Missed Class Make-Up Assignments It is impossible to make-up the time that you miss in class. That being said, I understand that absences are unavoidable. In order to get your participation points for that day, however, you must complete one of the following assignments. Assignments may not be repeated. Choose something that interests you and will help you grow and develop as a language learner. Areas to choose from: Music Media Food Community Creation Skills Music Discover songs: 1. Lyrics Training – create an account at lyricstraining and complete a beginner or intermediate level activity to go along with one of the songs presented in Spanish: screenshot your results and describe the main idea of the song. 2. Radio – Listen to Spanish-language radio for one hour. Record the names of the artists and songs you heard as well as any words or phrases you understood in each and the main ideas of three of your favorites (if possible). 3. iTunes Latino: Explore iTunes Latino store and iTunes essentials for 30 minutes & find 2 albums or 5 songs that you would like to own. Describe what you like about your choices in writing or record a video. 4. Spotify – Download Spotify to your computer and open up the Top Lists app. Then change the area for Tracks and Albums from “everywhere” to a Spanishspeaking country. Create a playlist with at least 10 Spanish language songs. Describe what you like about your choices in writing or record a video. Record Yourself 1. Kids’ songs – record yourself (audio or video) singing a popular kids’ song in Spanish from a Spanish-speaking country. Include a description of the main idea of the song. 2. Pop song – Record yourself (audio or video) singing a song in Spanish by a popular artist or group from a Spanish-speaking country. Include a description of the main idea of the song. 3. Dance – Find a tutorial video for a popular dance genre (bachata, cumbia, etc…) from a Spanish-speaking country and record yourself following along with the video instructions. Create a Playlist 1. Theme – create a playlist of at least 10 songs in Spanish on Spotify or Youtube that center around the same theme (breakups, inspirational, community, justice, etc…). Describe what you like about your choices in writing (with a link to the playlist) or record a video (with samples of the playlist). 2. Region – Create a playlist of at least 10 songs in Spanish by 10 different artists on Spotify or youtube that represent one country or region (ex. Caribbean, Central America, South America). Be sure to title your playlist with the name of the country or region you’re representing. Describe what you like about your choices in writing (with a link to the playlist) or record a video (with samples of the playlist). 3. Soundtrack – Create a playlist of at least 10 songs in Spanish on Spotify or Youtube to serve as a soundtrack for key scenes from a popular movie. Be sure to title your playlist with the name of the movie and put the songs in the order of the scenes you want them to align with. Describe what you like about your choices in writing (with a link to the playlist) or record a video (with sample of the playlist). Media Reading 1. newspaper – Read a Spanish-language newspaper for 30 minutes (may be online). Summarize the main idea of the articles you perused in your own words and pick out key lines from each article. 2. Wikipedia – Read an article about a famous Latino musician, athlete, or politician on Wikipedia (you could try Spanish Wikipedia if you are up for a challenge – es.wikipedia.org). Summarize the main idea of the sections you perused in your own words. 3. translated text – Read in Spanish a familiar chapter from a book you’ve read in English. List new vocabulary you figured out from context and choose several lines to interpret. 4. ads – Find ads in Spanish and pick out key words and phrases to interpret, explaining why you would or would not like to buy the products/services advertised. 5. picture book – Record yourself reading a picture book in Spanish and include a summary of the main events of the story in your own words. 6. book store – Explore the Spanish-language section of a bookstore (music, kids’ books, and/or adult books) for 30 minutes and find 2 things you would like to own. Explain what you like about your selections in your own words in written or recorded Spanish. 