1750 – 1914 CE The Modern Era The Age of Industrial Revolutions


1750 – 1914 CE

The Modern Era

The Age of Industrial Revolutions

The Age of Atlantic Revolutions

The Age of Nationalism

The 2


Age of Imperialism

The Age of European Hegemony

The Scramble for Africa

Diverse Interpretations

Change: Give Up the Old Ways for New Ways

Improved economic systems

Technological Revolution

Social Changes including more rights for women

An increasing emphasis on secularization

Democratic government

Modernization or Westernization?

How to Modernize without Westernizing

Most non-European nations wanted to modernize

Dependency Theory

Developing nations are economically dependent on developed nations

Developed nations drain resources from developing nations

Developing nations export agricultural products, raw minerals, labor

Developing nations import finished products

Dependency inherent in capitalism

Marxist Theory

Nations which adopt socialism do not need to westernize, be dependent


Technology Run Amok

Two Industrial Revolutions

1st: 1780 – 1850

Textiles, Coal, Iron, Transportations

UK, Belgium, France, USA

2 nd : 1880 – 1914

Electricity, Chemicals, Steel

Germany, Italy, Russia, Austria, Japan

The Scientist Plays God

Science and technology holds salvation


Technocrats become new social class

Responses to industrialization



Capitalization came from Caribbean sugar profits

1750 – 1820s: Began in Great Britain

1800 – 1850: Spread to France, Belgium, Germany, United States

1850 – 1914: Spread to Russia, Japan, Austria (Czech lands)

Impact was Global

Massive Growth of Global Trade

Imports of raw minerals and materials




Export of finished goods

Labor markets became global

Slave Trade from 1750 to 1820 more or less

Three Slave Trades

Atlantic was largest; Indian Ocean last to end

Immigration to Americas in search of work

Indians, Chinese, Vietnamese immigrated to work plantations

Indentured Servitude, Tenant Farming, Sharecropping


Capitalization of the Industrial Revolution

• Sugar production was highly labor intensive, capital intensive

• Caribbean generated millions in profit, deposited in banks

• British inventors, industrialists could easily borrow money

• Preceded Industrial Revolution by about 50 years

2 nd Agricultural Revolution

• In UK: Experimentation with new crops, animal breeding

• Enclosure movements

Larger, wealthier landowners enclose public lands

Force smaller farmers off their land

Increased efficiency

Forced smaller farmers off land, to cities looking for work

• Improved farming techniques

Mechanization of Agriculture

• Industrial technologies applied to farming

• Most pronounced in USA, Canada









Russia 37 60

European population

Between 1700 – 1800

Rose to 190 million

Population Explosion

Due to increase in birth rate

Decline in death rate

Birth rate exceeds death rate



North America

South America












Sanitary Conditions

Medical care improved

Nutrition improved

Sanitation improved

Life Expectancy in developing nations rose

Europeans introduced medical, sanitary practices abroad










New sources of power, energy

Muscle power replaced by machines

Human labor, animal power

Steam power uses coal

Later electricity due to natural gas, oil

Factory System

Mechanization of production

Required concentration of labor in one place

Success in one area fueled interest in others

Inventions applied to other fields

Entrepreneurship rewarded by European societies

1 st Industrial Revolution: 1780 – 1850

Concentrated in power (steam), transportation

Mechanization of clothing production

2 nd Industrial Revolution: 1870 – 1914

Concentrated in chemicals, electricity, communications


Transportation Revolution

Steam ships


Communications Revolution


Trans-Oceanic Cables

Rise of Mass Newspapers

Urbanization as Revolution

Centers of commerce, industry

Attracted population to jobs

Rise of the Middle Class, Professionals



Scientific Revolution

Imperialism as Revolution


Rate of spread dependent on other factors

How supportive of industry was society?

How supportive of industry was the government?

