Academic Technology Center - University of West Florida

Course Prefix/Number/ Title: EDF3234: Applied Foundations of Education
Course Credit Hours: 3
Current Instructor Name and Contact Information
Dr. Michelle Gaudette
UWF Main Campus
Bldg 85, Room 192
Dr. Karen Evans
Please check your schedule
UWF Main Campus
Bldg 85, Room 185
Lead Instructor
Dr. Trudi Gaines, 850-474-2848,
TK20 Help Desk
Rusty Gremillion; 473-7068;
eLearning Help Desk
Web:; Email:; Call: 850.474.2075
eLearning System Check (to make sure your computer meets the eLearning requirements):
Academic Technology Center
Academic Integrity:
Course Description
Principles of growth, development, and learning in the context of teaching in the schools of today
will be presented. Methods of formal and informal assessment, measurement, and evaluation are
addressed and the ability to analyze educational phenomena in America and in other countries from
interpretive, normative, and critical perspectives is developed. Admission to teacher education is
Purpose of the Course
The Empowered Person and Professional Making a Difference is theme of the Professional
Education Unit conceptual framework. This theme focuses learning experiences on activities that
permit the candidate to examine what he/she does and to take an active role in the instructional
process. The subject matter, class activities, and skill development of this course were selected to
assist your personal growth in one or more of the following Empowered Person and Professional
Making a Difference characteristics: a) critical thinker, b) lifelong learner, c) counselor/mentor, d)
decision maker, e) problem solver, and f) ethical/moral professional.
School of Education Mission
The mission of the School of Education is to provide appropriate programs for initial teacher
certification as well as programs for the preparation of advanced level professional educators. The
programs are designed to empower individuals to think, communicate, strategically plan, and to
develop their cognitive and affective human potential to become exemplary educational leaders.
The goal of "empowerment" supports the Division's structure, curricular design, and conceptual
The State of Florida has responded to national and state initiatives in education reform and
accountability by creating legislative policies relative to the preparation of educators. Florida's
Uniform Core Curricula outline the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that candidates require to be
successful in Florida's educational system.
To monitor your progress in this teacher preparation program, Key Assignments are required. Key
Assignments are specific learning activities that directly relate to the course and program learning
outcomes. A passing grade (70% or higher) is required on each of the student learning outcomes
identified on the assignment in order to receive a grade for the course and advance in the teacher
education program. (Specific details are provided in your Teacher Education Handbook.)
Note: The Learner Development Project PowerPoint is a Key Assignment!
Program Student Learning Outcomes (Set by the Institution)
1.2 Content: Identify the cognitive, linguistic, emotional, and physical needs of students and match
them appropriately to instructional plans.
1.3 Content: Draw upon human development/learning theories and concepts as the foundations for
instructional planning for students.
Course Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes Met Through Weekly Quizzes, MyEducationLab Assignments,
the Midterm, and the Final Exam
1. Given a hypothetical classroom situation, the student will be able to summarize the applicable
educational theories and recommend a specific theory or aspect of a theory to match the
situation described in the classroom scenario.
2. Given a hypothetical classroom situation, the student will be able to anticipate the correct
motivational and/or management theory and procedure for the particular problem being
described, age/grade, disability, cultural characteristic, and other diverse aspect of the learner.
Student Learning Outcomes Met Through the Learner Development Project
3. Given a specific age or grade range, the student will be able to describe the appropriate
physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development characteristics of the students.
4. Given a specific age or grade range, the student will be able to describe appropriate
motivational and management procedures for the classroom teacher.
5. Given a specific age or grade range, the student will be able to describe the cultural
characteristics of the group of students.
6. Given a specific age or grade range, the student will be able to describe the potential learning
disabilities for that group of students.
