
An ATFP Presentation
The American Task Force on Palestine
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© Copyright 2005 The American Task Force on Palestine
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Table of Contents
The Two Narratives
Where is Palestine?
Side-by-Side Comparisons:
Is there a military solution to the conflict?
Why is it in America’s interest to get involved?
How we resolve the conflict – the Two State Solution
Peace Initiatives:
Arab League
Grassroots (People’s Voice & Geneva Initiatives)
Do the two sides agree on the details for peace?
What do the polls show for the two-state solution?
What do Americans think about it?
How do we do it? What’s required and will it work?
Is there support among Israelis for ending the occupation?
What are the challenges to the two-state solution?
The Israeli barrier
The Israeli settlements
Violence against civilians
Restarting the peace process
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Recognizing the Two Narratives
The Palestinian Narrative:
Fear of Dispossession / 20th Century Jewish Immigration
Nakba of 1948
The 37-year Occupation (West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem)
Spiritual connection to the Holy Land
The Jewish Narrative:
History of Jewish Persecution
Israel as Jewish ‘Safe Haven’
Spiritual connection to the Holy Land
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Two Perspectives
“I have spent a great deal of my life…advocating the
rights of the Palestinian people to national selfdetermination, but I have always tried to do that with full
attention paid to the reality of the Jewish people and
what they suffered by way of persecution and genocide.”
– the late Edward Said, leading Palestinian American
intellectual, Professor of literature at Columbia University and
well-known author
“When Israelis ask me about the Palestinians, I tell
them they live like us, they suffer like us, they laugh
and cry like us. They are just like us, but they suffer
more than us.”
– the renowned Israeli immunologist, Dr. Zvi Bentwich,
founder of Israel’s first and largest AIDS clinic and member
of Physicians for Human Rights
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Brief Historical Background
The area known as Palestine was part of the Ottoman empire for 400 years until World War I, at
which time Palestine fell under British control. In 1947, the U.N. proposed partitioning the area into
two states. In 1967, the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem came under Israeli occupation.
The two-state solution envisions a Palestinian State in these areas which we’ll refer to as Palestine.
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The Composition of the Holy Land
Source: 2003 CIA World Fact Book - Palestine data consists of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
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Economic Comparative Analysis
In the land between the Mediterranean sea and the Jordan river…
Per Capita
Annual Budget
$117.4 Billion
$45.1 Billion
22 out of 177
Unemployment 1 out of 10
Growth rate -0.8%
Per Capita
Annual Budget
$2.4 Billion
$1.2 Billion
102 out of 177
Unemployment 1 out of 2
Growth rate -18%
A Palestinian has to work for 28 years to earn what an Israeli does in one year
Sources: United Nations 2004 Human Development Index (HDI), 2003 CIA World Fact Book.
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Military Comparison
Main Battle Tanks
Combat Aircraft
2001 Military Expenditures
Official Active Forces
$10.1 billion
$85 million
Israel continues
to maintain tens of
thousands of troops
in the West Bank and
Gaza – Israel invaded
and occupied those
areas in the
1967 war
Source: Center for Strategic and International Studies
“We can argue with the Palestinians about who’s to blame; but about who is suffering worse – there is no
argument. They are a destitute nation living in an elaborate prison under the guns of the Israeli army.”
Jerusalem Post Editorial, March 3, 2004
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Demographic Analysis
The total population today between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea is just
under 10 million. This area includes Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. In
contrast, the census taken in 1931 shows a total population of 1,035,821.
The 2004 population is: 4.9 million Jewish, 4.9 million Palestinian (Muslim & Christian)
Sources: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, American Jewish Committee. CIA World Fact Book. 1931 British Census.
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The Conflict has taken 4,000 lives in 4 years
From September 29, 2000 to January 5, 2005
Citizens Killed
U.S. Equivalent
Sources: Middle East Policy Council, The Guardian Unlimited
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American National Interest
Why is it in the U.S. interest to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
“Attitudes toward the United States have gone from bad to worse”
“The bottom has fallen out of Arab and Muslim support for the United States”
The Muslim World
Population – 1.4 Billion
This one example represents
an 80% decline
Q: “What can the U.S. do to improve relations with the Arab world?”
