Chapter 8 Notes

Revolutions Sweep
the West
Chapter 8
Pages 244 to 271 in text
Latin American Peoples
Win Independence
Section 1
Colonial Society Divided
 Latin American colonial society – class dictated people’s place in
society & jobs
 Divisions…
 1st – Peninsulares; born in Spain, only they could hold high office
 2nd – Creoles; Spaniards born in Latin America, couldn’t hold high-level
political office, could rise as officers in army
 Both Peninsulares & Creoles controlled land, wealth, & power
 3rd – Mestizos; people of mixed European & Indian ancestry
 4th – Mulattos; people of mixed European & African ancestry
 5th – enslaved Africans & Indians
Revolutions in the Americas
 Success of the American & French Revolutions encouraged others to
gain their freedom from European masters
 Saint Domingue –
 French colony
 1/3 of the western side of Hispaniola
 Aug. 1791 – 100,000 enslaved Africans revolted & followed their leader
Toussaint L’Ouverture
 Toussaint then took over island in 1801 & freed all of the Africans
 Jan. 1802 – French arrived to remove Toussaint from power
 Toussaint agreed to end revolt if they ended slavery
 Toussaint was eventually captured, sent to prison in the French Alps
 he died there in April 1803
 Jan. 1, 1804 – Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared that the island was an
independent country
 He called the country Haiti which means “mountainous land”
 It was the 1st Latin Am. territory to free itself
Creoles Lead Independence
 Least oppressed of those born in Latin Am. & the best educated
 1810 – rebellion broke out in several parts of Latin Am.
 Simon Bolivar (Venezuelan) & Jose de San Martin (Argentinian) were
two brilliant Creole generals
 Bolivar’s Victory –
 1811-Venezuela declares independence from Spain
 1819 – he led soldiers over Andes & took the Spanish by surprise
 1821 –Venezuela was finally independent
Simon Bolivar
 San Martin Leads Liberation Forces –
 1816 – Argentina declares independence from Spain, but Spanish forces
were nearby in Chile & Peru
 1817 – San Martin joined Bernardo O’Higgins in Chile & finally freed
Chile from Spain
 1822 – San Martin met up with Bolivar to discuss driving Spanish out of
Peru. Both agreed that San Martin would take over Bolivar’s soldiers
 1824 – Spain was defeated at the Battle of Ayacucho in Peru
 This was the last major battle of the war for independence
 Spanish colonies in Latin Am. won their freedom
* The lands now known as Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, & Ecuador were
united into one country known as “Gran Columbia”
Jose de San Martin
Bernardo O’Higgins
Mexico Ends Spanish Rule
 Indians & Mestizos played large role in revolutionary movements in
 Padre Miguel Hidalgo  1810 – In the village of Dolores, Hidalgo gathered the peasants in the
church and called for rebellion against the Spanish
 That day is known as Grito de Dolores (the cry of Dolores)
 Next Day - 80,000 men began a march towards Mexico City
 1811 – Hidalgo & his men were defeated by the Spanish army & the
Padre Miguel Hidalgo
 Padre Jose Maria Morelos –
 Led revolution for 4 years
 1815 – defeated by a Creole officer, Agustin de Iturbide
 1820 – Revolution in Spain put a liberal group in power
 Mexico’s Creoles feared loss of privileges in colony & began to support
Mexico’s fight for independence from Spain
 1821 – Agustin de Iturbide proclaimed independence for Mexico. He
then declared himself Emperor over Central America & Mexico
 1823 – Iturbide was overthrown
* Lands known today as Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador,
& Costa Rica took the name of the United Provinces of Central
Padre Jose Maria Morelos
Agustin de Iturbide
Brazil’s Royal Liberator
 1807 – Prince John (King John VI) & the royal family of Portugal left
their homeland for Brazil when Napoleon & the French troops
 Rio de Janiero became the capital & the royal family ran their empire
from there for 14 years
 1815 – Napoleon is defeated
 1821 - King John & royal family returned to Portugal with the
exception of Prince Dom Pedro who stayed in Brazil
King John VI
Prince Dom Pedro
 1822 – 8,000 Brazilians signed a
petition demanding their
 On Sept. 7, 1822 Prince Dom
Pedro agreed to petition & officially
declared Brazil as an independent
 Independence came without any
violent upheavals or widespread
Europe Faces Revolutions
Section 2
Clash of Philosophies
 First half of 1800’s there were 3 schools of political thought that
struggled for supremacy in Europe
Conservative – wealthy property owners & nobility. Argued for
protecting traditional monarchies
Liberal – middle-class business leaders & merchants. Wanted more
power given to elected parliaments, but only educated &
landowners could vote
Radical – favored drastic changes to extend democracy to all
people. Believed gov’t should practice ideals of French Revolution
– liberty, equality, & brotherhood.
