Office of Government Relations and Public Affairs FY 2013 Budget Presentation Prepared by John Ciccarelli, Associate Vice Chancellor Leadership Team Noel Cotterell, Budget Director Peter Grennen, University Editor Gail Hobin, Assistant Vice Chancellor Community Relations DeWayne Lehman, Director of Communications Luciano Ramos, Director of Community Partnership Sarah Weatherbee, Director Marketing/ Creative Services VC AREA DEPARTMENTS Office of Government Relations VC Vacant Associate VC John Ciccarelli Director of Marketing Vacant Accounting Assistant Kristyna Cloherty Office of Community Relations Assistant VC for Community Relations Gail Hobin Associate Director, Community Relations & Economic Development Philip Carver Coordinator of Community Services Alkia Powell Accounting Assistant Mona Connolly-Casper Office of Communications Director of Communications DeWayne Lehman Associate Director, Media Relations Crystal Bozek Senior Communications Specialist Zach Herman Web Editor Colleen Locke Web Writer Martha Scanlon Staff Writer/ Speech Writer Pamela Worth University Photographer Harry Brett VC AREA DEPARTMENTS Office of Marketing and Creative Service Director of Marketing Creative Services Sarah Weatherbee Assistant Director, Marketing Creative Services Wendy Gordon Senior Graphic Designer Roseanne Coveney *Senior Graphic Designer Suzanne Korschun Junior Graphic Designer Angelique Markowski Office of Marketing/University Editor University Editor Peter Grennen Senior Editor/ Writer Edward Hazell Office of Administration Budget Director Noel Cotterell Office of Community Partnership Director Community Partnerships *Suzanne Korschun is paid by University College Luciano Ramos EMPLOYEES IN VC AREA • Authorized, benefited positions: 22.75 • Newly granted positions in FY12: 0 FY12 INCREASE IN VC AREA ACTIVITY/ RESPONSIBILITIES During FY12, the Government Relations and Public Affairs Division (GRPA) once again has been fully engaged in the advancement of the University of Massachusetts Boston and the objectives of its Strategic and Master Plans as well as the overall mission of UMass Boston. We are anticipating for FY13 a significant increase in activities from the previous year within all divisions, and our resources will be strained as we move toward: •full implementation of the Strategic and Master Plans •merging of the Bayside property into our Master Plan •maintaining the successful integration of the new website and branding program •building on the success of the Offices of Community Partnership and Community Relations to expand and develop deeper connections in the Greater Boston region. FY13 Once again we must prepare to address known and unknown issues as we continue to implement Phase 1 of the Master Plan projects. Each continuing and new project will require a heightened level of internal and external communication and coordination that GRPA will need to address. GRPA will continue to provide core services to the campus community through our •Communications, Marketing and Creative Services, and University Editor operations. •The successful launch of UMass Boston’s new website in FY12 must now be consolidated to ensure its continued success. •To ensure accurate content and effective branding, our units must remain vigilant. OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT RELATIONS The Office of Government Relations, as with all units of GRPA, serves a critical role providing support services to accomplish the various goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan. In FY12 we have continued to strengthen our relationship at all levels of government, not only with elected officials but also with those agencies and department critical to the master plan, research agenda, student success, etc. In FY12 we accomplished the following: •Secured the first $2M to create the Center for Personalized Cancer Therapy •Worked with A & F and the Mayor’s Office to secure the Calf Pasture Pumping Station •Worked with the Attorney General’s Office to ensure that MOU between UMass Boston and BC High to build a baseball facility meets the requirements of a public/private partnership •Successfully planned, implemented, and presented a report to the Chancellor on the results of a charrette for the Bayside Property. We invited internal and external constituencies to participate. The results are now being merged into the campus’s overall Master Plan •Effectively utilized the VDC and Campus to host and promote key government activities--i.e., Governor made key education speech; US Assistant Secretary of Labor hosted a White House Business Roundtable at the VDC; Secretary of Education Reville conducted Innovation School program. •Supported outreach by DCAM and UMBA to assist them in meeting the residency, minority, and women employee goals and MBE/WBE requirements of the PLA •Reevaluated our DC presence, saving UMass Boston over $72,000 •Represented UMass Boston as a member of the Urban Serving University Coalition. •Coordinated UMass Boston’s presence at BIO 2010 •Funded UMass Boston Economic Impact Analysis for 2011 (we will have results shortly) OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT RELATIONS-CONT. FY13 Goals • • • • • • • • Review and recommend a new DC advocacy strategy Work with all colleges and administrative units to support government