Student Learning Outcomes Met Through the Course Discussions and Written Assignments
7. Given a specific topic related to a course text chapter or prompts for a video, the student will be
able to participate in a meaningful discussion and provide an in-depth written response to
Project Name
Framework Program Course
critical thinker
Discussions and counselor/ mentor
(PLO 1 & 2)
critical thinker
1, 2
Midterm &
Final Exam
(PLO 1 & 2)
decision maker
1.2, 1.3 3, 4, 5,
Development lifelong learner
problem solver
(PLO 1 & 2)
Subject Area
& Skills
Competencies &
1, 6, 8, 9, PEC 1, 6, 8, 9,
10, 11
10, 11
4, 8
PEC 4, 8
1a, 2d, 2h, ESOL (47) 3.1,
3.8, 3.5, 10.1,
1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1e
PEC 7.1, 13.2
Course Alignments by Assessments, Outcomes, and Standards
Additional Elements of the Uniform Core Curriculum
Foundations and History of Education
Topics Covered
 Psychological and Sociological Foundations of Education
 Introduction to Assessment
 Introduction to Classroom Motivation and Management
 Introduction to Language Development & ESOL
 Introduction to Exceptional Student Education
Required: Eggen, P. & Kauchak, D. (2012). Educational psychology: windows on
classrooms. (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall ISBN: 9780132893572;
[Note: This edition of the text includes MyEducationLab access. If you buy a used book, you are
responsible for obtaining access to MyEducationLab.]
*The first two chapters of the text are scanned into a PDF file in the content area of eLearning in
case you purchase a used text that has not arrived. Due to copyright issues, only the first two weeks
can be provided.
There is a required Teacher Education Program TK20 Assessment System Subscription. The Chair
of the School of Education is the contact if you are requesting an exception or have any complaints.
Dr. Dave Stout is the Chair and his email is and his phone is 850-474-2284. By
departmental policy, I cannot grant any exceptions to TK20. TK20 Subscription is available
directly at or through the UWF bookstore (Student Access Kits; ISBN 09774408-1-8). Do not wait until the last week to purchase TK20 due to activation time needed to
gain access.
TK20 Helpdesk
If you have any questions about purchasing the TK20 system or need any assistance working with
the program contact the help desk directly at address or Rusty Gremillion at 4737068.
Desire2Learn is the eLearning system for the University of West Florida. There will be weekly
content, quizzes, and discussion topics in eLearning.
There is a built in help guide in eLearning if you have any questions. If your topic is not covered,
please contact the Help Desk at UWF ( or 850-474-2075).
Key Assignment
To monitor progress, selected courses in the teacher preparation program include key assignments
linked to program learning outcomes and state standards. Key assignments must be submitted in
TK20. A passing grade (70% or higher) is required on the identified student learning outcomes
associated with key assignments to pass key assignment courses and continue in the Teacher
Education program. If applicable to this course, the key assignment will be described below.
Note: The Key Assignment, the Learner Development PowerPoint, must be submitted in TK20 –
not eLearning or email - by the due date – Per School of Education policy there are NO
EXCEPTIONS. Again, this is a School of Education Requirement. Contact the TK20 help desk at if you need assistance or for any concerns regarding TK20 to include if you forgot
and obtained a subscription too late to submit your Learner Development Project on time, or you
submitted the file before you were actually ready to submit the final product, or if you hit submit
before attaching the file. If your project is not there for any reason, your grade will be a zero and
you will need to repeat the course. In other words, do not wait until the last minute to submit.
Additionally, the TK20 staff does not work on the weekends.
Course Requirements and Activities:
1. Weekly Quizzes: There is a weekly quiz based on the weekly chapter of the text. All quizzes are in
eLearning. Quizzes are based on the chapter material, are in multiple choice format, are timed to
prevent “using a lifeline” to find answers. They were developed by experts in the field and found to
be reliable and valid. Specific answers are not available for student look up or discussion because
not everyone takes the test at the same time and questions are in a national database (similar to
taking the SAT or ACT). After the you take the quiz, you will be able to view the items you
answered incorrectly, but will have to research the correct answer yourself from your text. This
activity provides another opportunity for you to reinforce the course content. If you are having
difficulty with the quizzes, please contact the UWF Learning Center
( for assistance.
