Pathway/Genome Navigator - Bioinformatics Research Group at SRI

The Pathway/Genome Navigator
 Navigator
runs both on the desktop and on the
 The
desktop version generally has more
capabilities, but each has unique features
The Web Interface: BioCyc
Multiple Web Entry Points
Help is One Click Away!
The Web Account System
Searching a Database
Why the Need for Dedicated Search Tools
Google-Search BioCyc for “L-arginine”
2080 results
Need to have specific
tools for finding exactly
what we search for.
BioCyc Searches
 Multiple
searches available for finding
information in different ways
 Start
by selecting database to search
 Simplest
search: Quick Search
At upper right of most pages
Selecting the Database
You can only search one database at a time
Click on word “change” under
Search menu or under Quick
Search button
In resulting selector, choose a
Start typing a word in organism
Click on letter to navigate to
organisms starting with that letter
Click a frequently used PGDB
Select by Taxonomy
All subsequent searches will apply
to that database
The Quick Search Box
What can you type here:
Gene names (dnaA )
Compound name (L-lysine)
Pathway name (peptidoglycan biosynthesis)
Reaction name (lysine decarboxylase)
Protein name (peptidase)
EC number (
Organism name (Escherichia coli)
Frame ID (CPLX-8024)
Links to other databases such as UniProt, GO, KEGG ids (O33998)
An exact term using the format (Peptidase D search:exact)
Limited term (hydrogen type:compound)
What doesn’t work:
Exact text using the Google format (“peptidase D”)
Quick Search Results
Results are divided into
multiple categories
Quick Gene Search
 Useful
 For
when only interested in genes.
example, compare the results when searching for
“dnaA” by using the Quick Search and Gene Search
BioCyc Page Types
 Gene/Protein/RNA
 Reaction
 Pathway
 Metabolite
 Transcription
 Growth
 Note
appearance of page-specific menus
Right sidebar
The Search Menu
Search Menu
Object-specific searches
Advanced search
Ontologies search
Google search
BLAST search
Search of full-text articles (EcoCyc only)
Object-Specific Searches
The first four items in the search
menu provide a medium-level search
interface against single types of
Use of filtering
Click on triangles at the left
to expand or hide filters
Note that if a filter is hidden
it will not be used in a
Compound Search
All buttons – quick way to get complete lists
 Examples for compound searching:
 List
Search Genes/Proteins/RNAs
All buttons – quick way to get complete lists
 Extensive filtering options
 List
Search Pathways
Google This Site
The BioCyc site is indexed by Google
You can launch a Google text search from:
1. Search → Google This Site
2. The alternative searches box that appears on Quick
Search results pages
Cross-Organism Search
 Search
Common-Name, Synonyms, Summary
 And/Or
 Specified
 Search
set of organisms
-> Cross Organism Search
 Examples:
Search all organisms for gene dsrN
Search all cyanobacteria for metabolite Pantothenate
Advanced Search
 The
BioVelo query language
 SAQP: Structured Advanced Query Page
Permits the definition of complex searches without mastering
To learn more about
the advanced query
interface, see online
Sequence Searches
 Long
Search -> BLAST search
Searches against currently selected organism
Results linked to PGDB gene/protein pages
 Short
Search -> Sequence pattern search
Nucleotide or amino-acid
Exact or pattern-based searches
Extract Sequence Region
 Right
Protein sequence
Nucleotide sequence
 Nucleotide
sequence defaults to coding region
Growth Media and Phenotype
The desktop version of
Pathway Tools allows
definition of growth
media, gene knockout
growth information,
and growth data for
phenotype microarray
EcoCyc-Specific Searches: Growth Media
Search for growth
media based on:
compounds not
observed growth
EcoCyc-Specific Searches: Textpresso
Mining E. coli literature poses special
challenges – because almost every molecular
biology paper references E. coli
The solution – EcoCyc Textpresso! An E. coli
only collection of literature
30,000 full-text articles and 6,500 abstracts.
Full text literature searches
Results presented at bottom of page
The Web Account System
Creating a web
account enables you
Save Object Groups
Define page formatting
Define Overview layout
Save organism groups for
comparative analysis
Save Organism Groups with Web Accounts
Note the My Lists tab on the
multi-organism selector for
comparative analyses.
When you perform comparative
analyses, you can easily save
groups of organisms for re-using
at a later time.
