Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights
Jackie Robinson
 First
African American baseball player to
cross the color lines
Brown vs. Board of Education
 Declares
that segregation is
Plessy vs. Ferguson
 1896
the Supreme Court decides that
“separate but equal “ is legal
 Segregated
facilities are legal
Sweatt vs. Painter
 Allowed
an African American man named
Herman Sweatt to attend the University of
Texas law school when he was originally
Thurgood Marshall
lawyer that argues the Brown
Decision and wins the case to end
Earl Warren
 The
chief Justice that hears the case in
Brown vs. the Board of Education
Montgomery Bus Boycott
 Rosa
Parks a NAACP member refuses to
give up her seat to a white passenger
 Her
and Martin Luther King Jr, begin to
boycott public transportation to end
segregated buses, trains, etc.
Civil Rights Act 1957
 Act
increased voting for African
Americans in the southern states
Orval Faubus
 Governor
of Arkansas who favored
segregation and prevented nine African
American students from entering Little
Rock High School
 Little
Rock Nine were threatened by mobs
of angry citizens
 President
Eisenhower ordered federal
troops to escort these students into the
Sit Ins and Freedom Rides
 Sit
ins a lunch counters and rides with
interracial students on public
transportation encouraged desegregation
of these facilities
Letter from Birmingham Jail
Civil Disobedience- resistance to injustice
through non-violent actions such as peaceful
boycotts, walkouts, picketing, demonstrations
During a peaceful protest in Alabama Martin
Luther King Jr was arrested and in jail he wrote a
letter describing why African Americans could
no longer wait patiently for justice.
The March on Washington
march in Washington that was designed
to put pressure on Congress to pass new
Civil Rights laws
 It
was the largest demonstration for human
rights in American history
Civil Rights Act of 1964
 Prohibits
discrimination based on race,
color, religion, or ethnic origin in hotels,
restaurants and all places of employment
doing business with the federal
 This
act also cut off federal aid to schools
that were still segregated
Twenty fourth amendment
 Eliminates
poll taxes
Voting Rights Act of 1965
 Act
ended poll taxes, suspended literacy
tests and led to an increase in African
American voter rights