You may earn up to 10 bonus points toward your final total point count for the semester. Each quiz
can earn up to 1 point, so no more than 10 quizzes at full credit can count toward your total points.
Alternately, more than 10 quizzes at partial points may also be used, whichever way totals to 10
points first. Items on the quizzes are taken from the same item bank as those on the midterm and
final, so it is in your best interest to work through every quiz. All items are, however, randomly
selected both for quizzes, the midterm, and the final.
Note on Level of Difficulty related to the Quizzes: Even if you transfer to UWF with a high GPA,
this does not necessarily mean you will do well on the quizzes which are application questions and
not simply recall of definitions or information. When you are in a classroom, you will need to be
able to apply the information that you learned, not quote a definition. Often times there are multiple
acceptable answers and it is the best answer among the options that is required. Just like a surgeon
can operate on you in a number of ways, you rely on his or her professional expertise and skills to
select the best way to perform the surgery based on their professional skills; not just the grade they
received in anatomy and physiology class where they memorized the body parts. Likewise,
teaching is a profession that goes beyond just knowing the content, but skillfully applying it to
classroom situations.
2. Discussions: There will be several required discussions with specific topics related to a chapter in
the course text. Students must write a minimum of 100 words in their initial response to the
discussion question and at least 50 words in each of the two required responses to other student’s
postings for the week. Responses should be thoughtful and incorporate research-based information
as opposed to completely based on opinion. They are “real-time” activities and cannot be made
NOTE: Points will be deducted for spelling and grammatical errors and/or a UWF Writing
Lab ( and/or School of Education Response to Intervention (RTI)
intervention initiated. Discussions grades are generally available within two days after the
discussions are concluded.
3. MyEducationLab Assignments: When you purchase the text, it will come with access to
MyEducationLab; unless you buy a used book and need to purchase it separately. These
assignments are intended to assist you in understanding the content for that chapter and preparing
for the quizzes.
4. Exams: There will be 3 online exams provided through the UWF eLearning system. A make-up
midterm and or final is not given except in exceptional circumstances and with permission in
advance of the test date. Weddings, work obligations, family vacations, sickness, Internet
availability, etc. are not acceptable excuses since there is sufficient time to complete the exam.
The tests will be in multiple choice format similar to the quizzes.
5. Key Assignment (Learner Development Project): The learner development project is a key
assignment that will be uploaded to the TK20 system as part of your program assessment and
readiness to be an Empowered Person and Professional Taking Action and Making a Difference. In
your project, you will describe the development of students from grades K-12. The project should
be completed in APA format and must include references, not just a few web links.
Writing Skills Test Requirement
Students in the UWF School of Education must take the Writing Skills Test (at least one attempt) before
being enrolled in Field Experience 1 (FE1). Since this course (EDF3234) is also a prerequisite for FE1, the
Writing Skills Test (WST) has been incorporated into it. The grade you receive on the WST will not factor
into your course grade; however, if you do not take the test, you will be assigned an incomplete for the
course until you have taken the test it at least once. A grade of 80% or better on the WST is considered a
successful attempt. Students who do not earn 80% or better on the first attempt will be referred to Dr. Trudi
Gaines for steps to take before retaking the test. Students will have until the end of the FE 1 semester to
earn 80% or better on the WST. Please contact Dr. Trudi Gaines,, if you have questions.