Nationalism Develops
 New movement that stated people’s greatest loyalty should not be to
a king or an empire, but to a nation of people who share a common
culture & history
 When a nation had its own independent gov’t it became a nation-state
 Defends nation’s territory & way of life
 Represents the nation to the rest of the world
 1815 – only France, England, & Spain
Greeks Gain Independence
 Had been a part of the Ottoman Empire
 1821 – demanded independence & rebelled against the Turks
 People around the world supported the Greeks fight for freedom
 1827 – British, French, & Russians combined their fleets & destroyed
the Ottomans at the Battle of Navarino
 1830 – the three nations signed a treaty granting the kingdom of
Greece their freedom
1830s Uprisings Crushed
 Liberals & Nationalist throughout Europe were revolting against
conservative governments
 Dutch – Nationalist riots broke out against the Dutch rule in
Brussels & declared their independence
 Italian Peninsula – Nationalist wanted entire peninsula untied.
 States were either independent, controlled by Austria, or controlled by
the Pope
 Austrian troops sent in to restore order in Italy
 The Poles – Revolt in Warsaw against Russian rule
 Took Russian army almost an entire year to stop revolt
Radicals Change France
 1830 – France’s King Charles X tried to restore absolute monarchy,
which led to riots, & he had to flee to England
 Louis-Philippe took over & known for his liberal beliefs
 1848 – Philippe was overthrown
 the people established another republic with 2 sides that couldn’t agree
 Bloody battles in the streets & people turned away from radicals
 Moderate constitution was drawn up – parliament & strong president to
be elected by the people
King Charles X
 Dec. 1848 – Louis Napoleon
(nephew of Napoleon
Bonaparte) won the presidential
 1852 – he took the title of
Emperor Napoleon III
 Built railroads
 Encouraged industrialization
 Promoted public works
 Unemployment decreased & country
Reform in Russia
 By 1820’s many Russians believed serfdom must end b/c it was
morally wrong
 Czars didn’t want to free the serfs b/c it would anger the
landowners who the Czars depended on to stay in power
 1856 – Alexander II wanted Russia to be more modern & wanted to
bring about social change
 1861 – he freed the serfs, but peasant communities got ½ the land &
the nobles kept the other ½ .
