Day 2

Heat transfer house project:
Day 1: Using manila paper, popsicle sticks, hot glue and tape, you will fill out the recording
pages and build a house that meets the following dimensions and specifications.
 It must have a front door and at least 4 windows
 It must be 30 cm. tall, 21 cm wide, and 21 cm deep.
 It must have a roof and 4 walls.
Sketch of the House
Thermal Imaging Temperature Data
First Thermal
Analysis (Day 2)
Second Thermal
Analysis (Day 3)
Solid wall
Open window
or door
Open corner
Roof line
Day 2:
1) Use temperature probe to measure and record temperature data at the locations listed
in the chart below for Day 2.
2) Use the ipad to take thermal imaging picture of your house on all sides.
3) Use the data collected to decide how to reinforce your house so minimal thermal energy
is lost using the materials provided. (tape, hot glue, cotton balls, paper)
Day 3:
1) Use temperature probe to measure and record temperature data at the locations listed
in the chart below for Day 3.
2) Use the ipad to take thermal imaging picture of your house on all sides.
3) Compare the images and temperatures from the 2 days and formulate a conclusion
consisting of at least 7 sentences.
Constructed Response:
1. What is thermal energy?______________________________________
2. Interpreting Data: What does the temperature change in the third column suggest about
the characteristic thermal energy?________________________________
3. Describe how your team collected thermal energy data during testing. __________
4. Distinguish which data set was most effective in demonstrating thermal energy in motion.
(thermal images or temperature data, why?) __________________________
5. Explain how thermal energy is connected to you (how do you use & benefit from thermal
energy? _______________________________________________
6. Why is energy conservation important? (2 reasons) _______________________
Day 1
Sketch was turned in by
Dimensions of the house
meet specifications
Sketch was clear and legible
Not turned in
Turned in
At least 1 dimension is
Could not understand
At least 2 of the dimensions
are correct
Could understand parts of
the sketch
All of the dimensions are
Could understand all of the
Total: ______/12______
Day 2 and Day 3
Recording page was turned
in by 11/23
Table is fully filled in
Appropriate labels were
included for all numbers
Conclusion length
Conclusion content
Day 1 Grade:______________
Not turned in
None of the data was
No labels
Does not meet requirement
At least 50% of the data was All information is recorded
At least 50% of the data had All of the data had labels
Meets requirement
The information provided
does not connect the 2 days
data and is written below
grade level.
The information provided
does not connect the 2 days
data or is written below
grade level.
Turned in
The information provided
does not connect the 2 days
data and is written at or
above grade level.
Day 2 and 3 Grade:___________
Constructed Response Grade(due 11/24) :_______________