Business Plan

Building for Tomorrow
Aaron Meneberg, David Lim, Erica
Laster, Lindsey Parr
Millions of dollars are poured into relief after
• Lives and resources can be saved by taking
preventative measures.
• Proper knowledge and funding is lacking in some
high-risk areas.
Who We Are
Mission: Building for Tomorrow will provide the resources
necessary to build strong, disaster-resistant communities
around the world. By supplying technical training in design
and architecture to professionals in disaster prone areas and
procuring the funds to build in these areas, we aim to prevent
and relieve human suffering as a result of natural disasters.
Vision: A world where all communities are equipped with the
knowledge and infrastructure needed to withstand and
respond to natural disasters.
and Legal Structure
Board of Directors
• No fewer than two representatives from each country
in which we work.
• Diverse board including professionals from each of the
following fields: Architecture, Urban Planning, Law,
• Organization President will be based out of the US
Skills & Experience
• Fundraising
• Experience living and working in developing
• Networking and recruiting Board Members
• General knowledge in construction /
architecture design
• Legal
• Financial
• Government Relations
• NGO Management
Our Advantage
• A talented and diverse Board of Directors
• Renowned Design and Architecture
professional volunteers
• Commitment to building safe communities
Operations: Approach
Building for Tomorrow aims to help
communities hit by natural disasters rebuild
their infrastructure in accordance to natural
disaster-resistant standards so as to minimize
impact of future disasters. We will begin by
entering communities recently hit by disaster
and work in the future (1+ year post-disaster) to
provide additional guidance and support for
future infrastructure projects in the community
to foster smarter planning and construction.
Operations: Staffing
NGO will be run by a team, fulltime senior staff, including:
financial director
communications director
government relations director
NGO/international bodies relations director
programming director
domestic resource/recruiting director
international resource/recruiting director
fundraising director
legal director.
Staffing (con’t)
Additionally, there will be a fulltime support staff, including:
receptionist/office manager
assistant to the president
assistant to the CFO
assistant to the two “relations” directors
Communications assistant
Programming assistant
Fundraising assistant
domestic resource assistant
international resource assistant
legal assistant
Staffing (con’t)
Additionally, NGO will maintain a permanent “travel
team” who will meet at a work site (in a disaster
area) that will establish the operation before SMEs
travel to work site. This team, because it will be
provided with irregular work and be required to
travel internationally with little notice, will receive
part time pay while inactive and full time pay when
active. They will be considered “on-call.” They will
not be required to carry out actual construction onsite, and therefore the focus on personnel will be
resourcefulness and managerial skills. This team will
be 3-5 people.
Responsibilities of Senior staff
President: the face of the operation, responsible for speaking on behalf of and
representing the organization to the world. He will also provide significant
contribution to the areas of government relations, programming, and fundraising.
CFO: responsible for ensuring the financial viability of the organization through
proper accounting and tax filing.
Communications Director: responsible for designing and implementing
communications and crisis management plans; ensuring adequate media
Government Relations Director: responsible for establishing working relationships
with the US government and governments of organization-identified foreign
countries of interest. Main goal is to ensure fluidity and easy of operations by
building support at home and abroad for NGO’s mission. Works in collaboration
with Fundraising Director when needed.
NGO/International Bodies Relations Director: similar to the GRD, only with a focus
on NGOs and international bodies such as the United Nations and various disaster
relief groups, like the International Committee of the Red Cross. Works in
collaboration with Fundraising Director when needed.
Responsibilities of Senior staff (con’t)
• Programming Director: responsible for designing, implementing,
and managing NGO’s operational programs.
• Domestic Resource/Recruiting Director: responsible for finding and
securing subject matter experts in the fields of discipline necessary
for NGO’s programming (i.e. architects).
• International Resource/Recruiting Director: same as domestic
position, only focused on the countries of interest to NGO, e.g.
sourcing “local talent.” Additionally, will need to source local
construction contractors.
• Fundraising Director: responsible for fundraising sufficient funds to
support mission of NGO. Works with Relations Directors when
• Legal Director: responsible for ensuring the legality of NGO’s
operations and establishing a legal regime for the volunteer SMEs
who make the NGO’s mission happen.
Responsibilities of others
Support Staff: support Senior Staff.
Travel Team: arrive on-site to work out logistics:
organizing pre-recruited local talent, facilitating
required local permits/paper work, obtaining all
required materials, liaising with local
construction contractors, and taking care of
various/unforeseen needs.
Hiring Proceedures
• President chosen by board of directors.
• President hires Senior Staff with approval of
the hiring committee of the board of directors.
• Support staff to be hired by appropriate
Senior Staff member(s)
Office Needs (minor)
This team will work out of one centralized office
in the United States. No permanent foreign
offices are needed.
Insurance for domestic staff is TBD pending
funding. SMEs sent abroad will be asked to sign
a waver
-Niche - Size/Location
-Service Promotion
-Promotion Strategies
-Sources of Funding
-Strategies for Obtaining Funding
Marketing Plan
• Service: Provide disaster relief to countries that have suffered from
natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes etc.
• Demand: Currently, when countries experience a natural disaster,
many are ill equipped to handle the impact of such a large
scale crisis. Many citizens are left homeless, as the government
attempts to first 1-rescue those in immediate danger, 2- search and
find the missing and 3-secure adequate temporary housing and
facilities for survivors and displaced persons in the
country. Necessary structures such as hospitals, roads, bridges and
housing are often destroyed. While the international community
often reaches out to support fundraising and provide relief, this is
often only temporary and medical in nature. Our NGO would
provide reconstruction contractors to host countries to assess
damage and rebuild infrastructure to alleviate government burden
and increase the rate of return to normalcy for citizens.
Niche Size/Location: The NGO will begin as a U.S. organization providing services on an
international scale. We will work with various architectural and construction companies to
contract out services to countries which have suffered natural disasters.
Service Promotion: Our NGO will create contacts within the public relations and service
sectors of contracting companies as well as with the governments of various controls to
establish legitimacy and necessity of such an organization.
Promotion Strategies:
-Collaborate with the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity etc.
-Create website, twitter account and Facebook pages dedicated to our NGO
-Establish relationships with the State Department
Sources of Funding:
-Individual Contributions
-Host Countries
Strategies for Obtaining Funding
-Individual Contributions: NGO will implement a giving program for BOD
-Donations: Will seek funding from citizens in the international community
-Grants: Grant writing to State Department, charities and organizations to obtain funding
-Host Countries: Yearly donations from international governments (insurance)
Cash Flow
($ 456,456)
Concluding remarks…
We envision a world where all communities are prepared for
natural disasters and equipped with the resources needed to
reduce damage and human suffering.
Our goals are based on the idea that preventative measures
not only save lives but, additionally, save money and valuable
We must act now… we cannot afford to wait.