A: Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Sources: Pew Research Study on Global Attitudes. Zogby International poll of Arabs attitudes, September 2002.
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How is Current U.S. Policy Perceived?
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The U.S. Intelligence Community
The official report on Current and Projected Threats to the National Security of
the United States concluded that resolving the Israeli Palestinian conflict will:
reduce negative
feelings toward the
U.S. in the region,”
It goes on to conclude that,
“Without it, the U.S. should
expect Arab and Muslim hostility
to increase further, threatening
prospects for the future.”
“Why do they hate us?.. For the most part, you get one answer, over and over again, and with little
variation. They hate us because of our policy toward Israel and the Palestinians.” An About-Face
on America, The Washington Post, August 24, 2004
Sources: U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Haaretz Daily 11/03/03. Against All Enemies by Richard Clarke 2004.
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How Do We Resolve the Conflict?
The Formula for a Two State Solution:
Israel and Palestine based on 1967 borders
with a shared & open capital in Jerusalem
and a just settlement to the refugee problem
This will result in the following:
A new state of Palestine, viable and independent,
consisting of the West Bank and Gaza Strip with
Arab East Jerusalem as its capital.
A state of Israel, secure within its borders, fully
recognized by all 22 Arab countries along with
peace agreements with each Arab country
resulting in normalization of relations and an
official end to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
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Two States Along The Green Line
“Two states, Israel &
Palestine, living side-by-side in an
enduring peace would do more to
defeat this terrorism than bullets
alone can ever do.”
British Prime Minister
Tony Blair, Sept 28, 2004
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The Historic Arab Peace Initiative
Recognizing that a military solution will not achieve peace or security, the
Arab League voted on March 28, 2002 and proposed that following:
The full Israeli withdrawal from all the territories occupied since 1967.
The achievement of a just solution to the Palestinian Refugee problem to be
agreed upon in accordance with UN General Assembly Resolution 194.
The acceptance of the establishment of a Sovereign Independent Palestinian
State on the Palestinian territories occupied since the 4th of June 1967 in the
West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
The Arab League would:
Consider the Arab-Israeli conflict ended, and enter into
a peace agreement with Israel, and provide security for
all the states of the region.
Establish normal relations with Israel in the context of
this comprehensive peace.
This offer was repeated in March 2005
The Arab League
Source: The Beirut Declaration of the League of Arab States, 2002.
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The RoadMap for a Two-State Solution
A peace plan devised by the US, UN, Russian Federation and the EU - “The Quartet”
Phase I
Palestinian leadership
issues unequivocal
statement of Israel’s right to
exist and calls for end to
violence and terrorism
Israeli leadership issues
unequivocal statement of
support for an independent,
viable and sovereign
Palestinian state and calls
for end to violence against
Palestinians will draft a
constitution, appoint a prime
minister, create security
organizations to combat
terror, and hold free
Israeli govt. dismantles
settlement outposts, freezes
settlement activity and takes
measures to improve the
humanitarian situation
Phase II
Successful execution of
Palestinian elections
Ratification of Palestinian
Stabilization of Palestinian
institutions and effective security
Continued Palestinian
institution building and political
Second international conference of
the Quartet to endorse permanent
status resolution by 2005
Parties reach final agreement to
end the conflict which addresses:
borders, Jerusalem, refugees,
settlements & an end to the
occupation based on UN
Resolutions 242, 338 and 1397
International conference of the
Quartet (U.S., E.U., Russia and
the U.N.) to support Palestinian
economic recovery
Start process of establishment
of a Palestinian state with
provisional borders maximizing
territorial contiguity
Phase III
Promotion of formal
international recognition of a
Palestinian state
UN Resolution 1397
affirms the vision of two
states – Israel & Palestine
living side by side
Summarized from the roadmap to a two-state solution to the conflict, May 2003.
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Two Popular Peace Initiatives
The U.S. Congress “applauds” the “serious” efforts towards peace put forth
by the Geneva Accord and the People’s Voice initiatives.