Wars had a tendency to mandate industrialization

French Revolution, Napoleon helped UK

Crimean War fueled changes in Russia favoring industry

Germany, France, Russia modernized out of defense needs

Civil War impacted US: factories, railroads

Japan forcibly opened by Perry, Meiji Restoration follows

Trade and Imperialism spread industry

Europe, Japan needed raw materials, sought them abroad

Trade flourished as all nations involved in trade

Asia, Africa, Latin America were sources of raw materials

Many Europeans built factors abroad in colonies

Some empires began to train a local native technical class


Factories Built

• Near access to ports, power, workers

Shift of people

• From countryside to city

• Due to poor harvests, too many to feed

• Too little land to work

• Allure of city life away from farm

• Increased urbanization

Middle Class arose

• Factory managers, shop owners

• Professionals such as lawyers, accountants, technocrats

Brutal working conditions

Reactions – Call for Reforms

• Radicalization of workers including rise of unions, welfare systems

• Radicalization of some political ideologies: Socialism, Marxism

• Calls for reform including political and social


Reform Movements


Utopianism sought ideal solutions

Work with state, factory owners


Class struggle natural, instrument of change

State always serves those with money

Rich (bourgeoisie) get richer, poor (proletariat) get poorer

Change only can come about as a violent revolution

Successful revolution would establish workers’ paradise

Communism or Bolshevism

Marxism was basis but needed a revolutionary party to lead

Conditions do not have to be right for a revolution, make one!

Reform Socialism

Change through ballot box, elections: does not have to be violent

Trade Unionism

Workers seek to redress grievances through collective action, strikes

• State Initiated Reforms

Often called Liberalism

Increase suffrage, written constitutions

Suffrage limited however to upper middle class, those who had property, were educated

Reform diffused possibilities of revolt: expand electorate, social insurance



An Age of Emancipations

Gender Issues

Slaves and Serfs

Social Classes




Poor women

had to migrate to cities for work

Worked in factories, brought in a second income

Sweatshop industries became common

Upper class women

More wealth, more servants to manage

Less power outside home than in previous eras

Middle Class housewives

A new class has a new group of women

Tended to imitate upper class moral standards, lifestyles

Cult of Domesticity, Victorian Age of Women encouraged

But some women could now get university educations

Women became active in some reform movements

Colonies and Women

European women had great influence abroad, set a standard for others

Native women acquired some of same roles of Middle Class housewives


• Women still had family responsibilities

• Society was still patriarchal


Abolition preceded women’s suffrage

• Women very involved in abolition movements

Suffrage took a second place to abolition

Women became involved in other reform movements: temperance, Progressives

• Seneca Falls Declaration in 1848

Frederick Douglass attended as delegate

A Slow Process – Two Steps Forward, One Back

• Role of Enlightenment

Women ran salons, fostered intellectual freedom

• French Revolution

Women granted full rights and vote until Napoleon

Olympia de Gouges, Mary Wollstonecraft

Napoleon took back gains, no vote until 1944

• In UK, US –

Reforms, progressive movements met resistance

World War I in UK, US won women the vote, rights

• Africa, Asia, Middle East gave women vote as part of decolonization

• Latin America, Russia, China, Japan: depended on other factors

• Socialism, Communism often granted women the vote for first time


• Abolition of the Slave Trade, Slavery

• Calls for its abolition

Religious groups were instrumental: Methodists, Quakers

UK was the leader in the movement to abolish both

Enlightenment, French Revolution began process

Abolished in Americas as part of national independence processes

• Industry was not compatible with slavery

Slaves had no reason to work hard, no tendency to innovate, experiment

Factories could not use slaves as they were too expensive

• US, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Brazil were last American nations to abolish slavery