relations/funding opportunities in accordance with the Master and Strategic Plans. Introduce campus resources to new funding streams government, private or philanthropic. Provide full support to all aspects to the Master Plan and continue to play key role in working with city and state elected officials and departments critical to the success of the Phase 1 projects. Assist in the development and promotion of the Bayside property into the Master Plan Ensure that UMass Boston is a full participant in the innovation district of Boston Seek solutions and funding for the Calf Pasture Pumping Station Ensure that all aspects of GRPA are working collaboratively to fully support every college and administrative unit to help them meet their goals and the objectives of the strategic plan OFFICE OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS July 2011 to Present As the university moves forward with the implementation of its' Master Plan and the plans to develop Bayside the role of the Office of Community Relations in the community becomes more significant. A consistent presence at area civic meetings, with elected officials and area businesses is crucial to the mission of the university. Developing new relationships while maintaining previous established ones is a top priority for this department, and when we can accomplish this by also showcasing the talents of our students and faculty then it is a win win situation. As our enrollment increases so does our need to expand our geographical boundaries we need to continue to reach out to cities like Brockton which is the third largest feeder school , work with their elected officials, Chambers of Commerce and nonprofit agencies. The Office of Community Relations continues to increase UMass Boston visibility ensuring that our story is being told and connections and partnerships are being formed throughout the greater Boston area and beyond. OFFICE OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS-CONT. • • • Continuous outreach to over 40 organizations which includes civic associations, schools, Boards of trade, businesses, youth organizations and public safety departments. In addition this past year we have reached out to over 30 new organizations including Cristo Rey High School, US Chamber of Commerce, Quincy College, Chelsea City Council, Big Sister Association, Stoughton Chamber of Commerce, Team Empowerment in Somerville, Randolph Public Schools, Viet-Aid, Boston Center for Youth and Families, West Roxbury Academy, South Shore YMCA only to name a few. Supported over 50 community organizations this past year – through a variety of services and access to campus - including the – Louis Brown Peace Institute, South Boston Boys and Girls Club, – Boston's Main Streets, Boston Centers for Youth and Families, – Neighborhood Crime Watch. Supported community outreach projects with 11 campus departments and institutes including WUMB, Gaston Institute, Trotter Institute, Admission, Small Minority Business Program and Center for Women and Politics, UA, Special Events, HR, Athletic Dept., Theater Arts. OFFICE OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS-CONT. • • • • • • The Office of community Relations is instrumental in supporting the university’s goal to remain open with the community about implementation of our Master Plan. Hosting public meetings, presenting at neighborhood civic associations and working closely with our elected officials the Office of Community Relations supports that goal. Utilizing emails, social media, construction newsletters and press releases in local papers, the office gets the word out to the neighborhoods and community meetings and the impending construction process. Worked closely with faculty members and students developed and implement collaborations with community organizations including Boston Centers for Youth and Families and Professor Lichtenstein undergraduate students collected and analyze data on 35 of the centers. Hosted six chancellor Community dinner meetings Maintaining Access Program a program community project driven-designed and maintained by the Office of Community Relations Provided prep materials for meetings with elected officials and community leaders Arranged for both the Dean of University College and head of the OLIE program to present at local area civic associations OFFICE OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS-CONT. Goals 2012 -2013 • • • • • • • Continue to increase visibility in Boston area neighborhoods and beyond Work closely with Elected Officials to identify ways to collaborate e.g. public safety forum with Representative Collins Identify and cultivate UMass Boston supporters as we move forward with both our Master Plan and plans to develop Bayside Work with the Office of Community Partnership to gather research and community outreach information being done by faculty Work closely with Communications to promote our faculty and students work out in the community - highlight a faculty member and a community organization each month in The Point and in the Chancellor's monthly column. Revamp Community Relations home page to better reflect the work and activity being done out in the community identify community opportunities on campus e.g. Athletics, Art Gallery, Theater Arts OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS