syllabus- French 3 2015

French 3 2014-2015
Mademoiselle Mickelsen
Room C22
This course is designed with an increased emphasis on French language proficiency. The prerequisites for
French 3 are French 1 and 2 (two full years). Throughout the semester, students will build on their French
language skills through combination of listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. Reading selections
become more complicated, and the grammar base is broadened. Students will explore more literary texts,
poetry, history and art.
At the end of this course, you will …
 have a strong working knowledge of French grammar.
 develop more advanced listening and comprehension skills.
 produce spoken French at an intermediate level.
 read French at an intermediate level.
 broaden your cultural knowledge of the francophone world.
Required Materials (les matériaux):
The following materials will be provided by the district.
 Imaginez, le français sans frontiers (kept in classroom)
 Imaginez Student activities manual (student responsible to bring every day)
 folder (exclusively for French)
My website includes my schedule, office hours, contact information,
and helpful links relevant to class.
 Becky Mickelsen
 815-455-3860 ext 3394
Follow me on Twitter for
classroom reminders and
French pop culture
Classroom Expectations
Students will be on time, will get notes and homework from their class partners when absent, will be respectful,
and will be attentive in class.
Please see school handbook for the policy on tardies.
Lost a worksheet?
Need an extra copy?
Check out Google
Drive and find your
Grades for each quarter in French 1 will be calculated as follows:
Summative Assessments: (end of unit tests)
Formative Assessments: (classwork, homework, participation)
Per district policy, semester grades are a combination of three things: 1st quarter grade, 2nd quarter grade, and
the final exam.
1st Quarter grade :
2nd Quarter grade
Final exam:
Grading Scale
A+ =
A- =
B+ =
B- =
97.5 - 100
92.5 - 97.49
90 - 92.45
87.5 - 89.99
82.5 - 87.49
80 - 82.49
C+ =
C- =
D+ =
D- =
77.5 - 79.99
72.5 - 77.49
70.0 - 72.49
67.5 - 69.99
62.5 - 67.49
60 - 62.49
0 - 59.99
Re-Take Policy:
All students will be allowed to retake one summative assessment per quarter. Students’ final score will be the
most recent grade. Students’ will have a two week time frame in which they must complete remediation and
testing as outlined on the re-take form. No re-takes will be permitted in the last week of the quarter. In order to
do a retake, the student must come in for a tutoring session and fill out a self evaluation form which is found on
my webpage. I reserve the right to give an alternative exam, or a different version of the test/quiz. A deadline
will be written on skyward for each assessment which will be two weeks from the testing date.
Make-up Policy:
For tests or quizzes that were missed due to an excused absence, a student will receive the day that they return
to class plus one week to make up those assignments- including tests and quizzes. It is the student’s
responsibility to ascertain which assignments or assessments were missed during their absences. If a student
requires assistance to catch up with material, the student is responsible to schedule time to meet with me outside
of the class period to do so. There will be no credit granted for any assignment/assessment missed due to
an unexcused absence. (Please read the attendance policy printed in the school handbook.)
Homework Policy:
Late homework will be accepted until the end of each unit. The day of the exam no more homework from that
unit will be accepted.