Crossword Puzzle: Chapter 11


Crossword Puzzle: Chapter 10

The Jefferson Era


Date: Per:

Use your Chapter 10 Notes, Worksheets, and your knowledge of American History to complete the following crossword puzzle.


1. The most famous battleship in the War of 1812 was the USS _________ known as

“Old Ironsides.”

5. Privately owned ships that attacked the British

6. Oliver Hazard Perry defeated the British in this battle, gaining control of the west

7. Wrote the "Star Spangled Banner"

9. Territory purchased from France

10. Indian leader who planned for the Indians to unite in resistance to American


13. Canadian town burned down which triggered the British to burn Washington D.C.

14. Members of Congress who demanded war

16. Defeated at the Battle of Tippecanoe

18. Supreme Court Justice in Marbury v. Madison

21. First lady during the War of 1812

22. U.S. Navy commander that defeated the British at the Battle of Lake Erie

23. United States President during the War of 1812


2. Lewis and Clark's Indian guide who led them to the Shoshone tribe

3. Where the Barbary States were located

4. President that used the Embargo Act as a strategy to avoid war.

8. A total cut-off of foreign trade.

11. The "Star Spangled Banner" was written by Francis Scott Key during the battle for

this fort near Baltimore.

12. The Federalist held the ________________ Convention in 1814 to discuss opposition

to the war and possible secession.

15. Current name of country that was a French colony where Toussaint L'Ouverture led a

slave rebellion.

17. Indian tribe that Lewis and Clark spent their first winter in North Dakota

19. Indians that were known as the "Pirates of the Missouri" and threatened Lewis &


20. Personal secretary to Thomas Jefferson and explorer