The vision of the Office of Community Partnerships is that education and collaboration are the central driving forces for advancing all of society. Realizing this vision, UMass Boston will: •Be globally recognized as an innovator in education and community engagement. •Serve as a leader among Greater Boston’s institutions of higher education by building collaborative efforts to solve the region’s greatest challenges. •Continue its growth as a public research university with a dynamic culture of teaching and learning, and a special commitment to urban and global engagement. The mission of the Office of Community Partnerships is to advance communities through collaborative community partnerships. Through its ability to identify and increase community-engaged opportunities, OCP will support numerous components of the Strategic Plan’s goals and objectives such as: •Increasing graduation rates through increased opportunities for learning, pedagogical diversity, and engagement •Establishment of an Honors College: with a focus on the City of Boston •Develop new graduate programs •Support the expansion and increase of extramural funding •Strengthen the University’s capacity to make the case for itself Through its support and expansion of community-engaged activities, OCP will develop opportunities working cooperatively with the Provost Office, departments, faculty and partners to expand academic programs for students. Most importantly, OCP will play a critical role in helping the university tell its story as an urban-serving university dedicated to teaching, research, and service by providing an updated compendium of faculty and staff engagement programs, assessments and impacts. OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS-CONT. Since February of 2011, OCP has been working to: Establish a foundation to accomplish university goals. • Identify and organize information on current community-engaged activities • Identify university resources and expertise that can support community-engaged partnerships Utilize foundation to enhance university reputation and prestige. Strengthen university case for increased public support. Create new partnerships that address community needs and support university teaching, research, and service through: • Funding partnerships (grants) • City/state partnerships • Partnerships with other educational institutions • Pipeline partnerships that support student, faculty, and staff recruitment, retention, and success OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS-CONT Community-Engaged Partnerships Surveys •404 completed surveys. •256 (63 %) survey participants are involved in community-engaged partnerships activities that support their teaching, research, or service. •Hundreds of community partners reported. •Over 350 programs and individual projects have been documented. OCP is currently organizing data on communityengaged partnerships activities that support their teaching, research, or service activities: – 223 programs/initiatives that involve multiple faculty and staff – 130 individual faculty and staff projects •OCP will be working with ORSP, University Advancement, Community Relations, Communications, the Chancellor’s and Provost’s offices, and various academic programs to advance their efforts utilizing data gathered in the survey. OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS-CONT. Partnership Planning Meetings Partnership highlights include: •Working with University College to create a continuing education program with the DelValle Institute for Emergency Preparedness •Supporting the City of Boston’s Circle of Promise through engagement with LIFT Boston •Strengthening efforts with the Dever-McCormick K-8 School OCP is also currently working with the Peace Institute, Brazilian Immigrant Center, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, Boys Scout of America, Strong Women, Strong Girls Black Mental Health Alliance of Massachusetts, Codman Square NDC, Braintree Public Schools, various Boston Public Schools, and a number of other community serving organizations. OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS UMASS BOSTON’S WINDOW TO THE WORLD This office is key to achieving increased enrollment and to communicating the UMass Boston story however, the office is also vital to accomplishing other strategic priorities, such as increasing graduation rates, attracting and retaining tenure-track faculty, and expanding University College and extramural funding. OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS UMASS BOSTON’S WINDOW TO THE WORLD Website •Over 4 million people visit annually, viewing more than 25 million pages of information. •Visitors come from 213 countries and all 50 states. •Successful launch of a new university site in August 2011, building site from 61 pages in May 2011 to about 10,500 today. •Staff (1.5 FTE) created over 2,000 pages of content, edited approximately 2,000 pages of web content. •shot over 500 faculty photos •trained over 100 university web writers and editors. Social Media •Flickr: 1.2 million photo views since May 2009 •YouTube: 900,000 video views since April 2009 •Facebook: 6,000 “Likes” since August 2009 •Twitter: 5,000 followers since March 2009 OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS UMASS BOSTON’S WINDOW TO THE WORLD