Pre-War Compromises

Pre-War Compromises
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Missouri wanted to become a slave state and
free states were angry. The balance in
Congress would be up set between the slave
and free states.
What was decided?
Missouri entered the Union as a slave state
Maine entered the Union as a free state
Compromise of 1850
What should happen to the Southwest
California wants to become a free state.
Northerners were upset over the slave trade
in Washington DC.
What was decided?
California entered the Union as a free state.
The rest of the Mexican Cession was given
popular sovereignty.
Slave trade was abolished in DC.
Fugitive Slave Act is enforced
Popular Sovereignty
Stephen Douglas’ idea that the authority of
the government comes from the people.
Fugitive Slave Act
All runaway slaves that were caught had to
be returned to the South
Slaves had no right to a jury trial
Some free blacks could be captured and sent
to the South
Kansas-Nebraska Act
If both Kansas and Nebraska were to be made
free states the balance in Congress would be up
Solution: People in each state would decide the
slavery issue (popular sovereignty)
Bloody Kansas
People from the North and the South
flooded Kansas to sway the vote causing a
bloody conflict between the states.
Tensions were building in Washington, DC leading to
Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner fighting on the
Senate floor.
It took Sumner three and a half years to recover.