The People’s Voice initiative has six
principles which address the core issues
of a two-state solution. It has already
received over 253,755 Israeli and 161,000
Palestinian signatories
The Geneva Accord takes this a step
further into a detailed blueprint of a
permanent peace agreement and has
received endorsements from world
leaders and Nobel Peace Prize winners
These grassroots initiatives between Israelis and Palestinians
are complementary and are consistent with the Roadmap
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Joint Israeli & Palestinian Public Opinion
76% of Israelis and Palestinians favor a two-state solution
The OneVoice poll of 23,000 Palestinians
and 17,000 Israelis as reported in AP and
Ha’aretz found that 76% on each side
endorsed the two-state concept - a
Palestinian state existing beside a Jewish
state, "each recognizing the other as
such, both democratic and respecting
human rights, including minority rights."
Sources: Associated Press and Ha’aretz, May 2004.
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Additional Palestinian Public Opinion
78% believe that the current Israeli measures,
including the building of the separation barrier reduce
the chances for the establishment of a Palestinian
85% support a mutual cessation of violence.
59% support taking measures by the Palestinian
Authority to prevent attacks on Israelis if an
agreement is reached on a mutual cessation of
86% of the Palestinians believe that they cannot
count on Arab States to support them in regaining
their rights.
The 1993 Oslo Accord marked an historic turning point for
Palestinians – they formally recognized, “the right of the
State of Israel to exist in peace and security.” Furthermore,
they reduced their claims to just 22% of the land of historic
Palestine (West Bank, Gaza Strip & East Jerusalem).
Source: Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, October 2003. Oslo Accords, 1993.
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International Support for Two-States
Dozens of current and former world leaders including several Nobel
Peace Prize Winners support the two-state solution
Martti Ahtisaari, Former President, Finland
Ali Alatas, Former Foreign Minister, Indonesia
Oscar Arias Sánchez, Former President, Costa
Rica, Nobel Peace Prize 1987
L. Axworthy, Former Foreign Minister, Canada
Alexander Bessmertnykh, Former Foreign
Minister, Soviet Union
Carl Bildt, Former Prime Minister, Sweden
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Former UN SecretaryGeneral
Lakhdar Brahimi, Former Foreign Minister,
F. Cardoso, Former President, Brazil
I.Carlsson, Former Prime Minister, Sweden
Lord Carrington, Former Foreign and Defence
Secretary, UK and NATO Secretary-General
Jorge Castañeda, Former Foreign Minister,
Claude Cheysson, Former Foreign Minister,
Jacques Delors, Former President,
European Commission
Jiří Dienstbier, Former Foreign Minister,
Ruth Dreifuss, Former President, Switzerland
U. Ellemann-Jensen, Former Foreign Minister
G.Evans, Former Foreign Minister, Australia
Mark Eyskens, Former Foreign and Prime
Minister, Belgium
I K Gujral, Former Prime Minister, India
J.Figueres, Former President, Costa Rica
M. Fraser, Former Prime Minister, Australia
Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Former Foreign
Minister, Germany
Bronisław Geremek, Former Foreign Minister,
Mikhail Gorbachev, Former President, Soviet
Union, Nobel Peace Prize 1990
B. Hawke, Former Prime Minister, Australia
B. Hayden, Former Foreign Minister, Australia
Raffi Hovannisian, Former Foreign Minister,
FW de Klerk, Former President, South Africa,
Nobel Peace Prize 1993
W. Kok, Former Prime Minister, Netherlands
Masahiko Komura, Former Foreign Minister,
Budimir Lončar, Former Foreign Minister,
Barbara McDougall, Former External Affairs
Secretary, Canada
G. Michelis, Former Foreign Minister, Italy
B.Noev, Former Defence Minister, Bulgaria
Lord Owen, Former Foreign Secretary, UK
Surin Pitsuwan, Former Foreign Minister,
Augusto Ramírez-Ocampo, Former Foreign
Minister, Colombia
Fidel V Ramos, Former President,
Jerry John Rawlings, Former President,
Mary Robinson, Former President, Ireland
Michel Rocard, Former Prime Minister,
Salim Ahmed Salim Former Prime Minister,
Tanzania, and Secretary-General OAU
Cornelio Sommaruga, Former President,
International Committee of the Red Cross
K.Sorsa, Former Prime Minister, Finland
Eduardo Stein, Former Foreign Minister,
Pär Stenbäck, Former Foreign Minister,
Max van der Stoel, Former Foreign Minister,
Thorvald Stoltenberg, Former Foreign
Minister, Norway
Hanna Suchocka, Former Prime Minister,
Alex Sceberras Trigona, Former Foreign
Minister, Malta
George Vassiliou, Former President, Cyprus
Hubert Védrine, Former Foreign Minister,
Franz Vranitzky, Former Federal Chancellor,
Ernesto Zedillo, Former President, Mexico
Source: International Crisis Group, December 2003
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Official U.S. Support for Two-States
"[T]he Israeli occupation that began in
1967 will be ended through a settlement
negotiated between the parties, based on
U.N. Resolutions 242 and 338, with Israeli
withdrawal to secure and recognized
borders." - President Bush June 24, 2002
"Israel must be willing to end its
occupation, consistent with the principles
embodied in Security Council Resolutions
242 and 338, and accept a viable
Palestinian State in which Palestinians
can determine their own future on their
own land and live in dignity and security."