Traditional and Online Media, 2011-12 •Over 2 billion media impressions worldwide •$75 million in public relations value •4,092 reporters contacted via Vocus-like online PR system •3 international live TV interviews: ABC Nightline Australia, 2 Voice of America/Persian TV •3 missed international live TV opportunities since Verizon fiber disconnected 2/12. Numerous local opportunities passed on. •Wrote and edited over 20 issues of The Point (100% increase from 2010) •Wrote more than 100 speeches New in 2011-12 •Video Production: Wrote and produced two Board of Trustees videos (June 2011 BOT video viewed over 3,000 times); wrote and produced 14 other videos, including one for Provost Langley’s international travel •IDEAS Boston: wrote and edited a six-page Boston Sunday Globe supplement distributed to more than 300,000 households, a $500,000 ad equivalent value •UMass Boston: Writing and editing content for special magazine commencement issue •‘Best Value College’ campaign: Developed radio and online ad campaigns for this Princeton Review designation MARKETING AND CREATIVE SERVICES Helping to tell the UMass Boston story—and shape its future Department of Marketing and Creative Services Sarah Weatherbee and Peter Grennen Graphic Design and University Editorial—A Team Dedicated to Success Growth Statistics Number of projects: 719+ since July 2011 (11 months)— an increase of 115% over last fiscal year and 232% over 2009 CREATIVE SERVICES/UNIVERSITY EDITOR 2012 HIGHLIGHTS • • • • Continued to promote and build upon design, editorial, and branding principles that are consistent with the objectives of the university’s strategic and master plans, resulting in a cohesive look and message immediately recognizable as UMass Boston. Continued to employ high-level outside photographers for print and Web publications, and increased the frequency of photo shoots to maintain a fresh rotation of images. Implemented a Digital Asset Management software program called ResourceSpace, improving the organization, searchability, and usability of our collection of more than 200,000 photos. ResourceSpace also features a Webbased workspace that increases client access and collaborative interaction during the design process. Department’s move to a new location, putting designers and editors in closer proximity, has led to more-productive collaborations among staff members, encouraging creative brainstorming and a fruitful exchange of professional skills and expertise. Challenges and best practices are identified and discussed continue to improve communication among CSM editorial and design staff members—enhancing the department’s professional capabilities and the effectiveness of its products. FY12 BUDGET REDUCTIONS ACCEPTED Total Percentage of Overall Budget: 2.5%, or $61,577 Cuts were made to the following budgets: • Freelance writers/designers, increasing pressure to complete projects and straining limited staff to produce more. • Office supplies, leaving not enough to adequately perform our duties. • Reserve for incidentals, leaving not enough to cover unforeseen expenses and emergencies. FY12 BASE BUDGET COMPARED TO FY13 TARGETED BUDGET AFTER REDUCTIONS FY12 Base Budget: $2,366,374 FY13 Base Budget: $2,417,206 FY13 Reduction Target: $120,860 FY13 Targeted Budget After Reductions:$2,296,346 FY13 BUDGET REDUCTION PROPOSAL Detailed items: Cuts FTE Request/Justification Detail $8,000 0 Cut to Community Relations $5,860 0 VC Reserve Reduction $16,000 0 Eliminate Grad Asst in Office of Community Partnership $8,000 0 Reduce Grad Student Asst Office of Communications $30,000 0 Reduce Grad Student to Manage Resource Space Mgmt Project $5,000 0 Reduce Work Study Student Assistance $8,000 0 Eliminate VOCUS PR Subscription $12,000 0 Eliminate Verizon Fiber Connection $10,000 0 Eliminate Freelance Photography $18,000 0 Reduce Community Partnership Events $120,860 FY13 BUDGET REDUCTION SCENARIO 1. Reduction of VC’s reserve account Reduces the ability to seed and/or support special projects. Savings: $5,860 2. Eliminate freelance photography Savings: $10,000 Greatly limits ability to carry out branding initiative, which is strongly photo-based, and significantly increases pressure on already strained resources. FY13 BUDGET REDUCTION SCENARIO 3. Eliminate Vocus PR subscription Savings: $8,000 Vocus is a high-quality online public relations software and database system. In a limited-staffing environment, a system like Vocus is needed to improve the efficiency and reach of PR/communications operations, providing time savings of a third to half FTE. This service provides four critical functions for us: Aggregator of news: This function is displayed on the university’s “In the News” tab on the homepage. Without a service like Vocus we would have to either build our own RSS feed and manually enter and link each news entry,or redesign the homepage to remove the feature. Database of media outlets and journalists: Gone are the quickly outdated bound books listing media outlets and reporters. Online databases have taken over and are much more efficient, and Vocus has tens of thousands of media outlets and journalists that are searchable from multiple angles. For example, when Padraig O’Malley was in Baghdad for a conference a couple of years ago, we were able to find and put him in direct contact with a