• Emancipation of Russian Serfs

• Reasons

Rising violence and rebellion amongst serfs

Serfs bound to land, had no reason to work harder for someone else

Russian needed workers in factories

Russia lacked an internal market, serfs were potential customers

Russia lost Crimean War, reformers blamed loss on backwardness

• Emancipation of 1861

Serfs were free, no longer bound to land, now could work elsewhere

Reality: serfs became tenant farmers, indentured labor for landlords

Reality: no land reform – serfs got the worse land, could not pay taxes




Exchanges of Ideas and Goods

Increased contacts made this inevitable

Modernization came with a Western bias

Modernization often carried with it westernization

Popular Movements

Rural to Urban Migration throughout world


European immigration to Americas between 35-50 million

European population transformed Americas, Oceania

African Slave Trade not abolished until early 1800s

Africans transported to Americas but also SW Asia, Indian Ocean

Substitute Labor for Plantations

Indians, Chinese, Vietnamese filled need

Often agricultural labor but small business owners, wives followed

Settlement of frontiers

Russians, Americans, Chinese, Boer Afrikaaners, Brazilians, Argentines


Ideological Movements






Political Revolutions


• Previous State Structures

• Decentralized

• Feudal Monarchy

• Aristocratic privilege, vassals, feudal lords, hierarchy

• Centralized

• Divine Right Monarchy and Absolute Monarchy

• Loyalty to one man, centralized state apparatus, elites

• Rise of Nationalism

• Loyalty to the state, a national consciousness

• Strong ideology amongst middle classes but spread to all classes

• Fueled by French Revolution, Napoleon: nationalism spread

• Nationalism threatens multi-national empires: Austria, Russia, Ottoman

• Reactions

• Congress of Vienna opposed nationalism

• Balance of Power: Great powers manage change, prevent change

• Restored monarchs to thrones, redrew national boundaries

• Burgeoning European nationalisms

• Unite one ethnic group under an independent ethnic state

• Germany: Prussia and Bismarck united Germany in 1870

• Italy: Sardinia and Cavour united Italy in 1860-1870

• Pan-Slavism, Austro-Slavism, or Independence

• European Example Copied Abroad

• India: Sepoy Rebellion, Indian National Congress, African National Congress

• China, Japan

• Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam

• Young Turks of Ottoman Empire, Persia

• Mexico


• The Stage is Set

• State is economically weak, government is ineffective

• New ideas arise, new groups arise to challenge status-quo, intellectual movements influence change

• Old Regime Loses Control

• Old elites attempt to reassert privileges

• Some short term event sparks a conflict, disaster rallies forces who oppose old elites

• Government too divided and weak to suppress revolt

• Moderate Phase of the Revolution

• Moderates come to power, initiate changes

• Electorate expanded, constitution liberalized, some reforms initiated

• Reaction to the Moderates Arise

• Moderates enact only limited reforms

• Radicals mobilize their supporters demanding more extensive reforms

• Radicals Seize Control

• Radicals take control of state and revolution

• Radicals enact sweeping changes, eliminate old institutions completely

• Radical Reign of Terror

• Foreign, domestic opposition arises to challenge radicals

• Radicals react, remove opponents, seek to institutionalize, spread their ideology

• Moderate Return

• Moderates who come to represent the majority remove radicals

• End the most radical reforms, return privileges to many groups, lose contact with people

• Rise of a Strong Leader or Authoritarianism

• Usually a military leader arises to oppose moderates

• Seizes control of state, institutionalizes revolution, revolution ends

REVOLUTIONS 1750 – 1914

American Revolution 1776 – 1783

French Revolution 1789 – 1799

Haitian Revolution 1793 – 1802

Latin American Revolutions 1810 – 1822

Mehmet Ali in Egypt, 1820s

European Revolutions 1820s – 1848

Belgium revolts from Netherlands

Greece revolts from Ottoman Empire

French Revolutions in 1830 and 1848

European Revolutions in 1848: Germany, Italy, Central Europe

Meiji Restoration (Japan) 1867

Young Turks (Ottoman Empire) 1908 – 1920s

1 st Iranian Revolution 1905

1 st Russian Revolution 1905

Mexican Revolution 1910 – 1920

Chinese Revolution 1911 – 1912


• Stages

• Enlightenment, US Revolution, French Revolution influences creoles

• Creoles feel marginalized by peninsulares, mother countries’ government

• French Revolution, Napoleon occupy Iberia, make changes which creoles, peninsulares hate

• Colonies left on their own and begin to make decisions without benefit of mother country

• Creoles lead independence movements, form militias, resist return of Spain

• Civil wars, turmoil, suffering followed as creoles battle Spain for control

• Conservatives take control of new states after independence

• Result

• Many newly independent nations

• Mexico: Grito de Dolores, Fr. Hidalgo & Morelos, Iturbide

• South America: Simon Bolivar (North), Jose de San Martin (Central)

• Brazil: Different – peaceful split from Portugal, new ruler becomes emperor

• Haiti: Different – a slave revolt, rebellion led to independence

• After Independence

• Life for majority of people (mestizos, mulattos, Blacks, Indians) little changed, marginalized

