TEKS: GOV8B analyze the structure and functions of the executive branch of government, including the constitutional powers of the president, the growth of presidential power, and the role of the Cabinet and executive departments; Objective: Working with a partner or alone, present one of the roles and responsibilities of the President and convince the audience of its importance. As other groups present, take notes on the key points of each. Notes 4 3 2 1 The student records complete and accurate information on their notes sheet without any omissions. The student’s notes are detailed and provide critiques of their classmates’ presentations. The student records complete and accurate information on their notes sheet without any omissions. The student records accurate information on their notes sheet but is missing information on 3 or fewer topics. The student records inaccurate information on their notes sheet or is missing information on 4 or more topics. Presentation 4 The student follows the assigned presentation structure. The student’s speaking voice is articulate, clear, and concise, while providing specific illustrating examples of one of the presidential duties. There are three or fewer mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation and/or facts. The reasons given for the President’s most important role are well thought out, with a logical and justifiable argument. 3 2 1 The student follows the assigned presentation structure, making a clear argument. All parts of the Power Point or other presentation are clear and specific. There are three or fewer mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation and/or facts. The student follows the assigned presentation structure, but there are parts of the presentation that are unclear or lack specificity. The argument is not strong. There are four or more mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation and/or facts. The student does not follow the assigned presentation structure or provides inaccurate or incomplete information. The student’s presentation is illegible or difficult to understand. Presentation Structure: Options for your Presentation include: Prezi, Google Slide, Haiku Deck, Poster, or Song/Rap, no Power Point. 1.5-2 minutes Use notes, but don’t read them to us. Convince the class that the department or Presidential role that you have chosen is the most important. Provide a specific example of a recent President acting in this role (Bush, Clinton or Obama) Argue why this Presidential role is more significant than at least two others. E-mail link to presentation if using Prezi, Google Slide or Haiku Deck to Ms. Fallin at: Jaclyn.fallin@austinisd.org If you do a poster, turn it in, and if you write a song or rap, turn in the lyrics. Government: 3rd six weeks Summative #2: Presidential Presentation 1. Decide if you would prefer to work alone or with a partner. 2. Check the letters on the bottom left corner of your yellow graphic organizer on Roles of the President to see which role you will be presenting (if working with a partner, you may choose between the roles each of you is delegated). 3. Match the code on the corner of your yellow sheet to see which role you have: CC = Commander-in-Chief CD = Chief Diplomat CA = Chief Administrator CL = Chief Legislator CP = Chief of Party CZ = Chief Citizen CS = Chief of State CE = Chief Executive 4. Research your role online, looking for specific examples of the President acting in this role and the impact that it had on the American people. 5. Put together a presentation that argues why this role is the most important part of the President’s job, providing evidence and examples using the text and trustworthy internet sources. 6. Explain why this role is more important than at least two other specific roles. 7. Prepare to present on THURSDAY (B day) and FRIDAY (A day).