The Anatomical And Physiological Peculiarities Of Urinary Tract In Children Of Different Age. Renal structure and physiology • The structural and functional unit of the kidney is the nephron • The nephron consists of: Bowman’s capsule, enclosing the capillary tuft of the glomerulus, which is joined successively to the proximal convoluted tubule, Henle’s loop, the distal convoluted tubule, the straight or collecting duct. Longitudinal section of kidney Embryogenesis The kidneys develop from mesoderm located between the somites and the lateral portion of the embryo Pronephros • On the 21st day after fertilization the mesoderm in the cervical region differentiates into a structure called the pronephros, which consists of a duct and simple tubules connecting the duct with the open celomic cavity. This type of kidney is the functional adult kidney in some lower chordates, but it is probably not functional in the human embryo and soon disappears. Mesonephros • The mesonephros (middle kidney) is a functional organ in the embryo. It consists of a duct, which is a caudal extension of the pronephric duct, and a number of minute tubules, which are smaller and more complex than those of the pronephros. • One end of each tubule opens into the mesonephric duct, and the other end forms a glomerulus. Formating of the uretra • As the mesonephros is developing, the caudal end of the hindgut begins to enlarge to form the cloaca, the common junction of the digestive, urinary, and genitale system. The cloaca becomes divided by a urorectal septum into two portions: a digestive portion called the rectum and a urogenitalic portion called the uretra. Developing of ureter • The mesonephric duct extends caudally as it develops and eventually joints the cloaca. At the point of junction another tube, the ureter, begins to form. Metanephros • Metanephros starts to develop on the 3rd month of gestation from the mesonephrotic tubules and distal end of the ureter, which enlarges and branches to form the duct system of the metanephros. • Metanephros is the adult kidney, which takes over the function of the degenerating mesonephros. Congenital disorders of kidney development. •Agenesia •Aplasia •Duplication •Polycystosis •Dystopia •Hypoplasia •Dysplasia Aplasia of left kidney Hypoplasia of left kidney Lumbar, vertebra and pelvic dystopia of kidneys Anatomical perculiarities of kidneys in infants • • • • • • • Kidneys have relatively bigger sizes than in adults (1/100 of body weight; 11-12 g); The relation of thickness and length of kidney in newborn is 1:2 (in adult 1:3); Lobular structure is present till 2 years age; They are situated lower than in adult; They have very thin fibrous capsule; Absence of perirenal fat capsule in newborns leads to bad fixation of kidneys and to physiological hypermobility of them (in infants to 1.5-2.0 cm and in children older 7 years – 1-1.5 cm). The cortex is undeveloped in neonates (thickness of cortex is ¼ of the medulla) comparing to school-age children and elder (it is ½ of the medulla). Localization of kidneys • Newborn – on the level of from 1st to 5th lumbar vertebras. • Older children – on the level between the XІ thoracic and IV lumbar vertebras. • The longer size of kidney is not bigger than height of 4 lumbar vertebras. • Right kidney is 1 cm longer than left one. Localization of kidneys according to vertebra column. Age On the left side On the right side The upper apex Newborn on the level of the lower edge of ХІ thoracic vertebra on the level of ХІІ thoracic vertebra 3-5 months on the level of ХІІ thoracic vertebra on the level of the lower edge of ХІІ thoracic vertebra 1 year on the level of the lower edge of ХІІ thoracic vertebra on the level of І lumbar vertebra 2 years and older Like in adult Like in adult The lower apex Below the iliac crest Newborn 2 years and older Above the iliac crest Ureters • They are more wide and relatively longer in children unders 7 years (dilated ureteres) • They have the presence of physiological kinks (twists), when they are situated near the pelvic big vessels. • Bad development of muscles layer under 3 years leads to often urine reflux from the bladder. • Mucus layer of ureters is wrinkled in infants. Urethral canal (urethra) - Is wider and shorter in children under 3 years - External urethral meatus is opened in girls younger 3 years Urinary bladder • It is situated upper (in children under 3 