• Societies remained largely casted

• Small powerful elite of creole families ruled independent states

• Church is part of the government structure; assists governing elite – rise of anti-clericalism

• Rule by military strongmen called caudillos becomes common; armies turn on people

• Struggle between liberals and conservatives, centrists and federalists to define state structures

• Developments limited to exportable goods, industries and most assets controlled by foreigners

• Heavy British, American investment in resources leads to Western financial control

• Standouts: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile


• Continuity

• European continued economic dominance of world

• European empires continued to exist

• Persistence of social norms in most areas resisting change

• Change

• Europeans expanded dominance of world to Africa, Asia

• Europeans became industrial, commercial center of world

• Europeans lost political control of the Americas

• US, Japan, Germany join great powers

• Westernization, modernization impacts mass society

• Prior to 1750

• Asians, Africans controlled own countries

• Europeans allowed trading rights, bases but limited influence

• Internal trade left to locals, Asian states licensed groups to trade

• Europeans controlled trans-Oceanic trade

• Change Begins

• Dutch, English, French challenge Spain, Portugal

• Spain, Portugal relied on royal monopolies

• Newcomers used privately owned companies, initiative

• By 1800

• Between 1789-1820, 1 st European colonial empires collapsed

• Only viable European colonial empire was Great Britain

• Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, French had minor possessions




• United States: Liberal democracy with expanding suffrage but no rights for women, blacks

• 1750 – 13 British Colonies with strong traditions of self-rule

• 1800 – Successful revolution, new government; Mississippi border, Manifest Destiny, Monroe Doctrine

• 1850 – War With Mexico Acquires West but country at height of sectionalism over slavery

• 1875 – Fought Civil War, Slavery Ended; US Industrial Power as #3 in world

• 1914 – US acquires an empire in Pacific, Caribbean; Mass Immigration; Open Door Policy

• Germany: Autocratic democracy struggling with socialism, industrialization

• 1750 – 400+ states, Prussia and Austria were the largest

• 1800 – Germany was a dependent of Napoleon, whose rule created German nationalism

• 1850 – Industrial Revolution, nationalism gripped Germany; democracy was clear loser in 1848

• 1875 – Prussia had united Germany, humiliated France and Austria, created an autocratic empire

• 1914 – Germany was the #2 industrial power in world, #2 navy, #1 army

• Russian Empire: autocratic state plagued by struggle for reform, rights; dominated by elite

• 1750 – New great power having defeated Sweden, Ottoman Empire

• 1800 – One of two free great powers left to oppose Napoleon, revolution, liberalism

• 1850 – Europe’s policeman, opposed revolution, nationalism, liberalism

• 1875 – Had lost Crimean War; emancipation of serfs had not helped; spreading radicalism, industry

• 1914 – 1905 Revolution by workers, soviets crushed; reforms limited; internally very weak

• Japan: From Shogunate to Constitutional Monarch dominated by elite industries, military

• 1750 – Still isolated internationally with only one yearly contact through Nagasaki; Dutch Learning

• 1800 – Shogun weakening but Dutch learning had spread

• 1854 – US forces Japan to end isolation, open ports

• 1875 – Meiji Restoration had overthrown Shogun; massive industrialization, modernization

• 1904 – Had built modern army, navy: had defeated China, Russia, annexed Ryuykus

• 1914 – Only non-European great power; had alliance with UK, annexed Korea, interested in China






Rise of Diplomacy and Diplomats

• Renaissance saw rise of diplomats as a class, institution

• Rules of conduct set: extraterritoriality of diplomats, embassies

• Enlightenment: growth of works on international law, treaties


Temporary alliances of states with similar objectives not new

• Diplomatic Revolution of 1750s: Rise of Prussia, Great Britain

• Grand Alliance /Holy Alliance against France, Revolution

Balance of Power

• No one state should dominate; states team up to restore balance

• War is failed diplomacy – use force to achieve objectives

Alliance Systems

• Germany upset balance in 1870; France humiliated

• Germany and France become the center of two competing alliances

Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria, Italy (Ottoman Empire)

Triple Entente: France, Russia, United Kingdom (Japan)