Define a Favorite Database with Web Accounts
If you create a web
account, you can define
a favorite database that
will be opened by
default when you login
Web Version Lab Exercises
Web Lab Exercises
 In
 Retrieve
gene aroA
 Retrieve all kinases
 Retrieve all chaperone genes using two different
 Retrieve all membrane proteins that cite an article
by Gross
 Retrieve all genes whose product interacts with
ppGpp as a regulator or cofactor
Web Lab Exercises
 In
 Retrieve
reaction with EC#
 Retrieve compounds adenine and uracil using
ontology search
 Retrieve all reactions involving glutamate as a
 Find genes coding for enzymes involved in the
degradation of short-chain fatty acids
 Find all pathways involved in degradation of
Desktop Mode -- Introduction
Desktop Layout
 One
Large Window
 Several
Display pane
Command menu
LISP listener
Desktop Menus
 Main
command menu
 Single-choice
 Multiple-choice
 Aborting
menu (e.g. after a search)
out of menus
Click Cancel or No Select
Click outside the menu
Type ^z
Using the Mouse
 Left
mouse button: to invoke specific commands
and for hypertext navigation
 Right
mouse button: to bring up menus of
additional operations (for example, when editing a
 Middle
mouse button: for very specialized uses
(you probably won’t use it)
 Mouse
documentation line (shows what you’re
over, what you can do)
Organism Pages
 All
Organisms Page
Organism grouping
Summary of organisms
 Single
organism page
Summary of organism stats
 Notion
of current organism
Command mode queries
Comparative analyses
Clicking through links – organism continuity
Queries with multiple answers
 Results
in form of a menu to:
select one
 Answer
Next Answer
Indirect Queries
 Related
 Objects
are clickable
 Objects
are color-coded by type
History List
 Backward
 Forward
 Select
from history
Writing Complex Queries
 Web
Search  Advanced
 Write
queries in LISP
Must understand features of schema
class names
slot names
Pathway tools site has example searches
Definitely learnable
Can place results on the answer list
Overview of Object Displays
Shared Display Characteristics
 Gene-Reaction
 Citations
and comments
 Database
 Classes
Gene-Reaction Schematic
 Drawn
in reaction, protein, and gene windows
 Representations
Genes are boxes on the right
Proteins are circles in the middle – numbers show complexes
Reactions in box on left, with E.C. number if available
 Allows navigation between genes, proteins, rxns
 Links proteins with shared reactions
 Links members of protein complexes
Pol III – extreme example
Citations and Comments
 Citations
 Click
in mnemonic form
on citation – go to citations at bottom of
 Click
there, go to PubMed ref, if available
Database Links
 Unification
links (info about the protein
Gene page: For coli, we added links to coli-specific sites
 Relationship
Class Hierarchies
 Reactions
Enzyme-nomenclature system (full EC system in MetaCyc
 Proteins
Gene Ontology terms are assigned to proteins
Can also assign MultiFun terms
 Compounds
 Pathways
Menu Categories
 Pathway
 Reaction
 Protein
 (RNA)
 Gene
 Compound
Pathway Mode Commands
 Search
by pathway name
 Search
by substring
 Search
by class
 Search
by substrates (can pick role in pathway)
What’s in a pathway frame?
Go to arginine biosynthesis I (from ArgD)
Intermediates and reactions
Can toggle level of detail
Feedback regulation can be shown
Locations of mapped genes
Genetic regulation schematic
Note presence of comments, citations, class hierarchy
Reaction Mode Commands
 Search
by reaction name
 Search
by E.C. #
 Search
by class (another E.C. interface)
 Search
by pathway
 Search
by substrates
What’s in a reaction frame?
 Search
by EC for (pick one)
 Picture
of reaction with clickable compounds
 Pathways
 Place
the reaction is involved in
in class hierarchy
 Enzymes
carrying out reaction (note schematic)
Protein Mode Commands
 Search
by protein name
 Search by substring
 Search by pathway
 Search by organism (MetaCyc)
 Search by UniProt Acc
 Search by GO term
 Search by MultiFun term
 Search by Weight, pI
 Search by modulation of activity
What’s in a protein frame?
 Sample
frame (ArgD)
 Synonyms,
general features, comments
 Unification
links, gene-reaction schematic
 GO
reaction frames – how this protein
carries out that reaction (bridging the two)
 Enzymatic
 Evidence
Gene Mode Commands
 Search
by gene name (can also put in TU IDs)
 Search
by substring
 Get
gene by class
 Basically
the same for RNAs
What’s in a gene frame?
 Sample
frame (argC)
 Synonyms,
classification (GO), link to browser
 Unification
links, gene-reaction schematic
 Regulation
 Gene
local context and TUs
What’s in a TU frame?
 Sample
 Genes
frame (argCBH)
in context, with TFs
 Promoter
 TF
with start site and citations
binding sites, with citations
 Regulatory
interactions (ilvL attenuator in TU524)
Compound Mode Commands
 Search
compound by name
 Search
compound by substring
 Search
by SMILES (structure)
 Search
by class
 Advanced
The SMILES Language
 Simplified
Molecular Input Line Entry System
 Formal language for describing chemical
 Used within the Pathway Tools in a substructure
 Case is significant (lowercase for aromatic rings)
 Examples:
formate C(=O)O
malate OC(=O)CC(O)C(O)=O
 For more information, see the Help facility
What’s in a compound frame?
 Sample
 Synonyms,
 Structure
empirical formula, MW, links
(you can add these in editors)
 Pathways
and reactions involving this compound
Miscellaneous Commands
 History
 Answer-List commands
 Clone window command
 Fix window and unfix window commands
 Other commands:
l Print to file (makes a postscript)
l Help
l Preferences
l Exit
User Preferences
 Color
 Layout
 Compound
 Reaction window
 Pathway window
 History/Answer list
 Reverting and saving user preferences
Lab Exercises – Desktop
Lab Exercises
 Set
up personal preferences for:
Layout (set number of windows to 2)
 Save new preferences
 Play with settings for Compound, Reaction,
Pathway, and Overview windows.
 Choose settings for History/Answer List
Desktop Lab Exercises
 Retrieve
compounds containing a formate group
 Retrieve compounds adenine and uracil using
class query
 Retrieve reaction with EC#
 Retrieve all reactions in the class
 Retrieve all reactions involved in proline
 Retrieve all reactions where glutamate appears on
left side
 genes coding for enzymes involved in the
degradation of short-chain fatty acids
Desktop Lab Exercises
 Retrieve
all enzymes involved in purine
 Retrieve all kinases
 Display region spanning from 10 % - 20 % of E.
coli chromosome
 Display chromosomal region around gene aroA
 Display a map showing all chaperone genes
Desktop Lab Exercises
 Retrieve
all chaperone genes
 Retrieve gene aroA
 Find the glutamine biosynthesis pathway by
issuing each of the three types of queries in
Pathway mode.
Desktop Lab Exercises
 Clone
 Navigate in the cloned window
 Set preferences so Navigator displays 2 windows
 Navigate by clicking on live objects
 Fix Window
 Navigate in unfixed window
 Fix second window and then click on live object