handful of American reporters who were on the ground in Baghdad at the time. Efficient and far-reaching distribution system: While we always target selected media or reporters when putting out news, this system allows us to distribute a news release to hundreds of news desks across the nation in a few minutes. Although few may write about the announcement, we’ve alerted, say, a science editor that one of our faculty is an expert in an area for future reference. With Vocus in particular (not the inferior product we’re using this year to save money), we also get free distributions via PR Newswire. This is important, because in addition to the newswire going to hundreds of media outlets across the nation, it gets picked up by and reposted on websites by a number of news aggregators, enhancing our standing in web searches. Ability to track our reach and ROI: We are charged with extending our reach nationally and internationally, and in these times of tightening budgets it is important to show return on investment. The Vocus analytics provide us the ability to do that. (This year’s cheaper service doesn’t.) FY13 BUDGET REDUCTION SCENARIO 4. Verizon fiber connection for live TV broadcast capability Savings: $10,000 UMass Boston has an incredible built-in asset: a TV-grade studio developed for educational purposes that the Office of Communications, in early 2009, connected to the Boston Verizon TV Operations Control Center to enable us to connect our studio and faculty experts with any media outlet worldwide for live interviews. The most notable benefit of this connection was the partnership with NECN to conduct weekly “Affairs of State” interviews each Thursday, which continued until late 2010, when because of a change in ownership and news format NECN no longer supported the partnership. At the same time, however, this connection also enabled us to facilitate live interviews with faculty experts on BBC, Voice of America TV, Persian TV, ABC Nightline Australia, and other international media. The connection also helped to facilitate the live airing of the U.S. Senate debate in January 2010. Because of our short-staffing in the Office of Communications (without an associate director for 18 months), we have not been able to adequately promote our live TV capabilities and develop new opportunities but continued to facilitate live interviews with international media outlets; since eliminating this fiber connection, we have declined at least three international media requests. It is our plan that with the anticipated full-staffing of Communications this spring we will be able to more appropriately promote our live TV capability. This will be particularly beneficial with the upcoming elections and possible U.S. Senate debate. In addition to pursuing regional, national, and international opportunities, we also will be exploring a monthly public access TV show that will be broadcast on Boston Neighborhood Network and be available to other public access stations across the state for airing. (It is interesting to note that when UMass Boston developed its live TV connection, it was the first campus in the system to do so. Three of the campuses have since spent thousands of dollars to install satellite dishes and build studios to develop the same capability, while we have disabled our capability.) FY13 BUDGET REDUCTION SCENARIO 5. Eliminate full-time grad student to manage ResourceSpace and develop project management system Savings: $30,000 With the substantial increase in the use of digital resources (photos, video, image releases, etc.), there was a need to find a way to centralize and manage the vast quantity of resources that the Creative Services Department was using across campus. After researching solutions for data management and what other universities and institutions were using, we found that the cost savings of developing and building our own system would be substantial. A typical setup cost for a hosted system is approximately $125,000, with an annual hosting fee of $35,000 and an on-site programmer/digital asset manager at an average cost of $50,000+. In addition, hosted systems charge per asset (photo, etc.) on top of the annual fee. By developing our own system, we have saved UMass Boston more than $180,000. Originally developed as a resource for the graphic designers, it is now being used by several departments and clients across campus. It is an initiative that has helped to maintain and reinforce the brand, while providing clients access to resources that were previously unavailable. ResourceSpace currently holds over 200,000 images, spanning the past decade. The images include work from the university photographer, outside photographers hired for. Prior to this system, images were stored in different areas; on different computers, CDs, and hard drives; and in different departments. There is now one portal to these images, many of which were difficult to access in the past. There are many images that have never been used or seen because they had been stored and forgotten. Having access to these files in an organized, searchable way saves the Creative Services Department and clients across campus hours of manpower. Additionally, in response to the increased workload in the Creative Services Department, our grad student is developing a customized project management