PowerPoint on Formatting a Reference Page


How to write a bibliography

~ A works cited page

Formatting the Page:

• Title the page

– References

• Same size font

• Centered


Formatting the Page:

• Title the page

• All references to be listed in ABC



Anderson, J. P. (2014, July 18). Breast cancer. Retrieved from www.youcantoo

Johnson, M. N. (n.d.). Agent orange and the breast. Retrieved from www.vietwar

Packer, T. P. (2014). Attacking the breast. Retrieved from www.AmCancerSociety

Formatting the Page:

• Title the page

• ABC order

• Hanging tab


• &

• Capitalize only the first word of title

• Title  italics

Bibliography - Book

Author Last name, First initials.

• (Date).


Publisher location: Publisher Name.

Bibliography book

Townsend, M.

No titles:

PhD, MD, Mrs.

First & Middle


Initials Only

Bibliography book

Townsend, M. & Hanford B. S.

Between multiple authors


Bibliography book

Townsend, M. & Hanford B. S. (2014).


(Year, Month day).

Bibliography book

Townsend, M. & Hanford B. S. (2014).

Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing.


Capitalize 1 st word

Bibliography book

Townsend, M. & Hanford B. S. (2014).

Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing.


Write / capitalize like a sentence.

Bibliography book

Townsend, M. & Hanford B. S. (2014).

Essentials of psychiatric mental health




Bibliography book

Townsend, M. & Hanford B. S. (2014).

Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health

Nursing. Philadelphia, PA:

Publishing Location

City, STATE:


Bibliography book

Townsend, M. & Hanford B. S. (2014).

Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health

Nursing. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis



Bibliography book

Townsend, M. & Hanford B. S. (2014).

Essentials of Psychiatric Mental

Health Nursing. Philadelphia, PA: F.

A. Davis Company.

Hanging Tab

Bibliography – Journal / Periodical

Author Last name, First initial.

• (Date: Year, Month day).

Title of article.

Journal / magazine title,

Vol # (Issue #), page numbers.

Bibliography - Journal

Smith, L.

Bibliography - Journal

Smith, L. (2013, June).

Bibliography - Journal

Smith, L. (2013, June). Reaching cultural competence.

Bibliography - Journal

Smith, L. (2013, June). Reaching cultural competence. Nursing


Bibliography - Journal

Smith, L. (2013, June). Reaching cultural competence. Nursing


Bibliography - Journal

Smith, L. (2013, June). Reaching cultural competence. Nursing

2013, 43 (6) 31-37.

Bibliography - Journal

Smith, L. (2013, June). Reaching cultural competence. Nursing

2013, 43 (6),31-37.

Bibliography - Internet

Author Last name, First initial.

• (Date: year, month day).


• Retrieved from _URL_.

Bibliography - Internet

Meissner, W., Frasier, M., Gasser, T., Goetz, C.,

Lozano, A., & Pinnini, P., et al.

More than 6 authors...

1 st six authors et al.

Bibliography - Internet

Meissner, W., Frasier, M., Gasser, T., Goetz, C.,

Lozano, A., & Pinnini, P., et al. (2011, May 21).

Bibliography - Internet

Meissner, W., Frasier, M., Gasser, T., Goetz, C.,

Lozano, A., & Pinnini, P., et al. (2011, May).

Priorities in Parkinson’s disease research.

Bibliography - Internet

Meissner, W., Frasier, M., Gasser, T., Goetz, C.,

Lozano, A., & Pinnini, P., et al. (2011, May).

Priorities in Parkinson’s disease research.

Nature Outlook.

Bibliography - Internet

Meissner, W., Frasier, M., Gasser, T., Goetz, C.,

Lozano, A., & Pinnini, P., et al. (2011, May).

Priorities in Parkinson’s disease research.

Nature Outlook. Retrieved on September 23,

2014 from http://www.nature.com/nrd/journal/v10/n5/ab s/nrd3430.html

Bibliography - Internet

Meissner, W. Frasier, M. Gasser, T. Goetz, C.

Lozano, A. & Pinnini, P. et al. (2011, May).

Priorities in Parkinson’s disease research.

Nature Outlook. Retrieved on September 23,

2014 from http://www.nature.com/nrd/ journal/v10/n5/abs/nrd3430.html

Bibliography - Internet

IF there is no author…

The company or organization that runs the web site is the author!

Bibliography - Internet

Bibliography - Internet

Organization. (Date: year, month day).

Title. Retrieved on _date_ from _URL_.

What if there is no date?


What is wrong with this reference?

David B. Haight. (2001, May 1). Addison’s

disease and hypoadrenal function. Retrieved from www.addisons-disease.com

Haight, D. B. (2001, May 1). Addison’s disease

and hypoadrenal function. Retrieved from www.addisons-disease.com

What is wrong with this reference?

Monson, T. S. (2014). Alzheimer's disease kills

more than the brain. Portland, ME: Funk &


Monson, T. S. (2014). Alzheimer's disease

kills more than the brain. Portland, ME: Funk

& Sons.

Hanging Tab

What is wrong with this reference?

Johnson, Mark E. (2016). Where does cancer

come from? Boston, MA: Pierson Printing.

Johnson, M. E. (2016). Where does cancer come

from? Boston, MA: Pierson Printing.

What is wrong with this reference?

Hyperthyroidism. (2015, June 4). Dunn, P.H.

Retrieved from www.fast-and-frurious.com

Dunn, P. H. (2015, June 4). Hyperthyroidism.

Retrieved from www.fast-and-frurious.com

What is wrong with this reference?

Uchtdorf, D. F. and Perry, L. T. (2013). Flying with

glasses – diabetic retinopathy. Berkeley, CA:

Dessert Press.

Uchtdorf, D. F. & Perry, L. T. (2013). Flying with

glasses – diabetic retinopathy. Berkeley, CA:

Dessert Press.

What is wrong with this reference?

Christofferson, D.T. & Anderson, N. A. Shaking of the hands – Parkinson’s disease and how it

affects the body. Retrieved from www.shakeandbake.com

Christofferson, D.T. & Anderson, N. A. (n.d.).

Shaking of the hands…

What is wrong with this reference?

Holland, J. R. (2001). Aphasia, the inability to

speak. Lafayette, IN.

Holland, J. R. (2001). Aphasia, the inability to

speak. Lafayette, IN: Purdue Printing


What is wrong with this reference?

Bednar, D. A. Dr. (n.d.). Finding The Cure To The

Common Cold. Retrieved from www.sneezingforever.com


Bednar, D. A. (n.d.). Finding the cure to the

common cold. Retrieved from www.sneezingforever.com

What is wrong with this reference?



What is wrong with this reference?

Peterson, M. E. & Wirthlin, J. B. (2004).

Congenital deafness. Pennsylvania:

Franklin Publishing Co.

Peterson, M. E. & Wirthlin, J. B. (2004).

Congenital deafness. Philadelphia, PA:

Franklin Publishing Co.

What is wrong with this reference?

Eyring, H.B. (2001). Depression in the elderly.

Boston, MA: Harvard Printing.

Eyring, H.B. (2001). Depression in the elderly.

Boston, MA: Harvard Printing.