- Former Secretary of State Powell November 19, 2001
“We realize that there can be no lasting peace for either side until there is freedom
and security for both sides.” – Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, August 19, 2004
Source: White House and State Department websites
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American Support for Two-States
American officials who have issued statements of support:
Former President Bill Clinton
Former President Jimmy Carter
Former Secretary of State
Madeline Allbright
Former Secretary of State
Warren Christopher
Former Secretary of Defense
Frank Carlucci
Former Secretary of Defense
Robert McNamara
Former National Security Advisor
Richard Allen
Former National Security Advisor
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Former National Security Advisor
Anthony Lake
Former National Security Advisor
Robert McFarlane
Former Ambassador to the United
Nations Thomas Pickering
"Israelis need to end the occupation that began in 1967."
Former U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice, Haaretz, August 27, 2004
Source: International Crisis Group, December 2003
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American Public Opinion
Nearly 9 out of 10 Americans
believe that a peaceful solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict is an important foreign
policy goal of the United States and 64%
favor making a major effort to be evenhanded in order to combat international
But only 3 out of 10 Americans
realize that the creation of a sovereign
Palestinian State is necessary for a peaceful
solution of the conflict
Sources: Mar. 2002 Gallup Poll. Oct. 2001 Newsweek. Nov. 2001 U. Md. PIPA
September 2004 Chicago Council on Foreign Relations Global Views 2004.
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The Basis of a Two-State Solution
Ending the Occupation is the Only Formula for
Peace and Security That Works
It worked in Lebanon (1978 - 2000)
occupation ended after 22 years
Attacks decreased 91%
It worked in Egypt (1956 - 1982)
occupation ended after 26 years
Attacks virtually ceased
It will work in Gaza & West Bank (1967 - ?)
occupied for 37 years and counting
Source: IDF and Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies
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Israeli Support for Ending the Occupation
Photo: Ami Ayalon
59% of the Jewish Israelis support a unilateral
withdrawal of the army from most of the occupied
territories and dismantling most of the settlements
1,371 Israeli soldiers now refuse to play a role in, “the
continued oppression of the Palestinian people in the
occupied territories.”
Four former Israeli security service chiefs called on
Israel to withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza Strip
and dismantle most of Jewish settlements
Ami Ayalon, ex-Shin Bet chief, “I favor unconditional
withdrawal from the Territories – preferably in the
context of agreement but not necessarily”
“The Occupation of Palestinian territory is eroding Israel’s international standing.
The U.S. is virtually our only friend, so we must remember that it, too, supports a
withdrawal almost to the borders of 1967.” – Ehud Olmert Current Deputy PM of Israel
Sources: The Forward 8/20/04. DaHaf poll, May 6, 2002 by Peace Now. Refuseniks Watch. Yedioth Ahronoth, November 14, 2003
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Israeli PM’s Acknowledge the Occupation
"I think that the idea of keeping 3.5 million
Palestinians under occupation is the worst thing for
Israel, for the Palestinians and also for the Israeli
"(Israel's) control over the Palestinians cannot
continue without end. Do you want to stay forever in
Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah and Bethlehem? That is not
right.” - Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon. May 27, 2003
Photo: Ariel Sharon
“Israel must give up all of the land that it captured in
the 1967 Middle East war. If you keep 10 percent of
the land you keep 100 percent of the conflict.”
