Vocabulary Lesson 2

Lesson 2
1. Pursuit (noun)- the act of chasing something
The cops were in pursuit of the man who stole from the bank.
2. Scholastic (adjective)- having to do with education and schools
I got scholastic honors for getting straight A’s all throughout middle school.
3. Mentor (noun)- a wise teacher or advisor who offers guidance and support
I needed a mentor when I had my first few months on the new job.
4. Grimly (adverb)- in a stern or forbidding manner
The teacher frowned grimly at the students who were misbehaving.
5. Contested (verb)- disputed; argued against
The player contested the referee’s foul on him.
6. Tumult (noun)- a great commotion or noise
I was wondering what all the tumult was about when I noticed people protesting.
7. Culprit (noun)- a person guilty of misdeed or crime
Sara was the culprit of the missing lunch today.
8. Deprived (verb)- to have something taken away or denied
During Hurricane Sandy, some people were deprived of electricity.
9. Employed (verb)- used
I employed a knife to cut the celery.
10. Miraculous (adj.)- an amazing happening that cannot be explained by science
Her recovery was miraculous because the doctors thought she would never walk
Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes
Lesson 2
A SUFFIX is a group of letters added to the END
of a word that change the root word’s meaning.
-er, -or, -ar, -ist, -ian, -ent
Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes
“someone who”
“ment” is a Latin root word for
MIND-Someone who advises you
Someone who works with art
“pop” is a Latin root word for
PEOPLE- someone who is well-liked
by others
Full of, having qualities of
Having qualities of being a miracle
Lesson 2
A SUFFIX is a group of letters added to the END
of a word that change the root word’s meaning.
-er, -or, -ar, -ist, -ian, -ent
“someone who”
“ment” is a Latin root word for
MIND-Someone who advises you
Someone who works with art
“pop” is a Latin root word for
PEOPLE- someone who is well-liked
by others
Full of, having qualities of
Having qualities of being a miracle