Powerful nations extend control over less-powerful nations

• Control can be direct, indirect, political, economic, social

• 1492-1820 is an age of colonialism

Colonialism tends towards recreating European cultures and settler colonies

• 1830-1914 is an age of imperialism

Imperialism tends towards exploiting other nations to benefit the mother country

Less concern with making the colony a settler colony

Spurred By

• Nationalism and nationalist competition

Desire for prestige, military power, glory

• Desire to maintain balance of power

France defeated by Germany in 1870 sought balance in colonies

Russia, Germany seek to rival UK in Asia, acquire colonies

• Industrial Revolution

Seek markets for your goods

Seek sources for raw materials especially fuels

Results Of

Increased life expectancy, literacy

• Destruction of traditional patterns of life to support European systems

• Imposition of new values, customs including religious systems


• Types

• Direct

Favored by France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Japan

Replace local leaders with men sent out by mother countries

Introduce own laws, law systems, courts, governmental bodies

Did not believe locals were capable of governing themselves

• Indirect

Favored by UK, US, Netherlands

Rule through existing elites, institutions

Change as few customs, traditions as possible

Senior officials appointed by mother country

Establish schools to educate young men for civil service jobs

• Dominions

• Settler colonies granted virtual independence, self-rule

• Applies to Canada, Australia, NZ, South Africa

• The United States

• Beginning in 1867, US expanded into Pacific – Wake Island, Alaska

• In 1898 acquired Hawaii, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa

• Expansion due in large part to industrialization, nationalism, navy

• Japan

• Began in 1870s with annexation of Ryuku Islands

• Led to conflicts with China (1894), Russia (1904)

• Ended with annexation of Taiwan, Korea, Pacific Islands, assets in China


Economic Imperialism

Actually described by Marx, Lenin

Involved dominance of industry, finance

Let to competitions between national firms

US, UK, Germany were three greatest rivals to 1914


US loan money, invested in Mexico, Central America, Caribbean

UK invested heavily in South America

Germany invested heavily in Eastern Europe, Balkans, Turkey

France invested heavily in Russia

Europeans built Latin American infrastructure to help exports

Racism and Social Darwinism

Theory of Evolution and Darwin led to this development

Natural selection, survival of fittest applied to imperialism

Social Darwinism theorized that certain nations, races were superior

The inferior races should be dominated by superior, civilized nations


• Ottoman Empire

• Causes

Russia attacks Ottomans, supports Pan-Slavic nationalism

Egypt begins to modernize, break away

• Local Reaction

Turks fight back, seek support of UK, France

Turkey seeks to modernize: Tanzimat Reforms, Young Turk Movement

• Outcome

Ottoman Empire seen as the “sick man of Europe”

Turks loose control of Balkans, North Africa, Caucasus

• India

• Causes

Europeans vie for control of Indian Ocean trade, ports under the Mughals

European rivalry spills over into India

British East India Company builds a trading empire in India

• Local Reaction

Initially none from Mughals but local princes try to oppose British, ally with French

Marathas, Sikhs, others oppose British expansion

Sepoy Rebellion on 1857 – Indian Muslims and Hindus join forces against British

• Outcome

British government takes control of the East India Company, territory

Creates the Empire of India with Queen Victoria as the Empress

Allows local princes to control local affairs (UK controls army, diplomacy, national politics)


• Japan

• Causes

US under Commodore Perry forces Japan to open its ports to the West in 1854

Japan sees what has happened in China

• Local Reaction

Shogun deposed, Emperor returned to power under Meiji Restoration in 1867

Meiji Restoration modernizes, industrializes, but only moderately westernizes 1867 - 1912

• Outcome

Japan becomes a major power able to resist Europeans, defeats Russians in 1904 war

Annexes islands, parts of China, Korea and creates its own empire (1877 – 1910)

• China

• Causes

Foreign merchants trade even if opium trade is forbidden; Western influence continues to grow

Discontent with Manchu (Qing) Dynasty

• Local Reaction

Western-educated, intellectuals seek reforms but conservatives, Confucians block reforms

Taiping Rebellion: Christian messianic traditions blend with Confucianism, poor peasants rebel