7. wishlist – Create a wishlist of at least 10 items on Amazon Spanish. (amazon.es) 8. infograph – Find an infograph related to your passion and explain what you find useful and interesting in it. Viewing 1. TV – Watch television in Spanish for 30 minutes (try Hulu Latino if you don’t have cable nor youtube). Summarize what you see and list key words and phrases you heard, as well as what you think they mean. 2. news clips – Watch 3 video clips on sports and 3 video clips on current events on Univision.com. Summarize what you saw and list key words and phrases you heard, as well as what you think they mean. 3. kids’ stories – Search for a “cuento infantil” on YouTube and listen to the entire video to summarize what you saw and list key words and phrases you heard, as well as what you think they mean. 4. commercials – Watch 5 Spanish language commercials on youtube. Summarize what you saw and list key words and phrases you heard, as well as what you think they mean. 5. passion – Find a video in Spanish related to your passion and pick out key words and phrases from a two to three minute segment. Summarize the main idea of that segment and state what you think those key words mean. 6. tutorial – Find a how-to video on something you would like to learn how to do (and have the resources to actually do), then follow the instructions. List key words and phrases you learned and video yourself following the tutorial. Food Cook 1. Region – Create a Pintrest board of at least 10 recipes in Spanish for 10 different dishes from a specific country or region. Be sure to include the names of the country or region in the title of your board. 2. Desserts – Create a Pintrest board of at least 10 recipes in Spanish for desserts from at least 3 different countries. 3. Ingredients – Create a Pintrest board of at least 7 different recipes in Spanish using an ingredient or spice that is common in one or more Spanish-speaking countries but is not common in the United States (ex. tamarind, jicama, hibiscus, mole, plantains, tomatillos, goat). Be sure to include the name of the ingredient/spice in the title of your board. 4. Cooking Shows – Create a YouTube playlist of at least 5 cooking show videos in Spanish (under 10 minutes each) for different dishes from a specific region or country. Be sure to include the name of the country or region in your title for the playlist. 5. Follow Directions – Make a dish from a cooking video in Spanish from YouTube. Submit a photo of the finished product and a list of key words and phrases you heard in the video as well as what you think they mean. Here is a playlist to help get you started. 6. Make a Video – Record yourself making a dish from a Spanish-speaking country with at least five steps. Taste 1. Snacks – Find 5 different snacks, candies, or drinks from the Hispanic foods section at the grocery store. Read the packages, maybe taste them (after purchase). Describe similarities and differences between their flavors and ingredients to those of snacks that are more common in the United States. 2. Restaurant – Try a dish at a Latino restaurant that you have never tried before and learn how to say the ingredients. Describe your impression of the dish in writing or a 1-3 minute video. 3. Snack Ads – Create a youtube playlist or Pintrest board of at least 5 ads in Spanish for popular snacks from different countries (not including snacks already popular in the US). Write or record yourself describing each snack. Community Local 1. Group Meeting – Attend a Spanish group or worship Service. Record a 1-3 minute video of you discussing the topic of the meeting or service with someone else who attended. 2. Restaurant Conversation – Go to a Latino restaurant and get a staff member’s permission to record a conversation. Introduce him or her and discuss the meal, food, and/or decorations. 3. Tutoring – Tutor a fellow Spanish student (lower-level if possible) for 20 minutes. Record a 1-3 minute video discussing what he/she has learned. 4. Shopping – Go shopping at a Latin market and record yourself completing your purchase or give a 1-3 minute tour of a Latin market or foreign food section at the local grocery store. 5. Business Conversation – Go to a Latino business (restaurants count!) and introduce yourself to at least 3 different people that are fluent in Spanish. Ask their permission to record. Find out their names, where they are from, and what they do for a living. Online 1. Wespeke – Find a partner on WeSpeke and chat with them for at least 20 minutes in Spanish and 10 minutes in English. 2. Chat – Talk or chat (via Skype, Facebook, gaming system, etc) in Spanish with someone for 30minutes. Submit screenshots of the conversation or a 1-3 minute video/audio excerpt. 3. Trivia Crack – Play one Trivia Crack game in Spanish and interact with your opponent in Spanish, introducing yourself and responding each time you make a play (at least 4 plays). 4. Country/City Tweets – Read and respond in Spanish to the last 20 Spanishlanguage tweets using a twitter hashtag (#) for a Latin-American country or city (try twubs.com, twitterfall.com). Submit screenshots or a Storify story. 