- Former Prime Minister, Shimon Peres. February, 24 2004
Photo: Shimon Peres
Israeli Prime Ministers from both ends of the political spectrum have acknowledged
that Israel’s presence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is an Occupation
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Current Challenges to a Two-State Solution
The current path of the Israeli
barrier in the West Bank
The 200+ Israeli settlements in the
Occupied Palestinian Territories
Violence Against Civilians
Restarting the Peace Process
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Challenge: The Path of the Israeli Barrier
The barrier’s path has been projected to annex
between 7% – 45% of Palestinian land. This will:
Completely surround 100,000 people in 42 towns
Reduce the available water supply by 1 billion gallons
Confiscate hundreds of thousands of acres of land
Severely restrict travel to jobs, hospitals and schools
Adversely affect 4 out of 10 Palestinians
The Israeli Supreme Court has ruled that the West
Bank is “in belligerent [Israeli] occupation…subject to
international law”
And the International Court of Justice at the
Hague has ruled that the path of the barrier in the
West Bank is illegal and must be torn down and
compensation paid to the Palestinians adversely
affected by it.
“Only a separation route based on the path of law
will lead the state to the security so yearned for” –
Supreme Court of Israel
Sources: B’Tselem, Gush Shalom, Ha’aretz, International Court of Justice
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A Look at the Israeli Barrier from Space
CLOSE UP: Qalqilyah was a relatively rich Palestinian town, nicknamed the ‘bread basket.’ After
the Wall was constructed around it the cost of shipping goods has tripled. Consequently, 600
stores have been forced to close and now 75% of the town’s 40,000+ residents depend on
humanitarian assistance from overseas.
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Qalqilyah’s Farms are Now Off-Limits
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The Israeli Barrier on the Ground
Archbishop Pietro Sambi, of Jerusalem said the wall, “cuts in half monasteries, convents,
churches and cemeteries.” The pictures above are of the wall in Bethlehem
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Challenge: The Israeli Settlements
The Israeli settlements are illegal
according to international law
“International humanitarian law prohibits an
occupying power from transferring citizens from
its own territory to the occupied territory”
- Fourth Geneva Convention, article 49
“Israeli settlement activity in the occupied
territories must stop” - President Bush, June 2002
III. “Every American administration, going back to
President Carter, and including President
Reagan, President Bush, President Clinton and
the current President Bush, have opposed the
policy of the government of Israel on
settlements” - Former Senate Majority leader George Mitchell
Israel successfully evacuated the settlements in Sinai, Egypt and plans to do it in Gaza
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Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Lands
“I don't think there is any greater obstacle to peace than settlement activity.”
- Former U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker, May 22, 1991.
The hill top pictured above is Abu Ghneim mountain. The second picture was taken during the
construction of the Har Homa settlement. Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories increased
35% in 2003 even though population growth was just 5.32% over the same period. That is almost 7
times higher than “natural growth” thereby illustrating the high vacancy rates found in settlements.
Sources: Foundation for Middle East Peace, Peace Now
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Illegal Settlement Outposts on the Rise
"The settlement outposts worry us a great
deal, and we were happy to let the Americans
lead the dialogue with Israel regarding
upholding its commitments in the framework of
the road map [evacuating all of the settlement
outposts built since March 2001]. But not a
thing happened.
Ignoring for a moment the expansion of
construction in Ma'ale Adumim (near
Jerusalem), how is it possible to build a twostate model at a time that Israel is building
infrastructures for additional settlements,
paving a road from Ariel to the Jordan Rift, and
linking Ma'ale Adumim to the Ben-Gurion
Airport highway?
How is all this compatible with the principle of
a Palestinian state that is territorially
- Marc Otte, European Union special
representative for the Mideast peace process,
Ha'aretz, Oct. 29, 2004
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Is It Too Late For Two States?
