Introduction to The Emotion Code

By Jim Stephens,
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
“God is beckoning all of you – as lords of creation –
to freely participate, with all other created beings,
in the creation of new life. He is blessing us to
blossom beautifully like flowers and to live lives
that are as bright as the sun and as clear as the
water of a stream.”
“How could I even begin to explain the path of the
providence of restoration through indemnity that
my wife and I have had to follow for the past fifty
years in order to finally bring complete liberation
and freedom to God and attend Him as the king of
True Father
I have listened to many “energy healing” webinars
over the last couple of years.
Most of the discoveries have come by revelation.
Most have been started since the early 1990’s,
which I attribute to the victory of True Parents and
God’s opportunity to send to earth techniques to
heal humankind from the sins of history and
inherited the emotional disturbances.
“Among all medicines, there are
none with the healing powers of
Dr. Emoto
“Positive thinking will strengthen your
immune system and help to set you moving
towards recovery…”
“..Ailments are largely a result of negative
emotions. If you can erase the cause of such
emotions, you have an innate capacity to
recover from illness.”
Love: “giving oneself
Gratitude: “Knowing
that you have been
given the gift of life
and reaching out to
receive it joyously
with both hands.”
…make it visible to us how important it is to think in a
loving and grateful way.
Pure Energy !
Each Emotion has it’s own specific vibration,
like every other kind of energy
Emotions lend color to our lives, but
sometimes they become trapped and cause a
multitude of problems
Normally , emotions are felt and then
processed immediately
Sometimes, however, emotional energy
becomes trapped and needs to be released
- Trapping can happen when the body is
vulnerable or the emotion very intense
Trapped emotions always lodge somewhere
- Usually in the trunk of the body
- They CAN lodge anywhere!
Even when we try so hard….invisible forces
within us block us from being loving and
The Emotion Code shows us a safe and gentle
and very effective way to release those effects
of trauma and trapped energy that are deep
within us – even far deeper than our
Consciousness is only 10% of the entire brain
Subconscious is 90%
It archives and remembers everything we
Like a binary computer, we can ask
“Yes” or “No” questions and get answers
from our body
Subconscious is a database of all that is.
Heart is the seat of the subconscious
Subconscious mind is submerged in an ocean of
universal intelligence
Information about trapped emotions is in the subconscious
 The subconscious mind knows already:
- Every imbalance in the body
- All viruses, foods, etc. that came into the body
- All thoughts and feelings are recorded in the body
 Muscle testing accesses that information
 From that we can determine what the subconscious mind
already knows
The Separation from God of our original ancestors
Lack of love (neglect)
Sexual sins – selfish use of sexual intimacy or being
the victim of such crimes
Dominance of power without heart and love
Misuse of money
Bereavement and loneliness
The effects of war ( most of the above)
Experience of returning resurrection
Ancestors want to be there
 Have heart of forgiveness,
understanding and compassion
 Ancestors benefit from emotions
released in us
 We are the fruit of history
Heart is much more than an organ that pumps blood
- A second brain
- “As a man thinketh in his heart ... so he is”
- Sometimes our heart is shrouded by the negative
energy of a Heart-Wall
Heart-Wall can be made of several trapped emotions
- Blocks the ability to give and receive love
- Creates depression and other problems
- Blocks you from success
“This is the most important thing God told me to tell
-Dr Bradley Nelson
Training in Europe, Sept 12th 2009
Dear Jim,
Thanks for the session. I found it very helpful. While the results are intangible, I
feel a lightness and a desire at odd times to smile. That might sound funny, but for
long time I have felt a heavy face and the inability to be truly playful and light. I feel
like light is glimmering from behind a door that I have the ability to open.
The morning after our session as I was driving to work I felt that I had forgotten
something, like something was missing. Then I realized it must have been the
emotions that were released. One gain is that I am thinking with less cloudiness
and more clarity. I see that I will benefit from studying and using the emotion code.
I enjoyed the session and especially your warm business-like approach. That it
wasn’t a counseling session, but a releasing session.
All the best,
To whom it may concern:
During a session with Jim Stephens, I found out something very startling about my
very early youth, and, under normal circumstances, this revelation would have truly
shocked me, and probably spiraled me into depression and crying spells.