years it can be found above the interpubic joint, so it can be palpable) • The muscular leyer and elastic fibres are poorly developed under 6 years • Ureteric mouth (oribice) are commonly opened due to undeveloped muscular sphincters. That’s why vesicoureteric refluxes are very common in children. Very good vascularisation of bladder mucosa leads to development of inflammatory processes of the ureter and/or urine bladder. Volume of the urinary bladder Newborn 1 year 1-3year 3-5 year 5-9 year 9-12 year Older 30ml 35-50 ml 50-90 ml 100-150ml 200ml 200-300 ml 400 ml Length of the ureter • newborn– 6-7 cm • 1 year – 10 cm • 4 year – 15 cm • Older than 4 year – 20-28 cm Morphological peculiarities of glomerulus in children • The differentiation of glomeruluses is not ended • The glomerular epithelium in Bowman’s capsule is cylindrical versus flat epithelium in adults • The glomerular capillary endothelium is composed of higher cells than in adults • All peculiarities result in smaller filtrative surface of kidney and lower permeability of glomerulus barrier. Morphological peculiarities of tubules in children • Relatively shorter and more narrow than in adult, especially in the peripheral parts of the kidney • Henle’s loop is shorter and immature in structure Renal function 1. To maintain the chemical composition and volume of the body fluids at a constant level. 2. To remove excess levels of waste products (desintoxication). 3. The production of certain humoral substances: erythropoietic stimulating factor (ESF, or erythrogenin), which acts on a plasma globulin to form erythropoietin; renin, which is secreted by the kidneys in response to reduced blood volume, decreased blood pressure, or increased secretion of catecholamines; renin stimulates the production of the angiotensins, which produce arteriolar constriction and an elevation of blood pressure and stimulate the production of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex. 3 processes that provide the urine production: • Providing an ultrafiltration of plasma. • Reabsorption of the most part of fluid and electrolytes from the primary urine by the renal tubules. • Secretion of certain substances into the tubular urine. Filtration of blood • The plasma of the blood is filtered in the glomerulus of capillaries • The plasma pass into the capsular space (lumen) and into the proximal tubules at a rate of about 125 ml/min/kidney. • All from blood except the cells and the largest elements (proteins) pass into original filtrate = primary urine • The primary urine has essentially the same composition as plasma Tubular absorption • The pyramid-shaped cells of the proximal tubule are responsible for absorption from the filtrate: 85 % of the sodium chloride and water, all of the glucose, small proteins and amino acids, certain vitamins. • The loop of Henle absorbs the water by drawing it into the tissues between the tubules. • the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts absorb most of the water remaining so that 99 % of original filtrate has been returned to the tissues and 1 % passes into the minor calyces. Secretion of certain substances into the tubular urine • Due tubular secretion some substances appear in urine: In the proximal tubule organic acids and bases and H+ ions are secreted into lumen; In the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts secretion of Kalium ions and NH3 takes place. The peculiarities of kidney function in early infancy • • • • • • • • • Glomerular filtration rate is low and does not reach adult values until the child is between 1 and 2 years of age The concentrating ability of the newborn kidney does not reach adult levels until about the third month of life. Urea synthesis and excretion are slower during this time. The newborn retains large quantities of nitrogen and essential electrolytes in order to meet needs for growth in the first weeks of life. Newborn infants are unable to excrete a water load at rates of older persons. Hydrogen ion excretion is reduced. Acid secretion is lower for the first year of life. Infants have a diminished capacity to reabsorb glucose that results in physiological glucosuria of neonates. Infants have a diminished capacity to produce ammonium ions during the first few days. As a result of these inadequacies of the kidney: • • • the newborn is more liable to develop severe acidosis. kidneys are less able to adupt to