WfDL - Workflow Description Language and Workflow Patterns.

Workflow Description Language
and Workflow Patterns
Yi Wang
What is Workflow?
Workflow Management System
Workflow Reference Models
Workflow Description Language
Workflow Patterns
Workflow Definition
The automation of a business process, in
whole or part.
Information or tasks are passed from one
participant to another for action, according
to a set of procedural rules.
A number of logical steps, each of which is
known as an activity.
Example of Workflow
Workflow Management
A system that completely defines, manages
and executes “workflows” through the
execution of software whose order of
execution is driven by a computer
representation of the workflow logic.
Three function areas
--Supporting WFM
The Build-time functions, concerned with defining,
and possibly modeling, the workflow process and
its constituent activities
The Run-time control functions concerned with
managing the workflow processes in an
operational environment and sequencing the
various activities to be handled as part of each
The Run-time interactions with human users and
IT application tools for processing the various
activity steps
Types of Workflow Product
FlowMark (IBM)
Lotus Notes(IBM/Lotus)
Ad hoc
WorkMAN (Reach Software)
Workflow Reference Model
A reference model for workflow
management systems has been defined by
the WfMC(Workflow Management
Specify a framework for workflow systems,
identifying their characteristics, functions
and interfaces.
Workflow Application Programming
The interface around the workflow
A service interface which is to support
workflow management functions across the
5 functional areas.
Workflow Enactment Services
A software service
Consist of one or more workflow engines in
order to create, manage and execute
workflow instances.
Applications may interface to this service
via the WAPI.
Workflow Engine
A workflow enactment service consists of
mutiple workflow engines.
A software service or "engine"
Execute environment for a workflow
Responsible for the part or all of the
runtime control environment within an
enactment service.
Process and Activity State
The workflow enactment service may be
considered as a state transition machine,
Individual process or activity instances
change states in response to external
events(eg completion of an activity)
Specific control decisions taken by a
workflow engine(eg navigation to the next
activity step within a process)
A Basic Example
Process Definition Tools
To create model, describe and document a
business process.
Based on
Process definition language
Object relationship model
A set of routing commands to transfer
information between participating users
A Basic Meta-Model
WFMC is developing a meta-model for the
process definition
Meta-Languages is a superset of constructs
that is in process modeling languages
Workflow Description
A process description, is a structure
describing the tasks or activities to be
executed and the order of their execution.
The process description can be provided in
Workflow Description Language.
Meta-Language for Workflow
and Process Modeling
WPDL(Workflow Process Definition
PIF(Process Interchange Framework)
PSL(Process Specification Language)
GPSG(Generalized Process Structure
Unified Modeling Language
A Business Process
Workflow Process Definition
Defining the actions to be carried out in
each possible state
Pre- and post-conditions of states
Transitions between states
Defining the sequencing of tasks / states
Defining automated states and states
requiring user input
Processes are presented at various
levels of abstraction.
Object-Oriented concept of inheritance.
Hierarchy structure.
PSL(Process Specification
To support communication between
different applications based on a common
understanding of their environment.
Develop a common exchange format for
different modeling description.
A brief summary
WPDL, PIF, PSL represent IPO-based
process modeling languages.
IPO-based languages describe a workflow
as a directed graph of activities, denoting
the sequence of their execution.
Generalized Process Structure Grammars.
A constraint-based approach to process
GPSG example
For IPO-based language the sequence of two
activities is denoted as
B.start :=A.end
For GPSG, contain following constraints
B.start = A.end
B.end < deadline
B.start = B.end – B.average_duration
Unified Modeling Language
Defines different diagram types for the
design object-oriented software systems
Helps you specify, visualize, and document
Offers graphical notations for workflow
Workflow Patterns
A process requires the activation of multiple
Refers to the relationship among the tasks
of a process.
The workflow description languages and the
mechanisms to control the enactment of a
case must have provisions to support these
temporal relationships.
Basic workflow patterns graph
Basic workflow patterns graph
Internet-Based Workflow Management: Towards a
Semantics Web. Dan.C.Marinescu. Wiley, 2002
Workflow:An Introduction. Rob Allen, Open
Image Systems Inc., United Kingdom Chair,
WFMC External Relations Committee
Using Web Services and Workflow Ontology in
Multi-Agent Systems. Jarmo Korhonen, Lasse
Pajunen, and Juha Puustjärvi
Workflow: An Introduction. Rob Allen, Open
Image Systems Inc., United Kingdom. Chair,
WfMC External Relations Committee.
Workflow Process Definition LanguageDevelopment and Directions of a Meta-Language
for Workflow Processes. Michael zur Mühlen,
Jörg Becker
Workflow Management Coalition The Workflow
Reference Model Document Number TC00-1003
Document Status - Issue 1.1 19-Jan-95
Author:David Hollingsworth