system to help with workflow and with streamlining the production process for the entire department. Because no one else in this department has the specific technical skill set required to develop and maintain these systems, if this position were to be cut, ResourceSpace would have to be shut down, which would impact our ability to efficiently manage our digital resources. FY13 BUDGET REDUCTION SCENARIO 6. Eliminate work-study student assistance Savings: $5,000 With the increase in the use of ResourceSpace and the development of an extensive project management system, we do not have the time to tag and organize the images with the metadata required. This is something that a work-study student could be trained to do, which in turn would allow more time for programming and customizing the current software. 7. Cut to Community Relations account Savings: $8,000 This cut would restrict our planning for future community collaborations and partnerships, impacting the number of campus experiences we can offer to the community and our support for community events, including Athletics for sports and tailgating events, WUMB for the "Big Read," Theater Arts for "Community Theater Night," and the Office of Admissions for campus tours, to mention only a few. All of these events/opportunities increase awareness of the campus, help increase enrollment, strengthen our relationships with our alumni, provide us opportunity to tell the external communities about our student successes, and, most important, support our urban mission. FY13 BUDGET REDUCTION SCENARIO 8. Eliminate Graduate Assistant in the Office of Community Partnerships Savings: $16,000 The graduate assistant position has been critical to the work of the Office of Community Partnerships. The OCP graduate assistant accomplishments over the past year include: •Conducting interviews with faculty and staff members to obtain information regarding existing partnership activities. •Leading staff and faculty support for identifying and establishing new partnerships that will support curricular and research activities. This includes: – Supporting follow-up with potential partners identified through the Chancellor Community Dinners; – Recruiting new partners to work with the university’s Honors Program; – Facilitating partnership planning meetings; and – Assembling program descriptions to provide to faculty and staff interested in launching new collaborations. •Coordinating activities connected to the university’s first annual Community-Engaged Partnership Symposium. This included: – Working with faculty and staff to design/track 80 posters for the event showcase; – Working with the division’s administrative assistant to secure vendors and finalize room setup; – Assisting in the marketing and promotion of the event; and – Supporting event participants and presenters the day of the event. FY13 BUDGET REDUCTION SCENARIO 9. Eliminate Community Partnership events Savings: $18,000 This year the Office of Community Partnerships facilitated two special community events. The first took place on March 5, 2012, and was the Massachusetts Appeals Court holding session on the UMass Boston Campus. The second event was the first annual Community-Engaged Partnerships Symposium, which took place on April 5, 2012. The idea to bring the Massachusetts Appeals Court to campus was initiated through the university’s Board of Visitors and the Symposium was facilitated as a step toward increasing internal awareness of university community-engaged partnership activities. For FY 2012-2013, OCP was planning two major events. The first will be a partnership event done in concert with the Boston Foundation and designed to advance recommendations made in the university’s strategic plan and the “2012 Boston Indicators Report, City of Ideas: Reinventing Boston’s Innovation Economy.” The second event will be an expanded symposium that will build off of the success from this year’s event. Both events will be designed to improve the university’s ability to “tell its story” and increase public awareness of the community-engaged expertise of the university while expanding the quality and number of community-engaged partnerships faculty and staff are engaged in to meet their teaching, research, and service efforts. Total $120,860 FY13 NEW STRATEGIC REQUESTS • Item(s): 4 • Total Amount (including fringe for positions): $277,605 - Associate University Editor - Sr. Graphic Designer - Assistant Director of Community Partnerships - 25% funding for Title III Content Writer FY13 NEW STRATEGIC REQUESTS-CONT. Associate University Editor in the Office of Marketing and Creative Services $55,000 - $65,000 pending review A unit within the Division of Government Relations and Public Affairs, the Office of Marketing and Creative Services (MCS) provides UMass Boston expert assistance in branding, editing, and graphic design. Currently, the unit is composed of an art director, four designers, a senior editor, and a university editor, each of whom brings to the unit significant experience and ability in the production of print publications. Typically, a publication request is assigned to one designer and one editor, who work with each other and with the client to produce a publication that best meets the client’s needs. MCS has been challenged to fulfill this role, having