deficiencies and excesses of sodium. An isotonic saline infusion may produce edema because the ability to eliminate excess sodium is impaired. Conversely inadequate reabsorption of sodium from tubules may compound sodium losses in disorders such as vomiting or diarrhea. the newborn develops physiological anuria during the first few days. Patients complaints and methods of physical examination • The examination of kidneys is impossible without laboratory urine tests. • All symptoms in case of kidney disorders are divided into renal and extrarenal. Renal symptoms • Renal symptoms are such clinical signs that directly show on the disorders of kidneys and any part of the collecting system • They are: lumbar region pains (costovertebral angle tenderness, flank pain) dysuria syndrom of urine changes Causes of “kidney” pain. • 1 – expansion of calyces and renal pelvis; 2 – expansion of capsule; 3 – compression of receptors; 4 – renal ischemia; 5 – refluxes. • Only children after 2 years can complain on lumbar region pains, because in this age cortex tissue and renal capsule reach their mature form. Dysuria •Dysuria means problems with urination: painful urination; frequent or infrequent voiding; urinary urgency; incomplete voiding; enuresis. Frequency of urination • It is age-depended and closely connected with fluid intake and surrounding climate (hot or cold). • Voidind of the bladder is more frequent in infancy, when it equals approximately the number of feeding 3. • For example: the 6 months baby empties the bladder 53=15 times a day. • At the age of 1 year urination frequency ranges from 9 to 12 times a day, later it decreases to 6-8 times at 3 years, 5-6 times at 10 and 3-4 in adolescence. Normal limits range within 1 to 3 times more or less. Enuresis (urination incontinence) • It is physiological in children up to 1.5 – 2 years. • Enuresis can be daytime and nighttime. • Toilet-trained child can perform incontinence in case of urinary tract infection or CNS disorders. Syndrom of urine changes • includes the interpretation of qualitative and quantitative laboratory data of urine tests: Colour of urine Transparence The urine volume (diuresis) Specific gravity Extrarenal symptoms • Extrarenal symptoms are the signes, the cause of which is kidneys disorders, but the developing pathological changes concern other organs and systems. • These are: Edema Hypertension. Cardiac pain. Skin pallor Intoxication syndrom includes fever, chills, anorexia, fatigue, irritability, lethargy, headaches and vomiting. In infants kidney disorders can manifestate with feeding problems and failure to thrive. Kidney Edema • develops as a result of fluid retention and disbalance of intracapillary and tissue hydrostatic pressure. • Visual evidence of fluid accumulation appears when the volume of intersticial fluids enlarges more than on 15 %. • The peculiarities of renal edema are: localization (puffiness of face, especially around the eyes); time of manifestation (they are more apparent in the morning and subsides during the day); spreading (as the patient’s condition is getting worse edema spreads to involve extremities and genital organs (labial or scrotal swelling), abdomen (ascites), thoracic cavity (hydrothorax). Edema of intestinal mucosal causes diarrhea, anopexia, poor intestinal absorption. The total edema is called anasarka. surface and concistency (skin above swelling is pale, warm and soft by tuch). Patient with kidney edema Complex of diagnostic tests and procedures 1. Urinanalysis (once per 7-10 days). 2. Nechiporenco, Amburgeau, Addis-Kakovskiy test. 3. Revealing of the so-called “active leukocytes” in the urine sediment. 4. Urine culture with detection of microbe sensitivity to antibiotics. 5. 3-glasses test. 6. Zimnitsky’s test • Determination of secretory renal function: function of distal tubules (ammonia, filtrated acidity of urine), proximal tubules (α2-microglobulin in urine, calciuria, phosphaturia), Henle’s loop (osmotic concentration of the urine). • Biochemical analyses of blood: total serum protein, dysproteinemia (with elevated levels of α-and γ-globulins), albumin/globulin ratio, cholesterol, residual nitrogen, blood urea nitrogen, nonprotein nitrogen, creatinine, serum sodium and other electrolytes, rise of ciliac acids, mucoproteins, antistreptolysin-O, positive C-reactive protein, total serum complement levels. Tests to rule out structural