EDF3234 Applied Foundations -- Course Schedule and Due Dates
All assignments are due by 11:59pm on the due date listed in the checklist in eLearning
Chapter Assignments
Ch 1
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Exam 1 & LDP Compilations
Ch 2
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Exam 2 & LDP Compilation
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
LDP Compilation
Exam 3 & Final LDP PPT
Grading Point to Letter Conversion
Points & Percentages
Letter Grade
186-200 points/93--100% A
180-185 points/90--92% A174-179 points/87--89% B+
166-173 points/83--86% B
160-165 points/80--82% B154-159 points/77--79% C+
146-153 points/73--76% C
140-145 points/70--72% C134-139 points/67--69% D+
126-133 points/63--66% D
120-125 points/60--62% D0-119 points/<60%
Course Grade Determination
Learner Development Project
3 Exams
********** Late Assignments, Incompletes, and Extra Credit *******************************
Due to the nature of the course, late assignments or partial credit cannot be accepted, nor will
course incompletes be provided. If you cannot complete the course due to employment, health
concerns, or other personal reasons, do not sign up or drop the course immediately. If assignments
are not submitted by the deadline then no credit will be provided. Please post assignments
early in order to avoid last minute technological issues. Apart from the quiz bonus points
available throughout the course, there will be no extra credit assigned at the end of or during the
Grades and Comments on Assignments
Please check the eLearning course gradebook to see your grades and any comments. Check the
TK20 system for the Learner Development Project rubric and assessment. Grades are all posted
within one week of submission unless otherwise noted.
Florida Teacher Certification Exam Test Prep Guides (all publishers)
Also see the “Links” section of eLearning for further information on key topics.
Special Technology Utilized by Students
Each UWF Student is expected to:
 Activate a UWF ArgoNet email account
 Purchase a MyEducationLab Account (comes with new texts)
 Access email two to three times weekly
 Have basic word processing knowledge
 Have basic PowerPoint knowledge
 Purchase and activate a TK20 Account
Plagiarism Policy
Student Handbook
Statement of the University Policy on Academic Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct sets forth the rules, regulations and expected behavior of students
enrolled at the University of West Florida. Violations of any rules, regulations, or behavioral
expectations may result in a charge of violating the Student Code of Conduct. It is the student’s
responsibility to read the Student Code of Conduct and conduct themselves accordingly. You may
access the current Student Code of Conduct at the link.
Expectations for Academic Conduct/Plagiarism Policy
As members of the University of West Florida, we commit ourselves to honesty. As we strive for
excellence in performance, integrity—personal and institutional—is our most precious asset.
Honesty in our academic work is vital, and we will not knowingly act in ways which erode that
integrity. Accordingly, we pledge not to cheat, nor to tolerate cheating, nor to plagiarize the work
of others. We pledge to share community resources in ways that are responsible and that comply
with established policies of fairness. Cooperation and competition are means to high achievement
and are encouraged. Indeed, cooperation is expected unless our directive is to individual
performance. We will compete constructively and professionally for the purpose of stimulating
high performance standards. Finally, we accept adherence to this set of expectations for academic
conduct as a condition of membership in the UWF academic community. The Student Code of
Conduct sets forth the rules, regulations and expected behavior of students enrolled at the
University of West Florida. Violations of any rules, regulations, or behavioral expectations may
result in a charge of violating the Student Code of Conduct. It is the student’s responsibility to read
the Student Code of Conduct and conduct himself/herself accordingly. You may access the current
Student Code of Conduct at the link.
The Student Disability Resource Center SDRC at the University of West Florida supports an
inclusive learning environment for all students. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of
this course that hinder your full participation, such as time limited exams, inaccessible web content,
or the use of non-captioned videos and podcasts, please notify the instructor or the SDRC as soon
as possible. You may contact the SDRC office by e-mail at or by phone at (850)
474-2387. Appropriate academic accommodations will be determined based on the documented
needs of the individual.
Syllabus Notice of Change
Although this syllabus is intended for multiple audiences and incorporates the minimum course
criteria, the content of this syllabus may change based on individual instructor’s specifications.
Any modifications to this syllabus will be announced during the first week of the semester (unless
there is a specific university-wide reason for changes such as a weather-related incident).
Course Evaluations
For online sections only: Near the end of the course, you will receive an eLearning notice that the
course evaluations are available. It is similar to the one below. Click on the Student Assessment of
Instruction (SAI) link to begin.