Article I

Lesson 2- The Constitution
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Activating StrategyIn the “Before” column, write true if you think
the statement is true.
If you think the statement is false, write False in
the “Before” column.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Essential Questions
1) How does the United States Constitution reflect
the people and the time it came from?
2) How does the United States Constitution
provide for the rights of citizens?
Lesson 2- The Constitution
National Government- the government or
political authority that controls an entire
Articles of Confederation- the first constitution
of the 13 American states adopted in 1781.
Delegate- a representative from each state
Framers- delegates at the Constitutional
Convention that were a part of drafting the
Lesson 2- The Constitution
5) Compromise- a settlement of differences by
mutual concessions.
6) Articles in the Constitution- the sections of the
Constitution that explains how the government is
suppose to work.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
DO NOW- 12-1-15
Take out your notes from yesterday and study
them, I may have a question or two that I would
like to ask you about them.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Read page 40-42 in Constitution Handout
Complete the T-Chart on page 4 of your packet.
Be prepared to explain why the Framers believed
the Articles of Confederation was weak and that
they needed to start over with a new constitution.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Achievements under the Articles of Confederation
• It successfully waged war for Independence
against Great Britain.
• It negotiated a peace treaty “the Treaty of Paris”
to end the American Revolution.
• It provided that each state recognize the laws of
other states. (Ex. marriage, travel between
states, criminals could be returned to a state
where a crime was committed.)
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Achievements under the Articles of Confederation
• It passed the Northwest Ordinance which was
the most important law passed under the
Articles. It provided for Public Education, and
forbade slavery. Western settlers were
guaranteed the same things as the original
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Problems under the Articles of Confederation
Congress had no money and no power to get it.
Some states refused to pay what they had
agreed to pay or argued about their fair share.
Congress had no power over the state
governments and their citizens.
Congress could not make states live up to trade
agreements with other nations.
Congress failed to protect American citizens from
unfair discrimination by the states.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Problems under the Articles of Confederation
• Congress had no power to prevent unfair
competition between the states. Trading became
impossible, business slowed and people lost
their jobs.
• The Article did not provide for the defense of the
United States. Each state had its own army.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Who attended the Philadelphia Convention and
how was it organized??
Read pages 46-49
Complete the Framers Study Guide questions.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Do Now- Please have your homework out and
ready to be checked.
Study the information on your study guide while
you wait!!!
No Talking!!!!
Lesson 2- The Constitution
The Framers study guide answers.
1) May 1787 in Philadelphia PA
2) Develop a plan to improve the Articles of
3) 55
4) All were white men, fairly young (avg. age 42),
¾ of them served in Congress and were
leaders from their state, some were rich but
none of them were poor.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
5) George Washington, James Madison, and
Benjamin Franklin.
6) James Madison, Virginia Plan
7) Ben Franklin, his role was to encourage the
delegates to cooperate with each other when
they disagreed.
8) May 25, 1787
9) They thought the problems with the Articles of
Confederation were to serious to correct.
They began to write a new Constitution.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
10) They agreed that each state would only have
one vote. This was important because the smaller
states threatened to withdraw if the larger states
were given more votes.
11) Four important ideas of the Framers.
1. They should create a constitutional
government , of government of limited
Lesson 2- The Constitution
11) Continued
2) The purpose of the government should be
to protect the basic rights and promote
common welfare.
3) A strong national government was needed
to serve these purposes.
4) A republican form of government of elected
representatives was necessary to make sure
the government served the common welfare.
12) September 1787, it went into effect in 1789
Lesson 2- The Constitution
11) Continued
2) The purpose of the government should be
to protect the basic rights and promote
common welfare.
3) A strong national government was needed
to serve these purposes.
4) A republican form of government of elected
representatives was necessary to make sure
the government served the common welfare.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Three Parts of the Constitution
*** Add Preamble and Amendments to your Vocab
1) Preamble- Purpose of the Constitution
2) Articles- sections of the Constitution that
explains how the government should work.
3) Amendments- Changes to the Constitution
Lesson 2- The Constitution
The Preamble
We the people of the United States
Not the King, because this is a democracy
In order to form a more perfect Union
a better union of states than before
establish justice, insure domestic tranquility
Create a fair legal system, keep things peaceful at
Lesson 2- The Constitution
The Preamble
provide for the common defense
Join together to defend against attacks
Promote the general welfare
Help support the people’s well being
And secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves
and our posterity
make sure that freedom and liberty is around today
and for our descendants
Lesson 2- The Constitution
The Preamble
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.
The people have created and agreed to follow this
new plan of government
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Articles of the Constitution
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Directions for Articles of Declaration
• In your group of 4 students you are required to
examine the 7 Articles in the Constitution.
• On the handout, you will write a brief summary
of the Article. You should explain what the
Article is setting up in the United States
Government or the purpose for the Article.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Summarizing the 7 Articles of the Constitution
Article I- The Legislative Branch
Creates the Congress (Senate and House of
Representatives) or lawmaking body
Establishes the requirements for each office
List the powers of each office
List the limits placed on each office
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Summarizing the 7 Articles of the Constitution
Article II- The Executive Branch
Establishes executive power with the president and
vice president.
Establishes term of office and roles of the
List the requirements for president
List the powers
Provides for removal of President
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Summarizing the 7 Articles of the Constitution
Article III- The Judicial Branch
Establishes judicial power in supreme court
Determines the terms for judges,
Outlines the Jurisdiction
Article IV- The States
Outlines the duties of states have and the duties
the federal government has to the states. It
addresses the addition or creation of states.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Summarizing the 7 Articles of the Constitution
Article V- Making Amendments
Outlines the process for proposing or ratifying
amendments to the Constitution.
Article VI- Supreme Law of the Land
Establishes the Constitution as the highest law of
the land.
Lesson 2- The Constitution
Summarizing the 7 Articles of the Constitution
Article VII- Ratification
The Constitution was officially established when 9
out of the 13 states approved the document.