Variables fundamentales de la Investigación en el Aula de LE

Definition and main characteristics of CLIL/content-based instruction
(Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 114-116)
CBI/T: Content based instruction/teaching
CLIL: Content and language integrated learning
AICLE: Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenido y Lengua Extranjera
EMILE: Enseignement de Matières par Integration D’une Langue Étrangère
Brinton, Snow and Wesche (1989):
“the integration of content with language-teaching aims" (p. 2).
It involves the teaching of academic subject matter and second language skills.
The students receive curricular information and do their academic tasks in the TL and, at the
same time, acquire the L2/TL in a very natural way.
Learners are encouraged to think and learn through the use of the TL by integrating the four
traditional language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
It primarily relies on intralingual, experiential and implicit teaching.
The separation between curricular development and the study of the L2 or TL is eliminated
Hypothesis and rationales of CBT/CLIL/EMILE
(Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 114-116)
It is assumed that the use of the TL for classroom instruction -if made
comprehensible- is the most efficient way to improve the student's
proficiency level.
This approach puts its emphasis on content and themes that develop the
different curricular areas and tries to take into account the interests and
needs of the learners.
The intralingual and curricular content dimension are integrated so that
the students develop their linguistic competence and general education at
the same time.
It aims to provide meaningful learning by connecting the new information
with the student's previous learning experiences (constructivism).
Antecedents and connections to the content-based instruction movement
(Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 116)
Natural methods along the history of LT.
The communicative approach (Widdowson, 1978; Brumfit and Johnson, 1979; Richard
and Schmidt, 1983; Littlewood, 1981, Finocchiaro and Brumfit, 1983, Sánchez Pérez,
Cognitive theories (Ausubel, 1968; Anderson, 1983; Chamot and O'Malley, 1994).
Natural approach (Krashen and Terrell, 1983).
ESP movement (Strevens, 1977; Mackey and Mountford, 1978; Hutchinson and Walters,
Bilingual programs (Lambert and Tucker, 1972; Mackey and Andersson, 1977; Genese,
1987; Hoffman, 1991; Swain and Cummins, 1982; Swain and Lapkin, 1982).
Immersion LT in the Middle Ages
(Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 116-117)
In the Middle Ages, the teaching of Latin -and to some extent Greek- were
implemented by using the language taught as a means of instruction.
St. Augustine instructed and trained young boys to become priests and preachers in
the Latin language. As early as 389 AD, St. Augustine stressed the need for a focus
on meaning content in language learning.
Some children enjoyed a private tuition and the communication between the master
and his pupil also took place entirely in the TL (Latin).
The natural methods tradition
(Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 117-118)
The direct method in LT fully exploits the intralingual techniques described in the
previous sections, since classroom instruction is conducted exclusively in the TL.
The direct method techniques found some precursors in M. Montaigne (1533-1592), J.
Webbe (1560-1633), J. A. Comenius (1592-1670), L. Sauveur (1826-1907), Berlitz
(1852-1921) and other proponents of naturalistic techniques in language teaching and
In the XIXth century, the initiative was developed by C. Marcel (1793-1896) and F.
Gouin (1831-1896). It was considered that L1 learning could be a good model to be
reproduced with the TL learning. They emphasise the importance of meaning in
learning and try to present the language in a context that makes their meaning clear.
More recently, Terrell (1977) and Krashen and Terrell (1983) have developed a natural
approach, where the entire class period is devoted to communicative activities. This
approach aims to develop basic personal oral and written communication skills:
The general goal is communication skills.
Comprehension precedes production.
Production emerges without forcing it, after a silent period.
Learning activities must promote subconscious acquisition rather than conscious learning.
Content-based roots in the communicative approach
(Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 119-120)
The communicative approach (CA) proposes to work with motivated activities, topics
and themes which involve the learner in authentic communication. In general, the
techniques used by the CA are predominantly holistic and global, experiential and
Communicative syllabuses tend to focus more on the message of the content than
on the single formal aspects of the language used. In this sense it is messageorientated as is the CBT.
Opportunities for authentic language use are sought.
Learning the TL through the TL. The language class is considered an ideal setting
to develop communication through the TL, so classroom instructions and
management are conducted in the TL.
