INF 312 Exchange Tools and Tips Ronen Gabbay ► Microsoft Exchange Regional Director ► Exchange MVP ► Microsoft Secure and Well Managed Infrastructure Specialist ► Microsoft Israel ► Microsoft Exchange Server User Group leader ► E-mail Agenda Microsoft Exchange Server Analyzer Tools Exchange IMF Tools and Tips Public Folders Tools and Tips Outlook Web Access Tools and Tips Outlook 2003 Tips Exchange & Active Directory Simple Tools and tricks Exchange Server Analyzer Tools Microsoft Exchange Server Analyzer Tools Exchange Server Best Practices Analyzer Exchange Server Performance Analyzer Exchange Server Disaster Recovery Analyzer Free Download from: Dispatcher Configuration Help Detailed Articles Collectors Analyzer Core Engine UI Data File Exchange Server User Monitor Microsoft Exchange Server User Monitor Gather real-time data Client Internet Protocol (IP) address Client Outlook version and mode Resource utilization, including CPU and processor or network latency Network bytes Free download from: 03/default.mspx Best Practices Analyzer Performance Analyzer Disaster Recovery Analyzer Exchange Server User Monitor Intelligent Message Filter IMF is integrated with Exchange SP2 Before installing SP2 remove previous IMF versions IMF is not enabled automatically If you select Archive the Archive Folder is located at: Exchsrvr\mailroot\VS1\UceArchive More information: IMF configuration utility (IMF Companion): Automatically update the IMF How to enable the automatically update of the IMF via Windows Update or WSUS Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange Create a new DWORD registry key named ContentFilterState entering 1 in the Data value Exposing SCL (Spam Confidence Level) to Outlook & OWA View SCL in Outlook & Outlook Web Access From Outlook, create a new view 1. Click View, click Arrange by, click Current View, and click Define Views 2. Select a view that exposes SCL, and click Copy Exposing SCL (Spam Confidence Level) in Outlook: ive/2004/05/26/142607.aspx Exposing the Spam Confidence Level (SCL) in OWA: ive/2004/05/27/143297.aspx 3. Name it, and select This folder, visible to everyone 4. Make sure SCL is listed in Fields, click OK, and click Apply View Launch OWA and select new view IMF ESM Configuration IMF Companion Exposing SCL in Outlook & OWA Public Folders Architecture Public folders are flat not hierarchal The store build the hierarchy and displays it to outlook When you create new folder it inherits all of its properties from his parent After the folder is created it does not inherit anything from its parent Exchange can propagate setting to all hierarchy Public Folders Tools Exchange SP2 PF propagation wizard Part of the Exchange SP2 PFDAVAdmin tool PFDAVAdmin tool Download You need to have full permission on all folders to use this tool. Symprex Folder Permissions Manager You need to have full permission on all folders to use this tool. Public Folders Tips Mail enable Public Folder Can receive mails from the internet You can send mails on their behalf By default display in GAL You can create organizational form Public Folder if needed This is done by adding the new system folder in the ESM Public Folders and favorites By dragging a PF into favorites you create a shortcut to the folder and enable it for offline use Exchange SP2 PF propagation wizard PFDAVAdmin tool Symprex Folder Permissions Manager OWA Admin Tool Provides administration of OWA settings on: Front-end and Back-end servers User Privacy Security Settings Forms Based Authentication Public Folders Attachment Handling Client Notifications Download OWA Admin Tool Outlook Web Access 2003 Show and Recover Deleted Items in Outlook Web Access http://<domain>/<server>/<user>/Folder/?cmd=showdeleted You can Recover or Purge items, including items that have been “hard deleted” using shift-delete Redirecting HTTP Requests to SSL Requests Replace the error from : %systemroot%\help\iisHelp\common\403-4.htm With the following HTML page: <!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail --> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=https://server_name/exchange"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <title></title> </head> </html> OWA Admin Tool Enable OWA Form Based Authentication Recover Deleted Items using OWA Office 2003 Group Policy ADM Recover Deleted Items from Hard Delete for Users Q178630 - DumpsterAlwaysOn Create a Recover Deleted Items ADM Office templates are part of the Office Resource KIT ORK Download Import Those template into the GPO extend office configuration Recover Deleted Items ADM CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY !!RECOVER KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Options" POLICY !!AllowRecover