anomalies: • • • • • • • Ultrasonography of kidneys and urinary bladder. Intravenous pyelography. Retrogradous urography. Radiography. Cystoscopy. Cystography. Renal biopsy. Urinanalysis (Routine analysis of urine) • Qualitative characteristics of urine : colour, smell and transparence; • Quantitative characteristics of urine : pH, specific gravity, urine chemistry (protein, glucose, keton bodies, bile pigments, urobilin etc.), microscopy of sediment (leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders (=casts), endothelial cells, mucus, pus and bacteria). Diuresis • Diuresis means the process of urine production. • The urine volume (UV per 24 hrs) is its laboratory reflection. Daily diuresis •Newborn 50 – 300 ml •1 month infant 300 ml •6 month infant 400 ml •1 year child 600 ml •1-10 years: UV = 600+100(n-1),where n is age of child in years •Older 10 years 1700 ml (varies with intake and other factors) Volume of 1 urination (voiding) •Newborn – 10-15 ml •6 mounth – 30 ml •1 year – 60 ml •3-5 years – 90-100 ml •7-8 years – 150 ml •10-12 years – 250 ml Pathological changes of urine volume. • Poliuria is diagnosed when the urine volume exceeds the normal ranges in 2 times and more. • Oliguria means the decreasing of daily urine volume to ¼ of age ranges and less. • Anuria is diagnosed when the urine volume decrease less than 5 % of normal data or there is no urine per whole day. It is one of the most dangerous conditions for the child’s life and needs the emergency medical help. Renal – the kidneys don’t form the urine due to consigerable damage of their tissues. Postrenal (mechanical) – the urine is produced, but it doesn’t go into the bladder because of upper tract or bladder neck obstruction. Nocturia. • The normal correlation of daytime and nighttime urine volume is 2:1. That means that because of bigger fluid intake and physical activity urine excretion is more intensive during daytime. • If the night urine volume is bigger, it is the manifestation of decreased renal function. Specific gravity of urine •It is the concentration of electrolits and other substances dissolved in urine. •Normal ranges are: Newborn 1.006-1.012 1-12 month – 1.002-1.006 2-5 years – 1.009-1.016 10-12 years – 1.012-1.025 •Excretion of 0.1 g of glucose per 1 l of urine causes enlargement of specific gravity on 0.004; 0.4 g of protein – on 0.001. Pathological changes of specific gravity of urine. • It is assessed by Zimnitskiy’s test Maximal value of specific gravity Symptom less than 1.008 hypostenuria 1.008-1.010 1.010-1.030 more than 1.030 isostenuria Normal limits hyperstenuria Proteinuria • Protein normally is absent in urine. • But some amount up to 0.033 g/l is permitted. • Normal ranges of daily protein loss is 50 g per day at rest and up to 100-130 g/day after intense exercise. • Excretion of protein with urine is called proteinuria – mild proteinuria up to 1 g/l is found in case of cystitis, urine tract infection, after physical exertion or getting cold; – moderate proteinuria (1-3 g/l) develops in case of glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure, renal tuberculosis; – significant proteinuria (more than 3 g/l) is one of the main signs of nephrotic syndrome or terminal stage of renal failure. Accordingly to source of protein in urine: •Renal organic proteinuria develops as a result of damage of kidney’s tissue structure (for example, in case of glomerulonephritis), when the filtration is enlarged. •Renal functional proteinuria is the result of increased permeability of glomerular endothelium or decreasing of blood flow in responce to external influences: albuminuria of a newborn appears due to functionally and structurally immature glomerulus and significant loss of water with perspiration immidiately after birth; alimentary proteinuria develops after taking food rich with proteins; orthostatic proteinuria is observed in toddlers and preschoolers after staying for a long time in vertical position. Functional proteinuria is less significant than organic and disappears as soon as etiological factor stops its action. •Extrarenal proteinuria appears in result of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract (cystitis, urethritis, vulvovaginitis). Microscopy of urine sediment • It helps to find epithelial cells, RBCs and WBCs, casts, salt crystals, mucus and bacteria in urine. • Epithelial cells are normally present in urine sediment