Welcome to AP US History

Chapter 3
DO NOW! 5 min
In your table groups take the Quiz
Annotation Check/Calendar Check
Take out the c-notes with information/ discussion
check list
Chapter 3 quiz Roll the dice – no 6
Write on your own paper
Clear desk and use ‘private offices’
If you are done early start marking the text for
“Great Awakening” reading.
Discussion Norms
Come prepared with information gathered.
You may use your notes for discussion, but no note
taking during the discussion.
Listen to the person speaking.
Contribute your own thoughts
You may use accountable talk questions to dig for
deeper understanding
Speak to/ask questions of the group – not the teacher
Support learning by maintaining order and
Contributing to the discussion.
Follow the leadership of the facilitator
Utilizing C-Notes II
Use a different color pen or pencil that you used to gather
your information.
Compare your notes with your partner/table group
Fill in gaps of missing information with different color ink.
With your partner/table group generate connections on the
left hand side.
 Questions – level 2 or 3 Drawings
 Main Ideas
 Vocabulary
 Reactions
Connections – Historical or
 Significance
To what extent did democracy
develop in the American Colonies?
Pre Write
Analyze the prompt
 What
What are the essential parts to the question?
 How
is the question asking?
many items need to be addressed.
Content Frame
No Democracy
Some Democracy
Full Democracy
(not developed)
(some development)
X Statement
X. However, A,B,C. Therefore____
Get out your content frame
Add any additional information from today's discussion.
X statement
 2 or more opposing viewpoints
However A, B, and C
 Your 3 strongest arguments from your side
 Your controlling idea
 Turn in your pre-write for feedback
Story Words – in Journal
Choose 3 SFI from chapters 2 & 3
One Sentence Explanation of SFI.
One Sentence of Commentary
 Make an Inference – ‘this suggest ___ or this proves__”
 Give a reason
 Give an effect
 Give an importance or significance
 Compare or Contrast
 Make an analogy
 If then statement
 Make a historical connection
Take out your topic outline for unit one and see if
any of your ratings have changed (content or Skill)
Homework – Utilizing C-notes III
Mark your c-notes
 Highlight
main ideas and important information
 Add arrows to show connections or symbols
, . !, $, *
Summarize your C-notes
Fold the paper over to study.
Interrogate the text: Opposing Viewpoints; The Great
Awakening is a welcome religious revival.
Prepare questions for the Socratic Seminar
Review flashcards
Review/Utilize notes for the test.