Relevant topics. The CA often seeks substantive topics which satisfy the student's
interests and needs and that have some educational relevance.
Semantic emphasis. The emphasis that the CBA puts on the semantic aspects is
also rooted in the CA that emphasises the expression of meaning, concepts and ideas
above all.
Influence of the language teaching through cross-curricular contents
(Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 120-121)
The language across the curriculum movement has influenced L2
instructional theory and practice. This movement puts a great emphasis on
the teaching of the L1 across the curricular subjects (Maths, Science,
Geography, History, etc.).
The Spanish reform also introduces the teaching of cross-curricular
contents (transversalidad curricular) (civic education, health education, etc.)
through the TL. That has often implied some emphasis on contents.
MATHS: Mental arithmetic
Connection with the Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) movement
((Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 121)
CLIL also connects with the LSP movement, which aims to satisfy the students’
needs and interests. The content and aims of teaching are determined by the
requirement of the learner.
The content is restricted to fit the learner's purposes, selected according to his/her
interests, developed through themes and topics according to his/her needs and
focused to satisfy his/her communicative needs.
Similarities with bilingual education programs
(Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 121-123)
The CBA uses the TL as the means of instruction and, through it, a variety of curricular
subjects are taught. This is a common feature of bilingual education programmes.
Two well known examples are the bilingual programs in Canada (Lambert and
Tucker, 1972; Swain, 1972; Stern, 1973; Swain and Lapkin, 1982) and in the USA
(CDE, 1990; Stern, 1984).
These programs work according to the following principles:
A great emphasis must be put on thinking, communication and problem-solving.
A rich content in all curricular areas, including history, science and literature
should be presented.
They must be content-based and emphasise central concepts, patterns and
relationships from each discipline.
They must provide a holistic view of learning by integrating and connecting the
curricular areas.
The approach followed in the presentation and organisation of contents must be
sequentially and spirally organised, so that the concepts, skills and topics
introduced in the first stages are cyclically exploited and treated in later stages.
Variety of teaching strategies. It is recommended to use a wide range of
techniques and strategies which satisfy the variety and diversity of students.
The skills and information provided must be relevant for the students, so that it
keeps relation with the real-life situations that the students may encounter in society.
Bilingual programs in Canada
(Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 121-122)
Aims of the St Lambert Experiment:
The children should:
• Become competent in speaking, reading and writing French.
• Reach normal achievement levels throughout the curriculum including
the English language.
• Appreciate the traditions and culture of French speaking Canadians as
well as English speaking Canadians.
• In short, the aims were for children to become bilingual and bicultural
without loss of achievement.
Relation with the Cognitive Academic Learning Approach (CALLA)
(Madrid & García Sánchez, 2001: 124)
The CBA keeps important similarities with the CALLA, designed by Chamot and O'Malley
(1994). The CALLA, the same as the CBA, integrates language and content for L2
instruction as follows (1994: 10):
– The content topics are aligned with an all-English curriculum.
– Practice is provided of the topics that the students will encounter in grade-level
– Beginning with science instruction is recommended because this context, rich
in discovering and hands-on-techniques, easily supports the academic language
– Another content subject that can be introduced is mathematics, currently
involved in solving word problems.
– Social studies is the third content subject introduced in a CALLA programme.
What are the dimensions of CLIL in the classroom?
(Coyle, 2006)
A successful CLIL lesson should combine elements of the four principles below:
Progression in knowledge, skills and understanding related to specific elements of a defined
Using language to learn - whilst learning to use language.
The key is interaction, NOT reaction.
Developing thinking skills which link concept formation (abstract and concrete),
understanding and language
Exposure to alternative perspectives and shared understandings, which deepen awareness
of otherness and self.
Prepare for internationalisation, access International Certification, ETC.
Developing thinking skills which link concept formation (abstract and concrete),
Building material and houses resistance
Building material is any material which is used for a construction purpose. Many
naturally occurring substances, such as clay, sand, wood and rocks, even twigs and
leaves have been used to construct buildings. Apart from naturally occurring
materials, many man-made products are in use, some more and some less synthetic.
The manufacture of building materials is an established industry in many countries
and the use of these materials is typically segmented into specific specialty trades,
such as carpentry, plumbing, roofing and insulation work. They provide the makeup of habitats and structures including homes.