but not more than 2-4 cells in 1 square. The enlargement of their quantity shows on inflammatory processes in urine bladder or urethra (cystitis, urethritis etc). Leucocyturia (or pyuria) • WBCs are also present in urine of healthy person. • If they are found in quantities more than 5-6 cells in 1 square in male and 10 cells in female, it is leucocyturia (or pyuria) which is the evidence of UTI. • According to the source of leucocytes in urine there are: renal leucocyturia (pyuria) is the evidence of urine tract infection, acute or chronic pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, kidney TB, when WBCs go into urine from organs of urinary system; extrarenal leucocyturia is diagnosed in case of inflammatory processes of genital organs (vulvovaginitis). Haematuria • RBCs are permitted to be found in urine but not more than 1-2 cells in 1 square. • Presence of enlarged quantity of erythrocytes in urine is called haematuria. • It also can be renal and extrarenal. • According to the quantity of found RBCs there are: microhaematuria (not more than 50 RBCs in 1 square). In this case urine has its natural colour. macrohaematuria (more than 50 RBCs in 1 square). Urine is reddish-brown or smoky brown, resembles tea or cola. • If the urine is bright red, it means that it contains fresh erythrocytes that is evidence of hemorrhage from kidneys or any part of the collecting system. Casts (cylinders) • Casts (cylinders) are the moulds from cells or molecules formed in renal tubules when the urine flow in disturbed. Epithelial casts are formed from ruined epithelial cells and are found in case of severe renal disorders. Blood casts consist from ruined erythrocytes and are present at glomerulonephritis or renal bleeding. Leucocyte cylinders are formed in case of pyelonephritis. Quantitative methods • These methods help to assess exact quantity of RBCs, WBCs, and casts in patient’s urine • They are: Nechepurenko’s method Method by Kakovsky-Addis Ambyrze’s method 3-glasses test. Bacteriological investigation (urine culture) • Technique of urine collection: collect 2-10 ml of urine into sterile test-tube. Take urine from the middle stream. Provide accurate intimate-wash of child before collecting urine. Send urine to the laboratory within 2 hours. • Result is microbal number (the amount of bacteria in 1 ml of urine) that normally not gets over 50 000. • The result 10 000-50 000 is suspicious and requires further examination. • If microbal number is more than 50 000 that means bacteriuria. • Also the type of microflora is detalized (for example, St. aureus, Proteus vulgaris, E. coli, etc) and its sensitiveness to antibiotics. Creatinine clearance (endogenous) • This test helps to assess filtrative function of kidneys. • Endogenous creatinine is a substance that is excreted from organism only by kidneys by the way of filtration. The concentration of creatinine in the blood serum is quitely constant as it does not depend on food intake. • Clearance is the amount of blood serum that is completely cleared from the tested substance during 1 min. Technique of procedure: • the child has to void the bladder in the morning (at 8.00), and then to drink a glass of water (NO BREAKFAST !); – at 9 o’clock take a blood specimen for creatinine concentration; – at 10 o’clock the child has to void the bladder again (as maximal as possible), in this urine creatinine concentration is also measured. • count the creatinine clearance according formula Normal data of creatinine clearance. Age Creatinine clearance Daily creatinine Newborn 40-65 ml/min/1.73 m2 8-20 mg/kg/d Child 80-120 ml/min/1.73 m2 8-22 mg/kg/d Adult 80-120 ml/min/1.73 m2 14-26 mg/kg/d SEMIOTICS OF RENAL SYSTEM DISORDERS • • • • Urinary tract infection (UTI) Acute postsreptococcal glomerulonephritis Acute renal failure Chronic renal failure Renal system disorders syndromes • • • • • • • • • • • • • Disuria syndrome Painful syndrome Syndrom of urine changes Edematic syndrome Hypertension syndrome Hypotension syndrome Intoxication syndrome Nephrotic syndrome Nephrytyc syndrome Cardiovascular system dysfunction syndrome Anemic syndrome Hemolytic-uremic syndrome Enuresis (urinary incontinence) syndrome • Nephrotic syndrome: massive proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, hyperlipidemia, hypersholesterinemia, edemas. • Nephrytyc syndrome: hypertension, hematuria, moderate proteinuria, edemas.