Great Depression lead to the rise of Fascism

Enduring Understandings
1. International conflict often leads to domestic changes.
2. Twentieth Century economic depression was global in scope and helped to fuel worldwide tensions.
3. In times of crisis, people often turn to strong leaders in search of stability.
5. Conflicts of the 20th Century were rooted in political and ideological differences around the
Day 9 – Instability and a Great Depression lead to the rise
of Fascism
1. As you watch the videos answer last questions on Depression worksheet.
2. Complete graph and chart analysis sections of Depression Worksheet
3. Post-war instability complete page 18 as you do, what conclusion can you draw about
how significant economic difficulties were solved?
4. How and why does economic difficulty lead to political instability or changes in
5. Complete 1 and 2 on page 19 about the rise of Mussolini and the Fascisti
An economic timeline
Globalization begins before WWI
After WWI Germany has economic problems
Beginning of great depression – a great post WWI
boom overheats and becomes a Great
Depression and people are financially hurt
Effects of Depression initially
Governments initially take no action
Effects of Depression on governments and
alternative political solutions
A major alternative was Keynesianism, the
solution the US used
Rise of Fascism
The late 1920’s and 1930’s an extreme form of government came
into existence known as Fascism.
Fascism was a term created by Mussolini, derived from the Latin
term “Fasces”~ meaning “Bundle of Sticks”. A bundle of sticks
wrapped around an axe became the symbol of the Fascist party
in Italy.
Fascism and How Mussolini came to power
Rise of Fascism
Basic Features of Fascism1. Extreme Nationalism
2. Glorify Action, obedience, discipline
In what ways is Fascism
3. Loyalty to State Unquestioned
similar to Stalinist
4. Loyalty to single dictator
Communism? In what ways is
it different?
5. Strict class structure
6. Anti-Democratic (greed/corruption)
7. Aggressive Expansion
8. Censorship
9. Control of private Economy leading to wealth for industry
10. Use of Legalized Terror
Rise of Fascism
The Economic Despair of Post WWI Europe enables Fascist
leaders like Mussolini and Hitler to rise to power. Why?
Both the German People and the Italian people blame the Treaty
of Versailles for their problems. Why?
Video helping to answer the above questions.
Rise of Fascism
Benito MussoliniMussolini came to power in an age of chaos and discontent in
Italy. High unemployment, weak government, floundering
Mussolini was a fiery speaker. He creates the Fascists party
calling upon discontented veterans and youths to support his
objectives. Promises order.
Seizing Power- through his terror organization “The Black
Shirts”, he organizes attacks on unions, socialists and other
elements of society that threaten his rise to power.
Rise of Fascism
Benito Mussolini appeals to much of Italy. Focuses on national
pride- restoring the glory of the Roman empire.
In October of 1922, Mussolini is appointed Prime Minister by
King Victor Emmanuel III.
Hitler will follow this model for his rise to power, and in fact
meets with Mussolini during his rise to power.
Mussolini proclaims himself “Il Duce”- “the leader”.
He limits the press, fixes elections, uses secret police, exiles
and prisons.
Benito Mussolini
Rise of Fascism
Economic PolicyPreserved Capitalism, but with Government direction of Business,
Labor, Agriculture, Trade and Culture.
Social PoliciesAbsolute Obedience to State
Women, pushed from jobs- place is in the home having babies
Patriotism- Extreme Nationalism
Strict Discipline
Fascist Youth- teach the values of a fascist society~ indoctrination
Rise of Fascism
Struggles of the Weimar Republic
a. Germany’s first experiment in Democracy, is blamed for all
the troubles plaguing Germany- economic depression, having
to observe the terms of the treaty of Versailles, etc.
b. Structure of Governmenti.
Parliament/ Legislative Branch- The Reichstag
Executive Branch- 2 positions- President and
C. Unrest and Downfall of the Weimer Republici.
Mired in Inflation and economic depression
- Reparations, Dawes Plan, Great Depression
Treaty of Versailles hated by all Germans
Jewish People become scapegoats for Germany’s
Rise of Fascism
To be completed.