Mrs. Georgia - Class 4T Weekly News: 2/23 - 2/27 **Social Studies Test on Unit 1 Chapter 2: Wednesday February 25** **Math Quiz Topic 10.1 – 10.4: Wednesday February 25** ** Spelling, Vocabulary, & Reading Tests (Unit 14) on FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27** *****LINKS STUDENTS CAN USE TO REVIEW***** (Science) Upcoming News: News subject to change, this will be announced in class to all students and any dates for next week will be posted on board, and written in planner. **** Math Topic 10 Test Thursday March 5 Reading Comprehension Test Wednesday March 4 Monday: 1. Read 20 minutes and log 2. Math P 10.3 3. Vocabulary page 144-145 4. Wonders pg. 81 5. Spelling words 3x each in cursive Tuesday: 1. Read 20 minutes and log 2. Math P 10.4 3. STUDY FOR SOCIAL STUDIES TEST 4. STUDY FOR MATH QUIZ Wednesday: 1. Read 20 minutes and log 2. Math P 10.5 3. Vocabulary pg. 146-147 4. Wonders pg. 83-85 Thursday: 1. Read 20 minutes and log 2. Math – P 10.6 3. STUDY FOR SPELLING, READING, AND VOCABULARY TEST TOMORROW Friday: 1. Read 20 minutes and log 2. Math P 10.7 3. Reading logs due Monday (6 entries) ***READING LOGS ARE DUE EVERY MONDAY*** Please Note: You MUST also read for 1 day on the weekend, either Saturday or Sunday and complete a log.) Reading Logs (due: Monday) will have 6 entries: Monday (2/23), Tuesday (2/24), Wednesday (2/25), Thursday (2/26), Friday (2/27) and ONE weekend day, either Saturday (2/28) or Sunday (3/1). Thank You! Vocabulary Words #1-12 from Vocabulary Workshop Unit 14 1. absolute 2. arena 3. compliment 4. deliberate 5. dense 6. dominant 7. hazardous 8. huddle 9. necessity 10. offend 11. regain 12. thorough #13- 20 from Wonders Anthology Weekly story “Spiders” 13. camouflaged 14. dribble 15. extraordinary 16. poisonous 17. pounce 18. predator 19. prey 20. vibrations **** HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND **