Chapter 11 NEWSPAPER

Chapter 11 The War of 1812 Newspaper
5 of the 10 topics below should be addressed / OVERALL: MUST HAVE AN AMERICAN BIAS
Format (on board)
TITLES: 1 main title and 5 separate titles that will hook in the reader
Research and answer the following questions completely by informing the public about the issue(s) at hand using the
following: Chapter 11 & Chapter 12 / p. 224-240
Online textbook – Google: American Pageant 13th Edition PDF. Click the first link to get every chapter needed.
Create a piece of propaganda for the urgency behind promoting the War of 1812 in the middle of your newspaper.
1. What were the causes of the War of 1812?
There are many, but keep in mind a few of the following:
a. Neutrality Control
b. Economic concern (Embargo Act/Non-Intercourse Acts)
c. American expansion / Frontier Pressures
d. World perception
2. Who were the “warhawks”? What is their significance?
3. Identify and give the significance of the following: (pick 2 to discuss in your article)
a) Henry Clay
b) John C. Calhoun
c) Daniel Webster
d) James Madison
e) Andrew Jackson
f) Battle of Tippecanoe
g) Battle of Great Lakes (Especially for Lake Erie)
h) Battle of the Thames
i) USS Constitution
j) Battle of Horseshoe Bend
k) Burning of Washington, D.C.
l) Battle of Ft. McHenry & how does the Star Spangled Banner fit in to it?
m) Battle of New Orleans
4. What role did Native Americans play in the war as a whole?
5. Explain why the Federalists opposed the war and how this affected the party.
6. Describe the American military effort. (Both positive and negative)
7. What was the Hartford Convention? What was decided? What was its effect?
8. Describe the efforts of the Treaty of Ghent and the effects of the treaty.
9. Explain the long-term results of the war at home and abroad.
10. Describe how America changed throughout the following: (pick 2 to discuss in your article)
a. Economy
b. Domestic Culture
c. American Literature
d. American Army and Navy
Propaganda: The goal of propaganda is to get you to make an emotional attachment rather than a rational attachment to an issue.
Your propaganda should be placed in the middle of your newspaper with the following:
(1) Picture / interpretation of goal
(2) Color!
(3) Pun or underlying goal of poster (written out in bold letters)
Due: A Day – Friday B Day – Monday