seen a marked increase—227 in 2009 to 719 through May 2012—in the number of projects sent its way. To say the least, its resources have been strained as a result—none more so than those of its two-person editorial team, which is also responsible for such time-consuming and labor-intensive projects as the alumni magazine, the commencement publications, and the web versions of the course catalogs. FY13 NEW STRATEGIC REQUESTS-CONT. * Senior Designer $50,000-$65,000 pending review The Creative Services Department serves the university community as a resource for graphic design, production and editorial services. Increasingly, as people are now aware of the branding and the importance of presenting a professional and consistent image, people are turning to the creative services department for design, marketing and branding needs. The creative services department has seen an increase of 343 new jobs (over 114%) in this fiscal year and has gained 51 new clients that have previously never before used our service. Much of this increase in workload and client base stems from several factors including a new College (University College), which now requires additional components in everything from Commencement materials to marketing materials; CPCS, while it has been an existing department has now back on line and has started developing new materials; new centers such as the Center for Civil Discourse and the Center for Governance and Sustainability; departments, such as the Office of Diversity and Office of Community Partnerships as well as new programs such as Developmental and Brain Sciences. Another significant increase has come from University Advancement, who has grown their fundraising and stewardship efforts and are producing more than twice the amount of materials through the creative services department from just last year alone. New events, such as IDEAS Boston, and several new alumni events have added to the increase of projects. In addition, the creative services staff has been involved in many levels of the master plan, from developing publications to sitting on committees to advising on issues such as signage. Based on the current trend, there are no indications of a slowing down or even leveling off of requests for services from this department. The position of Senior Designer is essential not only to take on a portion of the increased volume of work, but to spearhead a number of projects and initiatives that have been requested, but due to the increased volume, we have not been able to begin. Without added help, the department will not be able to continue at the current pace of work and will be unable to fulfill requests from clients. In order to uphold the brand, maintain the high level and quality of work, this additional position is essential. FY13 NEW STRATEGIC REQUESTS CONT. Office of Community Partnership - Assistant Director $50,000-$65,000 pending review The Assistant Director will support OCP efforts by: •Assisting to increase internal and external awareness of existing partnerships between UMass Boston and the communities it impacts. •Assisting to strengthen existing UMass Boston partnerships. •Assisting to create new partnerships between UMass Boston and the communities it impacts. •Spearhead special projects designated by the OCP Director. The first year’s success of OCP and increased requests from faculty across campus for support is placing a significant burden on the Director as the only FTE for OCP. If we are going to support and strengthen faculty collaborations as requested in the Strategic Plan, then one person is simply not enough. Additionally, as Community Relations increases its reach, demands and requests continue to rise. FY13 New Strategic Requests Cont. 25% funding for Title 111 Content Writer $15,000 As you are aware the Title III dollars have been expended and now the University must pick up the full salary and benefits for Content Writer Martha Scanlon. We are requesting an additional 25% (salary and fringe) to continue funding this position thus covering the full 100%. Martha has been a valuable member of the web team, assisting the Department of Communications with editing, revising, and creating new content. This position also maintains and updates the content of the new site on an ongoing basis to ensure that it meets certain editorial standards, remains engaging, and promotes the key messages and strategic priorities of the university. Martha is one of only eight people on campus in the Content Management System group with access to the entire website. She will also be supporting with IT staff the update and preparation for launch of the new IT Service Catalog. Finally, this position will assist the Office of Communications with its other functions by contributing news stories for our web-based publication, The Point, as well as other assignments as needed. FY13 NEW STRATEGIC REQUESTS Top 3, Ranked in Order* 1. Associate University Editor 2. Sr. Graphic Designer 3. Assistant Director of Community Partnerships *25% funding for Title III Content Writer $15,000. Under terms of Title III funding, UMass Boston is now required to fund this position in total. The position has successfully completed the development component of the program and now must implement the portal and continue important work on the UMass Boston website