Pharmacology 32: Antimicrobial and Antineoplastic Pharmacology

Pharmacology 32: Antimicrobial and Antineoplastic Pharmacology
Treatment of infection and cancer similar because target selective difference between
microb/cancer cell and normal host cell
Lower respiratory infections, diarrheal disease, HIV/AIDs, tuberculosis, malaria = major infection
disease mortality
Most deadly cancers = lung, colon, breast, pancreatic, and prostate cancers
Public health and vaccination programs aim for prevention (reduction in smoking and
carcinogens, cancer screening, pap smears)
o Depend on socioeconomic factors
Selective toxicity = inhibit pathways or targets critical for pathogen or cancer cell
survival/replication at drug [] lower than those affecting host
o Attack targets unique to pathogen or cancer, those similar (not identical) to those in
host or those shared by host but vary in importance
o Antineoplastic drugs more toxic to host than antimicrobials
Therapeutic index = ratio of toxic dose to therapeutic dose
o Indicates how selective drug is in producing desired effect
o Penicillin high therapeutic index, methotrexate (anticancer) low index
Imantinib = highly specific anticancer agent -> targets product of gene rearrangement in chronic
myelogenous leukemia
Unique drug targets:
o Bacterial peptidoglycan cell wall (unique) -> penicillin and β-lactams inhibit
transpeptidase that cross-link
o β-(1,3)-D-glucan in fungal cell wall -> echinocandins inhibit
o Ergosterol -> sterol moiety in fungal cell -> azoles block biosynthesis, polyenes
(amphotericin) chelates (both alter membrane permeability)
Selective inhibition of similar targets:
o Therapeutic indices smaller
o DHFR and bacterial protein synthesis inhibitors
 DHFR important in nucleotide synthesis
 Methotrexate, trimethoprim, and pyrimethamine inhibit DHFR
Common Targets:
o Target processes involved in DNA synthesis, mitosis, and cell cycle progression
o Drugs interrupt bacterial DNA replication and repair, transcription and translation, and
cell wall synthesis
o Bacteriostatic = drugs that inhibit growth (no death)
 Protein synthesis inhibitors
 Rely on host immune system
o Bactericidal = drugs kill bacteria
 cell wall synthesis inhibitors (lyse)
 good for immunocompromised
the combination of bacteriostatic drug with a bactericidal drug can result in antagonistic
 ex. tetracycline (bacteriostatic) antagonizes penicillin (bacteriocidal)
o the combination of two bactericidal drugs can be synergistic
 ex. penicillin-aminoglycoside combo
Fungi and Parasites
o Fungi have nucleus, membrane bound organelles, plasma membrane like eukaryotes so
harder to target
o Immunocompromised pts more susceptible to infection by fungi and parasites
o Malaria transmitted when Anopheles mosquito deposits Plasmodia sporozoites in
human bloodstream -> schizonts develop in liver -> rupture and release merozoites ->
infect RBCs -> mature to trophozoites -> mature schizonts (fever)
o Noncellular w/ nucleic acid core of RNA or DNA in capsid
o Rely on host to synthesize proteins
o Virus-specific processes targeted by antiviral drugs
o HIV protease = cleaves viral precursor proteins to generate proteins/enzymes necessary
for vius maturation
 HIV protease inhibitors mimic substrates of protease byt contain noncleavable
Cancer Cells
o Carcinogenesis = transformation, proliferation, and metastasis
 Transformation = change in phenotype to dysregulated growth
 Mutations can be inherited, spontaneous, or from environment -> can
activate growth-promoting genes and inactivate growth-inhibiting
genes, etc
 Proliferation = can become quiescent (G0), enter the cell cycle, or die
 S phase (DNA synthesis) and M phase (division)
 Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) govern progression through
 Growth fraction = # proliferating/total # of tumor cells (avg ~20%)
 Quiescent state not easily killed by chemotherapy (growing cancer
respond more)
o Antineoplastic drugs may kill normal tissue with high growth
fraction (bone marrow, and GI mucosa)
 Metastasis = must have mutations that allow invasion, seeding, spread, and
o Most cancers initially clonal but become heterogeneous with new mutations
o Tumor cells secrete (EGR), create fibrous CT stroma (palpable), induce angiogenesis