Boxer Rebellion against Western influence supported by Dowager Empress, fails

• Outcome

UK forces China to open ports to trade, westerners (Opium Wars, Treaty Ports, Extraterritoriality)

Other powers partition China into treaty ports, spheres of influence (Sino-Japanese War)

1911 Revolution overthrows the Manchu Dynasty






• Africa

• Egypt

Mehmet Ali: An Albanian officer in Turkish Army comes to control Egypt

Seeks to modern country on European model: army, industry, society

Greatest resistance comes from Europeans who defeat his navy, limit his regime, influence

• East Africa

The Sudan

• Sudan controlled by a corrupt Turkish-Egyptian regime

• Man claiming to be the Madhi or promised one preceding the end of time appears, rallies region

• Preaches a reformed, puritanical Islam stripped of western ideas, concepts

• Defeats Egyptian force led by a British general

• British re-invade in 1898 and crush regime, rule Sudan as a co-dominion with Egypt


• Italy seeks to create an empire in East Africa, occupies Eritrea, Somalia; advanced against Ethiopia

• Ethiopia under Menelik II had modernized, acquired western arms – defeats Italy

• Southern Africa

The Zulus

• Rise of Shaka Zulu in early 1800s creates a Zulu Empire, produces Mkfane or dispersal of Bantu tribes

• Zulus threaten British settlers in Natal Province and Boer Republics, clash with British

• Britain defeats, annexes Zululand

The Boers

• Great Britain acquired Capetown Colony during Napoleonic Wars

• Increasing English influence, immigration drove Boers (Dutch farmers) to migrate inland

• Boers set up Afrikaaner Republics independent of British

• Gold/diamonds discovered, which British covet; Anglo-Boer War: British attack, defeat, annex Boer Republics

• South Africa created in 1910

AFRICA 1830 & 1914



Arts: Art, Music, and Literature

Classicism: Idealization of the Past (Greeks, Romans)

Romanticism: Idealization of nation, national culture

Realism: look at society as it is, not idealized

Impressionism as reaction to, fascination with industrialization

Post-Impressionism begins movement towards emotions






Physics: Einstein, Currie, Roentgen

Psychology as a result of Freud’s studies

Biology and Genetics: Mendel, Darwin

Medicine: Jenner, Pasteur, Koch, Lister, Walter Reed


The prompts which follow can be either a Change/Continuity over

Time essay or Compare/Contrast essay.

The same prompts with documents become DBQ essays.


Compare the causes and phases on the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain or the United States with Russia or Japan.

Compare industrial development in Brazil or South America with economic developments in China, India, or Russia.

Compare and contrast the importance of trade and international economic relations on any two civilizations, one

European and one non-European. Non-European can include

Eastern Europe specifically Austria-Hungary and Russia. Non-

European nations should include the Ottoman Empire,

Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, India, Egypt, China, and Japan.


Compare the American or French Revolution with one of these revolutions: Haiti 1798; Latin American 1820;

Mehmet Ali in Egypt 1822; Mexico 1911, Russia 1905;

Taiping Rebellion 1850; China 1911; or Iran 1910.

Compare nationalism in the following pairs: China and

Japan, Egypt and Italy, Pan-Africanism and the Indian

National Congress

Compare the process of modernization as opposed to

Westernization in any two non-European nations in the

19 th or 20 th century.


Compare and contrast the reactions and responses of any two of these states to Western influence and imperialism: China,

Japan, Ottoman Empire, Southeast Asia, and India.

Compare nationalism and nationalist movements in any two of these states: Cuba, Philippines, China, Japan, Ottoman Empire,

Egypt, India, and Vietnam.

Compare forms of Western intervention in any two regions:

Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia.

Compare and contrast any two colonial empires including methods of government, economic development, and social changes: France, Great Britain, United States, Russia, and



Compare the roles of upper class/aristocratic women with women from the working, peasant, and poor classes in Western Europe and any one non-Western nation.

Compare the spread of Christianity and Islam in Sub-

Saharan Africa.

Compare the movement by populaces to settle interior lands in any two frontier societies: United States, Russia,

Brazil, South Africa, Australia, and China.

Compare the process and problems of urbanization in any two of these cities: Tokyo, London, Paris, New York,

Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bombay, Cairo,

Constantinople, and Mexico City.
