Portage Area School District Portage, PA 15946 COURSE: Anatomy & Physiology 2 CLASS MEETINGS: August 25, 2014 – May 28, 2015 Monday – Friday, Period 9, 49 minutes/period INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Raymond Trybus CONTACT: rtrybus@portageareasd.org CREDITS: 1 Required Text: 1. Marieb, E.N. Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 10th ed. 2012 2. Marieb, E.N. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, Cat version 3. One or more three-ring binders for organizing handouts. Supplemental Materials: Outlines, activity sheets and/or learning objectives will be distributed to specify important information for each topic. PowerPoint handouts are provided for each lecture. Additional Resource: Mr. Trybus’s Homepage on the PASD website. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to provide an understanding of the structure and function of the human body. Basic concepts, including the physical and chemical physiology of systems are emphasized. The following systems are studied in detail: nervous (autonomic and special senses), endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, and urogenital. Laboratory exercises involve an examination of the Human muscles and their origin, insertion and action, and a systematic dissection of the cat. COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Identify, describe, and explain structures and functions of the autonomic nervous system. Identify, describe, and explain structures and functions of the endocrine system. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the cardiovascular system. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the lymphatic system. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the immune system. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the respiratory system. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the digestive system. Describe and apply the basic principles of nutrition, metabolism and body temperature as they relate to human anatomy and physiology. 9. Identify, describe and explain structures and functions of the urinary system. 10. Describe and apply the basic principles of fluid and acid-base balance as they relate to human anatomy and physiology. 11. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the reproductive system. ACADEMIC HONESTY AND INTEGRITY: All students are expected to be honest in their academic work and to display integrity in the demonstration of their achieved competencies. Cheating or other willful decision on the part of the student to be dishonest in the representation of the work of others as his/her own, is unacceptable behavior. If you are unsure of what constitutes plagiarism, see Mr. Shuck or Mr. Trybus. Any student found guilty of giving or receiving help in an examination or found guilty of deliberate plagiarism in the submission of a project will receive a grade of zero for the incident. Further penalties may be imposed as directed by the circumstances. GRADING SYSTEM: Your grade can be calculated by dividing the sum of all your scores by the total number of possible points. A record of all your scores will be kept on the grade book so that you have a constant assessment of your level of performance. No extra credit will be given. Cheating, plagiarism, and misconduct will be treated severely. Copying another individual’s work or allowing someone to copy your work is regarded as cheating. Standard PASD Grading Scale: A B C D F = 90-100% of total points = 80-89% = 70-79% = 60-69% = 0-59% Participation: 1. Each student is expected to read lecture and lab assignments in advance and to participate in classroom discussions of materials. 2. Each student is expected to participate in classroom discussions of current events and situations in everyday life related to Anatomy & Physiology. 3. Supplementary materials will be provided, and each student is expected to use these additional resources and/or additional help as needed to understand course material and meet course objectives. 4. Each student is expected to take legible, thorough notes. 5. Each student is expected to turn in assigned work on time and be prepared to discuss it. 6. Each student is expected to read the lab procedures before each lab session. The lab manual and/or any lab handouts must be brought to each lab session. During each lab session, each student is expected to participate in discussions, and to record the results and the answers to the additional questions in the lab manual. 7. Each student is expected to follow the lab safety rules and demonstrate an effort to maintain the safety of all individuals in the lab. 8. Each student will be provided dissection gloves/lab apron for rat/organ dissections. A Final Note: Striving to meet the above objectives will aid in the cognitive development of each student and increase his/her awareness of the effects of interactions of body organs and systems. The written and oral communication skills of each student will be fostered. Students shall work together to further the education of all individuals involved in the course in a constructive manner and in doing so, skills useful in everyday life and the workplace will be developed. Tentative Lecture/Lab Schedule: Week Scheduled Topics (Reading Assignments) 1-2 Nervous System Review/Autonomic Nervous System 3-7 Cat Dissection 8 Cat Dissection Cat Dissection Practical Exam 9-10 The Special Senses (Chapter 8) 11 The Endocrine System (Chapter 9) 12 The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels (Chapter 11) 13 The Cardiovascular System: The Heart (Chapter 11) 14 The Blood (Chapter 10) 15 The lymphatic System (Chapter 12) 16 The Immune System (Chapter 12) 17-18 The Respiratory System (Chapter 13) 19-20 The Digestive System (Chapter 14) 21-22 Nutrition, Metabolism and Body Temperature (Chapter 14) 23-24 The Urinary System (Chapter 15) 25-27 The Reproductive System (Chapter 16) 28-32 Pregnancy and Human Development 33-34 Human Genetics Exam Review Sheets - Prior to each exam, you will be provided with an Exam Review Sheet. This sheet contains a list of items that will be tested for mastery. You are expected to use the review sheet in preparation for the exam. Homework (10 points each) - Prior to each exam, you will be provided with a homework assignment. Each of these assignments is related to topics covered in class. You are expected to complete and submit each assignment prior to the chapter exam. Assignments may include, but are not limited to: short answer essays, internet/journal reviews, concept maps, and short projects. The grade for late assignments will be reduced by 1 point per calendar day. Lecture Exams – Three lecture exams will be given during each nine weeks. Each exam will be based on learning objectives, lecture notes and reading assignments covered. A 50 point dissection grade will be assessed upon completion of the cat dissection at the end of the semester. A 122 point check list is provided on the A&P 2 Webpage. You will receive a 50/50 if all structures on the checklist are dissected. Laboratory Rules: Laboratory will begin with pre-lab lectures to describe laboratory activities followed by exercises such as examination of prepared microscope slides, dissection of organisms, use of 3-D models, and multimedia programs. All activities are designed to aid in learning information covered in lecture. The following rules are established for your safety and the safety of those around you. They must be followed at all times: 1. Eye protection must be worn at all times during dissection. This is for your own safety and is mandated by the college. You must provide your own eye protection, goggles, and dissection gloves. These can be purchased at the bookstore, or places like Rite-Aid, Wal-Mart and Lowe’s. 2. Wear appropriate clothing to lab- no sandals, shorts, miniskirts, tank tops etc. 3. Make it your policy to wash your hands after lab. 4. There will be no eating, drinking, or smoking during lab. Do NOT bring these items into the lab. This includes pre-lab, and again is for your own safety. 5. Observe all instructions for handling of equipment. Until you receive instruction, DO NOT TOUCH anything in the lab. 6. Horseplay is forbidden. 7. In the event of injury, notify the instructor immediately. 8. All work areas will be cleaned before leaving lab. The instructor reserves the right to add to, delete from, or alter the above stated policies if in so doing will maintain the proper environment for teaching and learning. All such policy changes will be announced in advance.