PART !!StdCheckT CHECKBOX VALUENAME DumpsterAlwaysOn VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY Strings][ RECOVER = "Recover Deleted Items in Outlook" AllowRecover = "Enable Recovery From any Folder" StdCheckT = "Check to force setting on; uncheck to force setting off." Outlook 2003 Defrag Tool Optimize Outlook 2003 offline store (.OST) file Get Contig at /ntw2k/freeware/contig.shtml contig [-v] [-a] [-q] [-s] [filename] Outlook 2003 Connection Status hold down the control key, then right-click the Outlook icon in the status tray to get an extra option: "Connection Status" The Connection Status window shows which GC and Exchange Servers Outlook is using, plus additional information such as RPC failure rate and roundtrip times Cache Mode Cache mode enable side consolidation Full backup to your mailbox Best performance in LAN or WAN Uses Offline Address Book ( OAB ) Generate OAB more frequently on the server Change the default update time on Client HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider Value Name: OAB Dif Divisor Data Type: REG_DWORD Value: <positive value> <possible value> 4 for ¼ ,8 for 1/8, 2 for ½ Disabling OAB Download if needed Location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ 11.0 \ Outlook \ Cached Mode\ Parameter: DownloadOAB Type: REG_DWORD Value: 0x00000000 Closest GC To force Outlook to use a pre-defined global catalog server HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchan ge Provider value: DS Server Data type: REG_SZ (string) Value data: FQDN of the global catalog server Outlook receive the GC that closest to the Exchange server HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchan ge Provider value: Closest GC Data type: REG_DWORD Value data: 0x00000001 Outlook Command Line Switches /ResetFolderNames Resets the language of the default folders to the language of the Outlook client. /CleanFreeBusy Cleans and regenerates free/busy information. /CleanFinders Sets Outlook 2003 Search Folders back to the default state (deletes custom Search Folders) /CleanReminders Cleans and regenerates reminders. /CleanSchedPlus Deletes all Schedule+ data (free/busy, permissions, and .cal file) from the server. /CleanViews Restores default views. /ResetFolders Restores missing folders for the default delivery location. /ResetOutlookBar Rebuilds the Outlook Bar. /ResetWunderBar Rebuilds the new Outlook Control Bar in Outlook 2003 /RPCDiag RPC Over HTTPS Allows users to get their mailbox form anywhere The client must trust the SSL Certificate Issuer Slow link is by default 128k this parameter can be changed using the Registry or Outlook 2003 ADM Office 2003 ADM files Recover Deleted Items ADM Exchange & Active Directory Recipient Policy wildcards %s %g %i %d %m = = = = = Surname (Last Name) Given Name (First Name) Middle Initials Display Name Exchange Alias Group Based Address List;ENUS;321723 Exchange & Active Directory Change the Display Name in GAL From ADSI Edit Active Directory Tip AdModify.Net enable to do bulk changes to the AD Reset the Directory service Restore Mode Password using NTDSUTIL – Set DSRM password Restore basic Active Directory GPOs using DcGpoFix.exe In order to recover deleted AD object use NTDSUTIL with Authoritative restore Active Directory Tip ADrest Tool Register the accuntinfo.dll Get additional user information in the ADUC From the Windows 2003 recourse kit When Restoring Sysvol you can make it primary for all replication data. Change Password compellability using Windows Server SDK Replicate From Media: DCpromo.exe /Adv CSVDE & LDIFDE Sample Export syntax: ldifde -f file.txt -d "dc=domain,dc=com" -l nothing -r "(&(objectclass=user)(msexchuseraccountcontrol=2)(!msexchmasteraccount sid=*))" Sample Import/Modify File Format: dn: CN=Jane Doe,OU=Staff,DC=microsoft,DC=com changetype: modify replace: extensionAttribute1 extensionAttribute1: Staff Logical operator Description ~= Approximately equal to <= Lexicographically less than or equal to >= Lexicographically greater than or equal to LDIFDE CSVDE & AND | OR ! NOT = Equal to * Wild Card Troubleshooting Tools NetDiag Network DC diagnostic Utility DCdiag DC diagnostic Utility Nltest Active Directory Connectivity checks DNSlint DNS troubleshooting tools W32Tm Windows Time service configuration utility Replmon & RepAdmin Replication configuration & troubleshooting tools LDP exe And Adsiedit LDP low level editors ADmap Visualize your Active Directory throw Visio ADmodify Tool ADrest Tool DcGpoFix Change the Restore Mode Password using NTDSutil Add the Accuntinfo DLL Using LDIFde and CSVde Replmon & LDP tool Troubleshooting Tools RPC ping utility Allows you to check round trips of RPC between two end points Exchdump Gather