Staffing Calculations Presented by Ed Talley, Manager, Northern Arizona University Postal Services Office: 928-523-6667 Cell: 928-699-0851 Staff Estimate Process Definition: • • • • The process used to determine your staffing needs when compared to: Your monthly mail volume Daily tasks and time to perform such tasks Utilize the data with established production standards to determine staff requirements Mail Center Benchmarks • Industry Standards – rough sort (USPS) 800-1,100 pieces/hr 5 yr experience – fine Sort (USPS 550 pieces/hr (non-automated) • College/University Standards – rough Sort Average - 1,000 pieces per hour – fine Sort Average - 500 pieces per hour – packages – 10 per hour Mail Center Benchmarks • Measure Activity – Time To Perform – – – – – – sorting incoming mail boxing students mail processing packages processing accountable mail delivering campus mail routes other duties = = = = = = 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 1.5 hours 4.5 hours 21 hours • Total Daily Performance Hours = 36 Staff Estimate Process Packages 1. Monthly Volume divided by monthly number of work days (20) = pieces per day (PPD) 2. PPD divided by delivery rate (10) = pieces per hour (PPH) 3. PPH divided by the daily number of hours worked (7) = total number of FTES needed Example 1 - Packages MV=Monthly Volume PPD = Pieces Per Day PPH = Pieces Per Hour 1. MV 3,500 packages / 20 working days = 170 PPD 2. Pieces per day 175/10 process per hr = 17.5 PPH 3. 17.5 PPH/ 7 (hours per day) = 2.2 FTE’s Staff Estimate Process - Mail 1. Daily mail volume divided by RSR 1,000 pcs/hr 2. Daily mail volume divided by FSR 500 pcs/hr 3. Total the number of hours per day needed for mail delivery 4. Divide the sum of 1-2-3 by the daily employee work hours (7) = number of FTE’s required Example 2 - Mail Volume 1. MMV = 600,000 / number of work days (20) = 30M 2. DMV 30,000 / (RSR 1,000 pph) = 30 hrs per day 3. DMV 30,000 / FSR (500 pph) = 60 hrs per day 4. Number of hours needed to deliver mail runs 2 routes/daily = 2hrs x 2 routes = 4 hours per day 5. Divide the sum of lines 2-3-4 (94hrs)/ 7 = 13 FTE 1 Monthly volume divided by the number of work days (20) = Daily Volume Column C 2 Daily mail volume divided by ROUGH sort per hour (1,000) = Hours Per Day to Sort = Column D 3 Daily mail volume divided by FINE sort per hour (500) = Hours Per Day to Sort = Column E 4 Hours required for mail delivery to routes, dorms, supplies ect = Column F 5 Divide the sum of lines 2-3-4 DIVIDED by 7 (daily work hours minus breaks and misc) = Column G NOTE: You can adjust the daily work hours to fit your operation! Month Total Daily Volume Volume Delivery FTE Mail Volume Rough Sort Fine Sort Hours Required July 196,002 August 216,321 September 9,800 10 20 10 6 10,816 11 22 10 6 216,930 10,847 11 22 10 6 October 249,515 12,476 12 25 10 7 November 257,879 12,894 13 26 10 7 December 237,529 11,876 12 24 10 7 January 212,505 10,625 11 21 10 6 February 215,524 10,776 11 22 10 6 March 0 - - - 0 - April 0 - - - 0 - May 0 - - - 0 - June 0 - - - 0 - Average Cost Per Piece (ACPP) • Divide your costs by mail volume Labor Cost = $58,235 Monthly Mail Volume = 209,441 ACPP = $.27 Labor Cost = $40,000 Monthly Mail Volume = 157,770 ACPP = $.25 Summary • Utilize measurements for accuracy • Utilize a Staff Estimate Process • Integrate & train to industry benchmarks • Determine your cost per piece