Some people argue it is too late by pointing to the fact that there are literally hundreds of
Israeli settlement compounds throughout the occupied Palestinian territories with more
being built every day. According to Condoleeza Rice, “Settlement expansion is not
consistent with our understanding under the road map.”
Question: Have you tried
visualizing the settlements
without the settlers?
Evacuating the settlements is a key
ingredient for a just and final peace
between Israelis and Palestinians.
The Central Conference of American Rabbis in a letter to President Bush stated,
“No peace can be established without…the dismantling of certain Israeli settlements.”
Sources: Brit Tzedek v’Shalom Jewish Alliance for Justice & Peace, Americans for Peace Now, CCAR 6/11/03
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Minor Border Modifications: 1-to-1 land swap
Border modifications around the West
Bank may allow for some settlements
near the Green Line to be absorbed
into Israel in exchange for equal
portions of land to be transferred from
Israel to the new Palestinian State.
The example here is from the Geneva
Accords, an unofficial agreement
drafted by Israeli and Palestinian
negotiators in 2003.
This type of compromise has
considerable support, but any final
agreement must be arrived at through
direct negotiations between the two
This is the most likely two-state solution seen by many Israelis and Palestinians
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Challenge: Violence Against Civilians
ATFP categorically and unequivocally condemns all violence directed
against civilians no matter who the victims or perpetrators may be.
Confronting violence against
civilians is the moral and political
obligation of everyone.
“Everyone has the right to life,
liberty and security of person”
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Violence Against Israeli Civilians
Addressing the issue of terrorism has
traditionally focused only on the military aspect
Equally as important is to address the root
causes of terrorism (otherwise, the cycle of
violence and counter-violence will continue)
Many believe that the Israeli occupation
beginning in 1967 has created an atmosphere of
despair and hopelessness for Palestinians
These conditions coupled with the manipulation
of religion have provided a fertile breeding
ground for terrorism
Ending the occupation would result in a new era
of freedom, hope and opportunity that would
greatly reduce the conditions in which terrorism
This will result in lasting peace and security for
both Israelis and Palestinians
“If there is no occupation at all, Israelis
won't be violating Palestinian human
rights and Palestinian terrorism against
Israelis will at least decrease, if not end”
- Yossi Alpher, former senior advisor to Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak
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Violence Against Palestinian Civilians
“Palestinian violence against Israeli civilians can only be understood in the context of
the Israeli occupation and its intense, systematic violence against Palestinian civilians.”
- Rashid Khalidi, Resurrecting Empire, Beacon Press 2004
While civilians constituted a
majority of the over 900 Israelis
killed since the second intifada,
they also were the majority of the
over 3000 Palestinians killed by
Israelis during the same period.
“The original violence, the primordial, ongoing violence, is the violence of the side that
imposed through its military superiority a reign over another nation….Even without tanks
and helicopter fire, the Israeli presence in the West Bank and Gaza is violent and has
been since 1967.” - Amira Hass, Ha’aretz, August 25, 2004
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Challenge: Restarting the Peace Process
The U.S. should make the Roadmap peace agreement the top priority for the Secretary
of State. Active daily involvement is needed to oversee the implementation of each step
carried out by both sides simultaneously.
> For Israelis:
Freezing construction on the separation barrier encroaching on Palestinian land
Completely stopping all settlement activity – including construction in existing settlements
Ending targeted assassinations of Palestinians
Removing some of the 700+ checkpoints that exist within Palestinian areas
Creating conditions for the Palestinians to fulfill their security and political obligations
> For Palestinians:
Maintaining a system of free and democratic elections
Reforming Palestinian institutions
Consolidating the security services
Declaring a prompt and effective end to all acts of violence – including incitement
The U.S. needs to articulate a clear, unequivocal end-game for the process which is “based
on the 1967 borders” for it to have legitimacy among the Palestinians. Just as importantly, it
will invigorate the majorities of Israelis and Palestinians who support a two-state solution.
Source: Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, Sept. 2004
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Final Goal – Peace in the Middle East
The Future State
of Palestine
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