 The gov’t paid the nobles for their land
 Peasant communities had 49 years to pay back the gov’t for the land they
 1881 – terrorists assassinated Alexander II & Alexander III took over
& encouraged industrial development to expand Russia’s power
Alexander II
Alexander III
Section 3
A Force for Unity or Disunity
 Unification…
 Mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands
 19th century Germany & Italy
 Separation…
 Culturally distinct group resist being added to a state or tries to break away
 Greeks in Ottoman Empire
 French-speaking Canadians
 State-Building…
 Culturally distinct groups form into a new state by accepting a single
 The United States & Turkey
Break Up of Austrian Empire
 Austrian Empire consisted of…
 Slovenes, Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Poles, Serbs, &
 1866 – Prussia defeated Austria in Austro-Prussian War
 Gained North German Confederation & 21 small German political units
 Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria split empire in ½ declaring Austria
& Hungary were now independent states & he was ruler of both
 Now known as Austria-Hungary or Austro-Hungarian Empire
 After WWI – Austria-Hungary broke up into several nation-states
Austrian Empire
Emperor Francis Joseph
of Austria
Russian Empire Crumbles
 Russian empire consisted of…
 Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Finns, Jews,
Romanians, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, & others
 All had their own culture
 Russification – forced Russian culture on all ethnic groups in empire
 Helped maintain control over empire
 Strengthened ethnic nationalist feelings
 Helped to unify Russia
 Last Romanov Czar (Nicholas II) gave up power in 1917 due to WWI
and the communist revolution
Czar Nicholas II
Last Russian Czar
Ottoman Empire Weakens
 Turks ruled over Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians, & Armenians
 1856 – granted equal citizenship to all people under their control
 Forced by England & France
 Conservative Turks VERY angry & wanted no change to empire
 In response, Ottomans massacred & deported Armenians from 1894-
1896 and again in 1915
 Ottoman Empire broke up after WWI
Expansion of the Ottoman Empire
Decline of the Ottoman Empire
Cavour Leads Italian Unification
 Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia – largest & most powerful of all
Italian states. Adopted liberal constitution in 1848
 1852 –Victor Emmanuel II (king of Sardinia) made Count Camillo di
Cavour the Prime Minister
 1858 – with the help of Napoleon III Cavour was able to take over all
of north Italy with the exception of Venetia by winning a war against
Victor Emmanuel II - King of Sardinia
Count Camillo di Cavour
1st Prime Minister of Italy
Garibaldi Brings Unity
 1860 – Giuseppe Garibaldi led a small army of Italian nationalist and
captured Sicily
 Both Garibaldi & his followers wore bright red shirts, they became
known as the Red Shirts
 Eventually he agreed to unite the southern areas he had conquered
with the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardnina
 Victor Emmanuel II would rule over all of Italy
Giuseppe Garibaldi
 1866 – Austrian province of
Venetia, included Venice,
became a part of Italy
 1870 - last part of Italy was
finally taken over, the Papal
 Rome became the capital of the
United Kingdom of Italy
 Pope continued to govern
Vatican City
Bismarck Unites Germany
 1815 – 39 German states form the German Confederation
 Prussia had mainly a German population & had a very powerful army
in central Europe
 1848 – liberal constitution written in Berlin
 1861 –Wilhelm I takes throne & parliament refused him money to
strengthen army
 The Junkers – Prussia’s wealthy landowners supported King
Wilhelm I
 1862 -Wilhelm I chose Otto von Bismarck as his Prime Minister
 Conservative Junker
 Declared that he would rule without consent of parliament & without a
legal budget (direct violation of constitution)
 Master realpolitik
 Realpolitik “the politics of reality” – tough power politics with no
room for idealism
 1864 – Prussia & Austria formed an alliance, then went to war with
Denmark & won the provinces of Schleswig & Holstein
 Prussia governed Schleswig
 Austria governed Hoilstein
Otto von Bismarck
Seven Weeks’ War
 1866 – Austria declared war on Prussia after border conflicts over
Schleswig & Holstein
 Prussians won
 Austria lost Venetia which was given to Italy
 Prussia took control of north Germany
 1867 – remaining states of the north joined the North German
Confederation, Prussia dominated this area
Franco-Prussian War
 1867 – a few southern (Catholic) German states were independent of
Prussian control
 July 1870 – French declared war on Prussia because Bismarck
manufactured “incidents” to provoke them
 Napoleon III was taken prisoner with 83,000 others
 Starvation eventually led the French to surrender