However, most likely to the release of the negative emotions with the magnets
over my back, Jim Stephens seems to have succeeded in me feeling quite calm
about what was revealed by his probings. I recognized the problem and decided
easily not to let it affect me negatively. Without Jim's help, such a revelation
probably would have meant many sessions of psycho-therapy. This in brief, is my
experience after my first session with him. I love to do more, as several issues still
remain to be released.
Adri de Groot
Hi Jim,
Thank you for the Emotion Code session .
I am feeling better with my knees , heels, and abdominals.
And emotionally I feel much better too.
I may want do it again next time when ever it is possible.
Thanks again.
God Bless you,
I sent you a little testimony before about my husband, and would like to send a
follow-up. My husband’s cough is noticeably improved. It used to be that in the
morning he would spend a lot of time coughing and hacking. The sound was
terrible, but it was harder for him. He has had this heavy cough since my sister
stayed with us for year. She had a lot of problems and so he must have had some
anger at her, but also at me for bringing her into our home.
Would you be able to do another session with him to see if we can get rid of the
cough completely?
I love the emotion code and feel myself much lighter and able to think more clearly
since our session
I asked Jim to work on my heart wall and I was surprised to find that it was so big,
1.1 miles and made of steel. On the other hand, it helped me to understand why I
am having such a hard time in life right now.
The first emotion found was that of crying. This was very significant for me since it
seems that I am in tears or on the verge of tears much of the time. This made me
think that Jim was very accurate with the muscle testing. There were two time
periods that all of the emotions he discovered came from, around 11-12 yrs and 21
yrs old. I had a few incidents in mind but didn't want to say what they were.
But I read in the EC book after Jim left that these could be tested to see if it was
the right one. If it comes up again, I think I would like to do that.
"Yes, I'm grateful for my first emotion code session.
At the beginning of the session, I mentioned to Jim that my left knee was aching at
a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10. By the end of the session, and Jim focusing on it, the
pain was gone, and it's still very good.
I also told Jim that I need more clarity in my thinking--that my mind was feeling
clogged and sluggish--he focused on that, and my thinking has been much better
the past few days.
So far, so good -- thanks, Jim, I'd like to do more sessions!"
My experience was great. It was amazing how accurate things were, meaning
matching up with experiences that I did have in the past and the emotion that I
carried from it. It really made me feel better emotionally; relieved. I felt emotionally
more relaxed and free.
I am a type of person that can be controlled by my emotions and often I criticize
myself for being so weighed down with emotions...doing the session made me
realize that it wasn’t exactly me, but really all these emotions that I have trapped in
me from experiences I have had.
That in itself helped me feel better and lighter, knowing that it’s not something
that’s wrong with me. I definitely have seen some improvements with my
relationship with my husband, which was one thing we were releasing trapped
emotions about. What I mean with that is that I feel like the way I look at things
that happen where I would usually feel a certain emotion, like anger or insecurity,
doubt, I have found myself not being as bothered by those certain emotions as
much as before.
That’s about it. I would really like to do more sessions for sure :] I’m sure one is
not enough!
Jin Soon Stephens
I wanted to share with you the type of experience I had while you were
mentioning each point for having trapped emotions. Every time you mentioned one
area, I went back to that time and almost re-lived the experience. You mentioned
having trapped emotions several times while I was 5 years old. I experienced one
of my most difficult traumas in my life when my parents sent me to spend a six
month to another city with my grandparents and other uncles who did not have
kids. I missed my parents so much and that’s where the trapped emotion of love
not received came from at an early age.
The other instance was at 15 years old when my parents came to USA and my
sister and I were left behind in Ecuador with my uncle. That was another traumatic
experience that felt so real and brought back a lot of memories while you were
doing the session.
There were other instances, but these were the ones that I felt so much pain
during that time. It is hard to explain how I feel now. I guess it’s going to take a
while to forget those memories again. But overall, I feel light, happy and serene.
 Awareness
 Release
 Processing
– may take 1-2
days for each release
Learn to “Muscle Test”
Use Chart of Emotions
Ask “yes or no” questions until you
discover the name of the emotion
and enough information to release it.
Ask “Can we release this trapped
emotion now?”
Ask “Can we release this trapped
emotion now?” If “no”, ask more details
of the trapped emotion.
If “yes”, then roll magnet over “governing
meridian” 3 times.
On yourself, start between eyes and go
over the head.
On someone else, start on neck and roll
down back.
 Relax
 Take
a deep breath, a drink of
 Walk
 Processing
can take a few days up
to weeks. Muscle test how long if