Common materials used for houses are: Mud and clay, Rock, Thatch, Brush, Ice,
Wood, Concrete, Metal, Glass, Foam, Cement composites
Find pictures of houses and blocks of houses made of the previous
How resistant do you think they are? Link the material houses are
made of and their resistance.
What are the practical implications of introducing CLIL into the school
The content subject should always be the primary focus of any materials used in the
CLIL classroom
Constituye una tentativa para superar las limitaciones de los planes de estudio
tradicionales, de la enseñanza de materias individuales, y representa un cambio
hacia la integración curricular.
Lessons will need to be challenging cognitively, with comparatively light linguistic
Schools need to design materials to suit the needs of their learners, and to enable
them to develop until they are working at high levels of cognitive and linguistic
How do schools tackle timetabling issues?
CILT research revealed a range of different approaches to timetabling CLIL:
isolated lessons over the school year and 'bilingual days‘
modules and even occasionally a whole year's commitment.
Many schools are starting to combine such work with class visits and/or partnerships with
link schools abroad.
Some schools offer lessons where the foreign language learning is integrated with
another curriculum subject.
What about resources and materials?
Most of the materials employed in CLIL lessons are teacher-generated.
There are insufficient commercially-produced resources to be easily available, or
which are suitable.
English-language resources are sometimes translated directly into the target
language, with modification as necessary.
The use of foreign language textbooks can be very profitable, but the texts often
require modification of style and / or content to take the age and language level of
students into account (modified input).
How does the CLIL approach benefit pupils?
What are the advantages of content based instruction?
They will progress at faster-than-usual rates in the content subject.
CLIL aims to improve performance in both the content subject and the foreign language.
Research indicates there should be no detrimental effects for the CLIL pupils (and often progress
is demonstrably better).
Greater pupil confidence
It can make learning a language more interesting and motivating. Students can use the language
to fulfil a real purpose. AICLE se basa en la motivación intrínseca, es decir, el alumno se involucra
en actividades interesantes, llenas de sentido, al mismo tiempo que utiliza el idioma.
Students can also develop a much wider knowledge of the world and improve their general
educational needs.
Increase student awareness of the value of transferable skills and Knowledge.Taking information
from different sources can help students to develop very valuable thinking skills that can then be
transferred to other subjects.
The inclusion of a group work element within the framework given above can also help students to
develop their collaborative skills, which can have great social value.
Debido a la naturaleza interactiva y cooperativa del trabajo, con AICLE el alumno gana autoestima
y confianza en sí mismo, y aprende a trabajar con independencia y a organizarse mejor.
A través de unas condiciones de aprendizaje más favorables (debido al uso de estrategias y
habilidades de aprendizaje comunes tanto en contenido como en lengua), con AICLE el alumno
aprende a estudiar (learning to learn)
Con la integración de contenidos y lengua y con la implicación del alumno en actividades exigentes
desde el punto de vista académico y cognitivo, AICLE favorece los procesos de pensamiento
What are the potential problems?
Because CBI isn't explicitly focused on language learning, some students may feel
confused or may even feel that they aren't improving their language skills.
Particularly in monolingual classes, the overuse of the students' native language
during parts of the lesson can be a problem. Because the lesson isn't explicitly
focussed on language practice students find it much easier and quicker to use their
mother tongue.
We can try sharing your rationale with students and explain the benefits of using the target
language rather than their mother tongue.
It can be hard to find adequate information sources and texts understand. Also the
sharing of information in the target language may cause great difficulties.
(We can deal with this by including some form of language focused follow-up exercises to
help draw attention to linguistic features within the materials and consolidate any difficult
vocabulary or grammar points).
A possible way around this at lower levels is either to use texts in the students' native
language and then get them to use the target language for the sharing of information and
end product, or to have texts in the target language, but allow the students to present the end
product in their native language. These options should reduce the level of challenge.
Some students may copy directly from the source texts they use to get their
We can avoid this by designing tasks that demand students evaluate the information in some
way, to draw conclusions or actually to put it to some practical use. Having information
sources that have conflicting information can also be helpful as students have to decide
which information they agree with or most believe.