 January 18, 1871 – King Wilhelm I of Prussia was crowned Kaiser
(emperor) at the Palace of Versailles in France
 Empire called the Second Reich
 The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire
A Shift in Power
 1815 - Congress of Vienna established 5 Great Powers in Europe
 Britain, France, Austria, Prussia, & Russia
 All were nearly equal in strength
 Mid-1800’s –
 Prussia joined with German states to form Germany
 1871 –
 Britain & Germany were the most powerful (militarily & economically)
 France in middle
 Austria & Russia lagged FAR behind
Revolution in the Arts
Section 4
The Ideas of Romanticism
 Deep interest both in nature & in the thoughts & feelings of the
 Beliefs…
 Inner feelings, emotions, & imagination
 Mysterious, supernatural, exotic, grotesque, or horrifying
 Loved beauties of untamed nature
 Idealized the past as simpler
 Glorified heroes
 Folk traditions, music, & stories
 Valued common people & individuals
 Promoted radical changes & democracy
Romanticism in Literature
 Poetry was the highest form of expression
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe…
 One of the earliest & greatest romantic writers ~ German
 The Sorrows ofYoung Werther – 1774 novel
 Sensitive man whose love for a married woman drives him to suicide
 Jakob & Wilhelm Grimm…
 German brothers
 Collected fairy tales
 created a dictionary & grammar of the German language
 Victor Hugo…
 French
 Wrote Les Miserables & The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Wilhelm & Jakob Grimm
Snow White
Hansel & Gretel
Victor Hugo
The Gothic Novel
 Often took place in medieval
Gothic castles
 Filled with fearful, violent, &
sometimes supernatural events
 Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
 Monster created by body parts of
dead humans
Composers Emphasize Emotion
 Moved away from tightly controlled, formal compositions of the
 Celebrated heroism & national pride with power of expression
 Music became part of the middle-class life & musicians & composers
became popular like rock/pop stars of today
 Ludwig van Beethoven…
 9th Symphony – celebrates freedom, dignity, & triumph of human spirit
 Felix Mendelssohn…
 Used A Midsummer Night’s Dream as inspiration
Ludwig van Beethoven
Felix Mendelssohn
Shift to Realism in the Arts
 Rapid industrialization affected everyday life
 Workers lived grim dirty lives in crowded cities
 Industrialization made romantics seem pointless
 Realism – showed life as it was NOT as it should be
 Paintings showed working class & their suffering
Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin
Woman Cleaning Turnips
Jean-François Millet
The Sower
Gustave Courbet
Photographers Capture Reality
 1835 - daguerreotypes after their French inventor Louis Daguerre
 first commercially successful photographic process
 William Talbot (British) invented a light-sensitive paper used to
produce photographic negatives
 Many prints could be made from one negative
 Photos could be reproduced in books &/or newspapers
 Mass distribution
 Photography became the art of the new industrial age
Louis Daguerre
1838 view of the Boulevard du Temple, a busy street in Paris.
Oldest well-documented daguerreotype featuring human subjects
William Talbot
Window in the South Gallery of Lacock
Abbey made from the oldest photographic
negative in existence, 1835
Writers Study Society
 Emile Zola…
 French writer
 Exposed miseries of workers in shops, factories, & coal mines
 Led to labor laws & reformed working conditions
 Charles Dickens…
 English novelist
 Wrote about London’s working poor
 A Christmas Carol
 David Copperfield
 Great Expectations
 Oliver Twist
 Tale of Two Cities
Emile Zola
Charles Dickens
Impressionists React Against Realism
 Painters who tried to show their impressions of a subject or a moment
in time
 Fascinated by light, used more pure, shimmering colors
 Showed more positive view of the new urban society
 Workers enjoying themselves at dance halls & cafes
 Theater & circus performers
 Glorified the middle-class
 Famous Impressionist…
 Claude Monet
 Pierre-Auguste Renoir
 Edgar Degas – (lived in New Orleans for a while, you can visit his home)
Haystacks ~ series
La Promenade, la femme à l'ombrelle Woman with a parasol
Claude Monet
The Waterlilies [triptych]
Claude Monet [French, 1840-1926]
1914-26 / Oil on canvas
Three panels, Each 6' 6 3/4" x 13' 11 1/4"
Overall 6' 6 3/4" x 41' 10 3/8"
Location: MOMA, New York City..
Le Moulin de la Galette
Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette
still life with peaches
Pierre-Auguste Renoir –
Self portrait
"New Orleans Cotton Exchange" (Portraits in an Office),
1873 Musee des Beaux-Arts, marked the beginning of the official
recognition of Impressionism as a significant art movement.
Edgar Degas – Self Portrait
Daily Tours: 10:30 am and 1:45 pm
Breakfast and Tour: 9:00 am breakfast, tour
at 10:30 am (Reservations required)