5. Celebrity Tweets – Read and respond in Spanish to the last 20 Spanishlanguage tweets by one or more Spanish-speaking artists, athletes, or politicians on Twitter. Submit screenshots or a storify story. 6. Blog commenting – Find a Spanish-language blogger to follow and read the 3 most recent posts, commenting on one demonstrating you understood the main idea of the post and giving your opinion on the topic. Submit a screenshot with a link to the blog. 7. Passion email – Find a school, business, or organization that relates to your passion and write them an email (in Spanish) asking them multiple questions to help you understand your topic better. Do not forget appropriate greetings and closings. Creation Personal 1. Professional Quizlet – Compile a list of 30 words, phrases, and questions involving the profession you hope to have on 3x5 index cards or quizlet for your review. 2. Video Tour – Label 20 things in your classroom, bedroom or other room in your house with their Spanish names. Take a picture of the labels or record yourself giving a tour of the room/house. 3. Acrostic poem – Write an acrostic poem about yourself in Spanish using your first and last name. 4. Fakebook Profile – Create a “Fakebook” profile for yourself entirely in Spanish, including at least 5 separate status updates about your activities/experiences. 5. Passion infograph – create an infograph related to your passion summarizing what you know about the topic with visuals and words and phrases in Spanish. 6. Class Outline – Create an outline in Spanish about a topic you are studying or have studied in another class. Include at least three headings and at least two subheadings each. 7. Scrapbook – Create a scrapbook (online or photograph a real one) with at least 10 pictures from a significant event in your life. Caption each picture in Spanish. School 1. School event flyer – Create flyers for an upcoming event at our school with enough information to get people interested in participating and explaining how they can participate. 2. School event video – Create a one-minute video ad for an upcoming event at our school with enough information to get people interested in participating and explaining how they can participate. 3. School report video – Create a video report about significant recent events at our school. Public 1. Amazon review – Find a product you have used on Spanish Amazon and write a review of what you like and dislike about it in Spanish. Skills Language Skills 1. Audio Lingua – Listen to three clips on Audio Lingua. Summarize the main idea of each and write down key words and phrases you heard as well as what you think they mean. 2. Duolingo – Complete a set of lessons on Duolingo in Spanish. Submit a screenshot with your answers from each lesson set. 3. Laits videos – Watch three Laits videos. Summarize the main idea of each and write down key words and phrases you heard as well as what you think they mean. 4. Facebook – Change your Facebook or other app or game’s language to Spanish. Play/explore for one hour. Make a list of key words and phrases you learned. 5. Device – Change your cell phone, console, tablet, or mp3 player’s language to Spanish for an entire week. Make a list of key words or phrases you learned. 6. Siri – Have a ten minute conversation with Siri in Spanish. Submit a transcript or screenshot of the conversation. 7. Grammar tutorial – Find a Spanish language tutorial video on a grammar or vocabulary topic and take notes on what you learn. Be sure to include a link to the tutorial. Real World Skills 1. Travel itinerary – Book a flight to a Spanish-speaking country using Delta or another airline’s Spanish-language site (up to the purchase of course!). Take a screenshot of the itinerary. 2. Movie plans – Watch the Spanish-language trailer of a movie you’d like to see. Locate a theater in a Spanish-speaking country that is playing the movie. Take a screenshot of the movie schedule. 3. Fun plan – Explore the website for a theme park or regional festival in a Spanish-speaking country. Plan a schedule for spending the day there. 4. Job application – Fill out and screenshot (but don’t send) an electronic application for employment in a Spanish-speaking Country. You may use false information. 5. Weekly agenda – Keep an agenda in Spanish for one week online (ex. Google Calendar). 6. Household items – Read the directions of four items in your house (ex. detergent, cake mix) in Spanish. Take a picture and make a list of key words and phrases you learned. 7. Plans – Record a 1-3 minute video making plans with a classmate to meet at a certain time and place outside of school, including how to get there from school. 8. Thank you – Write a thank you note to someone who has helped you with your Spanish, recalling what they did for you and how it helped you.