too
unrealistic for today's Christian who live in a very liberal, highly
sexualised culture?
• Nevertheless, this is the ideal which is taught and upheld across the
Christian Churches. In 2001, the national Moderator of the Uniting
Church, James Haire, affirmed the Christian view that it opposes sex
outside of marriage.
• Why?
• The Christian view of the deep meaning of sex as an
expression of committed love and as a way of bringing
new life into the world.
• If sexual intercourse is reduced to recreation, then
promiscuity may follow, which further demeans the gift of
• Virginity is often ridiculed in the media, as something to
lose , something almost embarrassing, rather than an
expression of people who maintain an adult attitude of
self-respect and respect for others.
• The Christian teaching of marriage as a binding covenant
• The covenant reminds couples that marriage should be entered into
seriously and only after careful preparation.
• Though it appears a difficult teaching, it is upheld for the deepest
happiness of human beings and for society.
Sexual behaviour
• Sex outside marriage is forbidden, and parents are expected to
chaperone meetings between young people. Young people, for their
part, are expected to take responsibility for avoiding sexual
• Adultery, homosexual and lesbian practices, sexual abuse within
marriage, incest and sexual abuse of children are banned.
Pornography should be avoided.
• The monogamous union in marriage of a man and a woman is
affirmed as the divinely ordained foundation of the family and social
life and the only morally appropriate locus of genital or related
intimate sexual expression. An Affirmation of Marriage, official
statement, 1996
• Sexual ethics and marriage
• The Salvation Army recognizes that the battle between flesh and
spirit is never easy, but believes that the sex drive is designed by
God to lead to the highest expression of human love only within the
holy estate of matrimony,
• When it is expressed outside of that relationship, it will inevitably
lead to misery of self and others.
• The Salvation Army holds to the Christian ideals of chastity before
marriage and fidelity within the marriage relationship.
• Salvationist cannot remain soldiers if they sexually cohabit with a
person of the opposite sex to whom they are not married. They must
either marry or separate.
• Salvationists cannot remain soldiers if they are involved in marital
infidelity, deliberate promiscuity, a criminal sexual offence or any
misconduct of a sexually deviant kind.
The Church expects its members to avoid any form of sexual immorality.
Any form of physical intimacy should be avoided outside marriage.
Coptic marriages are monogamous.
Copts marry within the faith - non-Coptic partners are required to convert.
Copts undergo a ceremony of Betrothal in advance of marriage during
which the couple exchange rings engraved with their partner's name; the
betrothal is not a final commitment and can be renounced.
Divorce and remarriage is only permitted for the innocent party in cases of
adultery or conversion, although this is currently (2008) a controversial
issue after Egypt's Higher Civil Court ruled that Copts who had been
through a civil divorce had the legal right to remarry.
Among Copts the annulment of conjugal unions had been permitted on the
grounds of adultery, abandonment, obvious evidence of ill treatment, mental
disability and impotence. Things changed radically after Shenouda III
ascended to the Coptic Papacy. He promptly rejected divorce on any
grounds except adultery and extremely cruel treatment.Al Ahram, March