(solid tumors)
o Tumors most senstitve when growing rapidly
Metabolically active cells susceptible to drugs that interfere with cell growth and
division = mitotoxicity hypothesis
 Chemotherapeutic agents cause apoptosis of cancer cells
o Some antineoplastic drugs interfere with cell cycle at particular phase = cell-cycle
o Other drugs act independent of cell cycle = cell-cycle nonspecific
o Cancers expressing wild-type p53 (leukemia, lymphoma, testicular cancer) highly
responsive to chemo while those with mutation in p53 are minimally responsive
Log cell kill model = tumor growth exponential (doubling time according to type); cell
destruction caused by cancer chemotherapy is first-order (each dose kills constant fraction of
o Intermittent cycles used to avoid toxicity (growth and resistance of cancer may develop)
Mechanisms of drug resistance
Multidrug resistance (MDR)
New classes of antibiotics = oxazolidinones (linezolid), lipopeptides (daptomycin),
pleuromutilins (retapamulin), streptogramins (quinupristin/dalfopristin), and glycylcyclines
Genetic mechanisms of resistance -> chromosomal mutations (in target genes or genes for drug
transport) or gaining genetic material from other bacteria (horizontal transmission)
o Mutations transferred to daughter cells = vertical transmission
o MRSA and VRSA -> resistance genes acquired
Acquisition of genetic material ->
o Conjugation = chromosomal/plasma DNA transferred directly between bacteria
o Transduction = DNA transferred by bacterial virus (bacteriophage)
o Transformation = naked DNA in environment taken up by bacteria
Resistance most often from transfer of plasmids (extrachromosomal strands of DNA with drug
resistance genes)
Reduced intracellular drug concentration:
o Resistance to penicillins and cephalosporins from β-lactamase (cleaves β-lactam ring
disabling drug active site) or cancer overexpression of deaminase enzyme inactivate
o Prevent uptake of the drug -> alter porins (folate-transport system resistant to
methotrexate that require transport to inhibit DHFR)
o Drug efflux -> overproduction of membrane pumps (P-glycoprotein aka p170 or MDR1)
transport lipophilic and amphipathic molecules out
Target based mechanism:
o Alteration in drug target -> altered peptidoglycan lowers binding affinity of vancomycin
(mutant DHFR)
o Bypass metabolic requirement for target -> inhibition of thymidylate synthase bypassed
by exogenous thymidine (tamoxifen resistance)
Insensitivity to Apoptosis:
o Molecular lesions from drugs can arrest cell-cycle, activate repair, or apoptosis
o P53 or Bcl2 mutations can fail apoptotic response
Overprescription of antibiotics, drug barriers (abscess or BBB), poor patient adherence,
international travel, and demographic shifts promote drug resistance
Methods of treatment
Combination Chemotherapy ->
o Significantly decrease probability of resistance, standard in tuberculosis and HIV
o Targets multiple steps in cancer growth (max rate of killing)
o Lower doses of synergistically acting drugs can reduce adverse effects
o Can give each drug in maximum tolerated dose (increased killing)
Prophylactic chemotherapeutics ->
o Used in high-risk patients to prevent infections (travelers and malaria), in surgery to
prevent wound infection, before dental procedures in high risk endocarditis pts, if pt
o Used in healthy person after exposure to certain pathogens (gonorrhea, syphilis,
meningitis, HIV)
Inhibitors of Folate Metabolism
Folic acid = reactions essential for DNA and RNA, AA (glycine, methionine, and glutamic acid),
formyl-methionine initiatior tRNA biosynthesis
o Has pteridine ring system, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA; absorbs UV rays) and AA
Folate cycle: dihydrofolate -> tetrahydrofolate via DHFR -> donates carbon atom in reactions
Antimetabolites = inhibitors of folate metabolism, purine metabolism ribonucleotide reductase,
and nucleotid analogues
o Inhibitors of folate metabolism = inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase and inhibitors
Bacteria must synthesize folic acid de novo
Resistance to sulfonamides -> from overproduction of endogenous PABA, mutation in PABA
binding site on dihydropteroate synthase, or decreased permeability of bacterial membrane