Exchange Server configuration information from various sources used in troubleshooting support SMTPDiag Determine whether SMTP and DNS are configured to reliably deliver WinRoute Get a visual representation of the Exchange Server routing topology Allow to troubleshot Exchange routing engine Security Tips Audit send as and send on behalf Use the diagnostic Logging on the mailboxes to audit mailbox logons Accept messages from Authenticated users only In the Active Directory under the properties on any mail enabled user or group Filter Users not listed in AD ESM -Global settings / recipient filters filter recipients not listed in directory Enable the filter on the SMTP Virtual Server Placing Server Side restrictions on Outlook Client Exmerge Exmerge Can Archive or copy data from mailboxes Support filters: Date ,Attachments types ,etc.. Can Extract items from Dumpster Hebrew Issues Permissions issues You should have full access to all Exchange mailboxes in order to run Exmerge. Exmerge and Hebrew Most languages are supported Hebrew is not one of them To successfully extract Hebrew mails Use Hebrew Client If possible use last logon local This value is determined each logon If not use batch mode Exmerge - B - f exmerge.ini Edit the Exmerge.ini to include: [International] DefaultLocaleID=1255 DefaultCodePage=1037 WinRoute ExchDump ExMerge Exchange Server 2003 Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Increase in storage for Standard Edition to 75 GB Offline Address Book v4 Enhanced Public Folder Management Enable/Disable MAPI Access and/or Cached Access Active Sync administration tool Mobile 5 Direct Push Increase in storage for Standard Edition to 75 GB After SP2 the default database limit changes from 16 to 18 Exchange 2003 SP2 calculates the logical size of the store The (.EDB +.STM files combined) – (Free Space in Database) Increase in storage for Standard Edition to 75 GB Add the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Service s\MSExchangeIS\Server name\Private-Mailbox Store GUID HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Service s\MSExchangeIS\Server name\Public-Public Store GUID Create a new DWORD entry called "Database Size Limit in Gb" Entries should be in decimal format (1-75 for Std Edition) OMA and Active Sync ActiveSync Web Administration Tool Needs to be downloaded Works only with mobile 5 clients only Installed on the Exchange server (The FE if applicable) Can be accesses from any client Disable root certificate checking Included with the Exchange all tools Can disable Root Certificate check Auto Accept Agent Automatically process meeting requests for resource mailboxes Move Mailbox between Org Move Mailbox between org Exchange has a build in migration tool under the Exchange program group that can be used to move mailboxes between Exchange org with any Exchange version include building account in the AD and migration of users attributes More Remove or restore M:\ drive To remove M:\ drive from Exchange 2000 To restore M:\ Drive to Exchange 2003 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\EXIFS\Parameters\Parameter: New Key: DriveLetter Type: String Value: M: Check Connector Restrictions Reg Key If you want to set restrictions per group on a connector Exchange Server 2003 Create a catchall mailbox All unresolved messages directed to single mailbox Not a good idea if you do not have anti-spam software Incompatible with Recipient Filtering See 324021 Exchange Server 2003 Add a disclaimer to outgoing messages Add a disclaimer to outgoing SMTP messages in Visual Basic (317327) Add a disclaimer to outgoing SMTP messages in Visual Basic script (317680) Exchange Server 2003 SDK /exchange Exchange Partners: E-Mail Content Security exchange/partners/ emailcontent.asp "lock" Outlook folders names for some default language Open Regedit for each Private store key under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExch angeIS\ServerName\Private-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx Add new DWORD: "Mailbox LCID" With Hex value 409 for English US This will prevent Outlook or even OWA from creating local-named standard mailbox folders Add ExIFS drive letter Move Mailbox Between org Change The Size Limit Message Configure the Auto Accept Agent Thank You ! Ronen Gabbay ► Microsoft Exchange Regional Director ► Exchange MVP ► Microsoft Secure and Well Managed Infrastructure Specialist ► Microsoft Israel ► Microsoft Exchange Server User Group leader ► E-mail This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, BackOffice, the BackOffice logo, Microsoft Internet Explorer logo, the Office logo, Where do you want to go today?, the Windows logo, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.