Warm Up ① Name the three colonial regions: ② Name the colonies in each of the three colonial regions ③ Which country controls these 13 colonies New England Middle Southern Colonial Mercantilism A step towards the American Revolution Why Do Countries Want Colonies I. II. The money a colony makes goes to the mother country The mother country gets rich because of colonies A. III. The more colonies the more money Colonies produce money!!!!! Colonies EQUAL Money Mercantilism I. Beginning around 1650, the British government pursued a policy of mercantilism with the 13 colonies Mercantilism What is mercantilism? Belief in the benefits of profitable trade (you should sell more than you buy) Why use Mercantilism? Mercantilism is an economic theory that states a nation becomes stronger by controlling its trade II. Nations that make more money are stronger III. It also states that a nation should have more exports than imports. I. Using Mercantilism I. England followed this theory of mercantilism with the 13 colonies: A. To achieve this balance of trade England passed laws to ensure a favorable balance of trade B. These laws made sure that England would make money from its colonies Raw Materials Manufactured Goods Moving Materials Import I. II. III. IV. Goods or products brought into a country Stuff from outside a country BUY Imports require you to spend money Export Goods sent to market outside a country Stuff from your country SELL Exports ear a nation money SO MERCANTILLISM? If you EARN (Export) more than you SPEND (Import), then you will have a PROFIT at the end. Characteristics of Mercantilism England Colonist were not permitted to make most of the finished products made in England X Products such as tobacco and wood could only be sold to England or its colonies. X Colonists could only use English ships to trade their goods. X X Colonial ships were protected by the English navy Colonist had to buy molasses from English colonies in the West Indies X X Colonist were assured a ready market for their goods Goods traded between Europe and America had to pass through England to be taxed English Colonies X Increasing Control Over The Colonies I. As the 13 colonies become successful, England wants more control over the colonies A. II. III. Ensure mercantilism The English Parliament began enacting stronger controls over the American colonies The first major act of control was the Navigation Acts THE NAVIGATION ACTS Between 1651 and 1673 English Parliament passed 4 Navigation Acts to ensure proper mercantilist trade balance. The Navigation Acts The Navigation Acts: I. Allowed only English could trade with English colonies A. II. III. No other country could get rich on English colonies. Restricted trade of profitable resources like tobacco and sugar with England only All goods had to go through English ports to be taxed 1. THE NAVIGATION ACTS SEVERELY RESTRICTED COLONIAL TRADE TO THE BENEFIT OF ENGLAND 2. ENGLAND GOT RICH WHILE COLONIAL TRADE AND PROFIT WAS RESTRICTED Fight Against Navigation Acts I. II. III. IV. Colonists did not like English control over their business Many colonists smuggled goods in and out of the colonies for financial gain Others bribed officials to allow them to bypass Navigation Acts Colonists were unwilling to pay English taxes and follow English laws. Were the Navigation Acts Enforced? I. II. III. England developed a policy of salutary neglect toward the colonies Trade laws were not enforced The colonies were left alone by the English government. (neglected) Impact of Mercantilism I. II. III. Mercantilism led to the regulation of colonial trade. Though the regulations were not followed many colonists disliked English control in their affairs Mercantilism and the Navigation Acts led many colonists to resent the English crown.