eCommerce I Honors Course Syllabus Teacher: E-Mail: Phone: Website: Mrs. Tina Hughes 828-733-0151, ext. 3548 Avery County High School Career and Technical Education Business Department 2010-2011 Length of Course: 1 Semester Prerequisites: Computer Applications I & II E-Commerce I is a very comprehensive course. This course is an HONORS course and is written with high academic standards and workload rigor. Please read the course description carefully: Course Description: This course is designed to help students master skills in the design and construction of complex web sites for conducting business electronically. Emphasis is on skill development in advanced web page construction and entrepreneurial applications of conducting business electronically as well as economic, social, legal, and ethical issues related to electronic business. Students will plan, design, create, publish, maintain, and promote an electronic business web site. Communication skills and critical thinking are reinforced through software applications. Course Requirements/Materials: Students are expected to attend class every day and complete all assignments. A binder with notebook paper/ dividers, a pen/pencil, and highlighter should be brought to class daily. Some students may want a flash drive to complete assignments at home. Course Curriculum: Unit 1 Exploring the Electronic Commerce Environment Unit 2 Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues of e-Commerce Unit 3 Design Considerations Unit 4 Web Site Development Grading Information: Grading Policy: Tests .................................................................................... 30% Participation and Attendance ............................................. 20% Class work .......................................................................... 20% Total .................................................................................... 100% CMS Grading Scale: A=100-93 B=92-85 C=84-77 D=76-70 F=below 70 Tests will be given throughout each unit. A midterm exam will be administered half way through the course and will be 20% of the student’s grade. At the end of the course, a final exam will be administered and will be 25% of the student’s grade. Students will receive a progress report half way through each grading period. It should be signed by a parent/guardian and returned the next class. Classroom Expectations: Be in assigned seat on time with pen/pencil, paper, and notebook ready. Be respectful of your teacher/substitute, classmates, and self. Do your own work. You will receive a zero if you turn in another student’s work as your own or if you give another student your work. Complete make up work within one week! Avoid using profanity in the classroom. Keep your work area clean and neat. Follow all school rules. Keep all electronic devices (including cell phones, iPods, and CD players) out of sight and turned off while in my classroom. Keep all food, drink and candy in your book bag at all times (water in a clear bottle is permitted). ALL AVERY HIGH SCHOOL RULES WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!