Name: Date: World Studies Latin America Study Guide People

World Studies
Latin America Study Guide
People & Terms
1. Hernan Cortes
2. Moctezuma II
3. Treaty of Tordesillas
4. Encomienda system
5. Columbian Exchange
6. Mercantilism
7. Toussaint L’ouverture
8. Creoles
9. Peninsulares
10. Miguel Hidalgo
11. Jose Maria Morelos
12. Iturbide
13. Simon Bolivar
14. Pedro I
15. How did exploration result in a new exchange of plants and animals?
16. What part did disease play in the creation of the colonies?
17. How did mercantilism push the drive to establish colonies?
18. What were the different social groups in the Latin American colonies?
19. How did the racial and social groups lead to independence movements?
20. Who were the key revolutionaries in northern and southern South America?
21. How did Agustin de Iturbide become emperor of Mexico?
22. How was the independence movement in Brazil different from the other independence
23. Who is known as the Father of Mexican independence?