Experiment I: Nature of the semi permeable membrane. Introduction Diffusion involves the movement of particles and molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration via a concentration gradient. Diffusion is a key process in metabolic transport because it results in the intermingling of substances due to the kinetic energy of random motion. The concept of diffusion is central to the understanding of many scientific disciplines including; physics, chemistry and, biology and is accordingly used quite often. The movement of particles in diffusion is a result of thermal agitation with no net input of energy. Many types of diffusion can be identified namely; passive diffusion (simply passive movement down a concentration gradient) facilitated diffusion, which is movement down a concentration gradient with the aid of a specific carrier protein. A special (and highly important) type of diffusion is the diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane from a region of high solute concentration to low. Osmosis is a key component of many biologic systems and examples of its use within nature include; plant water absorption and water re-absorption in the distal and proximal tubules of the nephron kidney. Osmosis is the process by which the cell membrane regulates permeability (osmoregulation). The current view of the cell membrane is known as the fluid mosaic model meaning, the plasma membrane is a lipid bilayer composed of a mosaic of macromolecules including; integral proteins, glycoproteins, glycolipids, and cholesterol. In the following experiment, dialysis tubing will simulate a semi-permeable cell membrane. The permeability of certain substances (amylase, iodine, and glucose) to the dialysis bag will be investigated. Through the experiment, a better understanding of an actual plasma membrane’s selectivity can be deduced. Many factors affect substance permeability such as, concentration, solubility, and weight. Our hypotheses for the three solutions are as follows: iodine will easily diffuse through the dialysis bag membrane as it is the lightest of the three, starch however, will not be permeable to the membrane. Finally, glucose will also be permeable to the makeshift membrane. Materials: String or rubber band or dialysis clamp (2) Wax pencil or sharpie 30% glucose solution Starch solution I2KI solution Benedict’s reagent stir plate (1) 500-mL beaker (1) Handheld test tube holder Standard test tubes (3) Disposable transfer pipettes 400-mL beaker (2) 30-cm strip of moist dialysis tubing DI water Methods: 1. Prepare a dialysis bag with initial solutions: a. Fold over 3 cm at end of a 25- to 30- cm piece of dialysis tubing that has been soaking in water for a few minutes, pleat the folded end “accordion style”, and close the end of the tube with a string or rubber band, or a dialysis clip forming a bag. Make sure it is secure so that no solution can seep through. b. Roll opposite end of bag between your fingers until it opens, and add 4 pipettes full of 30% glucose into bag. Then add 4 pipettesful of starch solution to glucose in bag. c. Hold bag closed and clap or tie off. d. Mix its contents. e. Record the color of the dialysis bag. f. Carefully rinse outside of bag in tap water. g. Add 300 mL of water to a 400- to 500-mL beaker. h. Add several droppersful of I2KI solution to the water until it is visibly yellowamber. Record the color of the H2O + I2KI solution. i. Place the prepared dialysis bag in the beaker containing the iodine solution. Do not allow liquid to spill out of bag. 2. Leave bag in beaker for at least 30 minutes. 3. After 30 minutes, carefully remove bag and stand it in a dry beaker. 4. Record in Table 1 the final color of the solution in the bag and the final color of the solution in the beaker. 5. Perform Benedict’s test for the presence of sugar in the solutions. a. Label three clean test tubes: control, bag, and beaker. b. Put 2 pipettesful of water in control tube. c. Put 2 pipettesful of bag solution in bag tube. d. Put 2 pipettesful of beaker solution in beaker tube. e. Add 1 dropperful of Benedict’s reagent to each tube. f. Heat tubes in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes. g. Record results in Table 1. Results: Table I Solution Source Original Contents Original Color Final Color Color After Benedict’s Test Bag Beaker Control Starch & Glucose Water & Iodine Benedict’s Water Blue Yellow/Orange Blue Cloudy yellow Brick Red Blue Cloudy white Orange/yellow Blue Table 1: Results of Experiment Investigating the Permeability of Dialysis Tubing to Glucose, I2KI, & Starch Conclusion In conclusion, the purpose of this experiment was to investigate the nature of a semipermeable membrane and it’s selectivity in what is allowed to diffuse across the membrane. I accepted my first two hypotheses which states that Iodine and glucose are permeable and will diffuse. This was supported by the data that I collected proving that they both were diffused. I accepted my third hypothesis that states that starch will not be permeable because the data proved that starch did not diffuse out of the bag into the solution in the beaker because it was too big to diffuse out of the bag. Discussion We discovered that the mass and size of a solution will affect its ability to permeate in and out of the cell wall; shown by starch’s inability to permeate through the dialysis bag. The special feature of the dialysis bag renders it to be a good example of the cell wall which I found to be both surprising and interesting because it illustrates perfectly the semi-permeability ability of the cell wall. One thing I believe that I could change to improve my experiment is to reinforce the dialysis bag to prevent leakage resulting in calculation errors. The work and results obtained in the experiment demonstrate what occurs in a real-life system; that is the cell membrane. The cell membrane is selectively permeable to many substances and a number of factors affect this permeability. Some factors that affect permeability are pressure, concentration, temperature and solubility. The next experiment that I would like to test is what type of effect temperature would have on permeability and I would test that by using the same compounds with the dialysis bag while testing the permeability while changing the temperature. Experiment II: Investigating the Osmolarity of a Plant Cell Question 1: Define what is meant by isotonic point Isotonic point is the point where the solution is equal in the amount of concentration it contains compare to its environment. The isotonic point can also be defines as when no osmosis is taking place due to equal water concentration inside and outside the cell. The water potential is equal on both sides of the semi-permeable membrane and only random diffusion of particles occurs. Question 2: What is the isotopic point for each vegetable? The isotonic point of a solution is said to occur when there is no net movement of water across the plasma membrane because an equal concentration of solution inside and outside the cell exists. The isotonic point of the vegetable can be determined by the graph of percent change in weight by concentration. Once the graph was derived, a trendline of linear best-fit was set to determine the isotonic point or, the point at which the line crosses the x-axis. The isotonic point was found to be 0.285M. Approximate time in solutions: Sucrose 0.0 M 0.1 M 0.2 M 0.3 M 0.4 M 0.5 M 0.6 M Molarity 1.2 1.21 1.2 1.17 1.08 1.03 1.03 Final weight (g) 1.07 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.13 1.12 1.18 Initial weight (g) -0.13 -0.07 -0.05 -0.01 0.05 0.09 0.15 Weight change (g) 12.14953 6.140351 4.347826 0.862069 -4.42478 -8.03571 -12.7119 % change in weight 15 Weight Change vs. Concentration % Weight Change 10 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -5 -10 y = -39.896x + 11.73 R² = 0.9897 -15 Concentration Figure 1: Graph of the percent change in weight by concentration. 0.8 Isotonic Point is 0.285M