Spanish class! - Caddo Mills ISD

Guidelines/Stuff you should know:
 FYI;
 The Do’s nd
 ***Did anyone bring
Welcome to Spanish class!
 I am Mr. Martinez, your Spanish Teacher.
In order to succeed in this
class starting today:
 Memorize:
 6-7 vocabulary words/verb
conjugations per day;
 This is not a blow-off class; if
you do not study 15-20 minutes a day
outside of class, you will not likely pass.
In summary:
 Study outside of class at least
15-20 minutes a day. If you do
not have time or are unwilling to make
time, you will probably not pass.
Basic rules:
 Please do not read AR books or other
non-Spanish material during class.
5 minutes prior to the end
of class:
1) Take textbooks to the bookshelf;
2) Clear any trash on or around your
Learning Spanish: 50/50
Success in Spanish has 2 parts;
1. You;
2. And me!
I do my 50%;
You do your 50%
 50/50
 Restroom Privileges:
Please go to the restroom
before class begins:
 You will not be allowed to go after the bell
rings for any reason whatsoever! So
please do not ask.
The “Please Do’s”:
 Raise your hand if you have a
question or comment
 Please do not interrupt;
After you are called on:
 Be sure that your question
or comment relates to the
material; no off-subject
questions, please.
If you arrive LATE to class:
 Enter the room quietly if you arrive
 Do not speak to anyone or answer
anyone who speaks to you;
 Need to be kept CLOSED
and on the floor; no
 The same goes for
backpacks as well.;
Cell Phones
 All cell phones must be turned off
or on vibrate; do not forget!!!
 Do not cough if your cell phone
goes off or if someone else’s cell
phone rings.
 Do not access your cell phone
during class; keep it put up.
Stay in your seat!!!
 Please remain in your seat;
 Do not get out of your seat to
throw something away or
borrow materials from a
 Throw trash out at the end of
Books and other materials
 When it is almost time to be dismissed,
please return textbooks, dictionaries,
verb guides and workbooks to their
respective shelf space.
 We will not leave the classroom until all
books are on the shelf and all papers are
off the floor. Gracias
 If you percieve that you were treated
unfairly or not given due attention, or
have a problem with your grade; please
come see Mr. Martinez at the end of
class. Do not create drama just to get
attention for yourself;
The “Please Don’ts”
 Do not sit on the desktops;
 Do not play with paper;
 Do not leave paper balls on the floor or
spitwads on the wall;
 Do not change or move seats without
teacher approval;
Using your best social skills:
 The right way:
 Being polite goes a
long way and shows
that your are oh-somuch higher up on
the food chain.
 **Distinguish
 The wrong way:
Don’t be immature;
Don’t lose control or get
Don’t make a fool of
Being verbally abusive to
anyone including Mr.
Martinez is not
 There are consequences
for bad choices
Arguing, rude behavior and
taking up class time will
result in….
 1st Offense:
Verbal Warning;
 2nd Offense:
 3rd Offense:
Involves your parents
either by phone or in person and/or an
email to your Coach
What to do when the bell
 Have your
Vocab sheet
and a writing
 Make sure you
are in your
assigned seat
Please do not ask to leave class!
 “Why not?”
 -It’s disruptive;
 -You may lose valuable learning;
 -It can lead to:
Reasons previous students tried
get out of Spanish Class:
 They wanted to work on AR or FCLA projects, or study
for a Chemistry test; (during my class time? Hello!!!!!)
 They wanted to visit Mrs. Wenger, Mrs. Hebert or their
favorite Coach;
 They wanted to take or sell drugs in the bathroom;
 They wanted to groom themselves (especially on Pep
Rally Day);
 They wanted to make a phone call from their cell phone
or initiate/respond to a text message;
 They had a “snack attack”, were thirsty, wanted
chocolate, etc.
Reasons past students
wanted to get out of
Spanish Class: part 2
 They were bored;
 They felt that what we were doing in Spanish that day
wasn’t worthwhile;
 They didn’t feel like learning Spanish that day;
 They wanted to see their girlfriend/boyfriend in the
library or hallway;
 They simply didn’t care for Spanish and looked for any
and all excuses to get out of class;
 They “forgot” something in another class and needed to
retrieve it; (this was a favorite)
 They needed to turn something in to Mrs. Wright
Bottom Line:
Don’t try any of these
in my class!
If you are in a time crunch
 If you don’t have time for grooming, eating, making
calls, studying for your Biology test, etc, it is
unfortunate; but you will need to
 Learn to manage your time!!!
 (It will help you now and forever)
 If you feel overscheduled, you may need to sacrifice a
few activities;
 i.e., give up your Wii, your all-night Internet surfing, talking on
the phone for hours, volunteer activities, watching TV, etc.
How can I better manage my
time? Some helpful
 -Set aside 2 hours every
evening for study (all
your subjects);
 -Limit the time you
spend on the phone;
t friend probably needs
to study too!
 -Get up half an hour
earlier to do your hair,
makeup, and eat well.
 Go to bed by 10:00
or earlier
 Get up earlier and
eat a decent
You may leave class if you
provide the following:
 A note from Mr.
 A note from a
McKamy or Mrs.
Coach or another
Payne excusing
Teacher excusing
you for an urgent
 A note written by
Mrs. Blackstone
or Mrs. Talley
written on District
In Summary:
 Mrs. Payne, Mr. McKamy or your parents
are authorized to take you out of class;
Sometimes we all have a bad
 What to do:
 Be honest;
 Be cool; not hotheaded;
 Calmly explain.
 For example: “I’m so
upset today. “My
cat Fluffie died.”
 What NOT to do:
 Come in with an
 Slam books or engage in
disruptive behavior;
 Start a fight with a
teacher or student;
 Make tacky or rude
Pop Quizzes and Agenda
 Change is a fact of life; (although
sometimes we aren’t ready for it).
 Stay prepared!
 Above all, be flexible.
Mr. Martinez reserves the right to do
the following:
(Heads up)
 Administer “pop quizzes” at any time;
 He also will change the agenda and
study guidelines if it provides for
enhanced learning;
 Be prepared to shift gears often!
Food, drink, and gum:
 Please do not bring food to class; if it is visible it will be
 This applies to fundraising food products as well; selling
food in class must be first authorized by Mr. Martinez and
must not disrupt class learning.
 Bottom line:
Keep your food out of sight and unopened.
If I see it, it’s mine!
 ***Exception: Special days specified by Mr. Martinez.
Other illegal items…
 Cameras;
 Ipods; MP3 players, headphones,
 Gameboys
 Cellphones not on vibrate mode
 Laser pens or lights
 Failure to come to class with writing
materials, paper, etc. over time, will result
in a reduced participation grade and a
Detention on the third offense.
We have two types of
 Group work (skits, grammar exercises,
crossword puzzles, problem-solving, etc)
 And…..
 Independent work. Most of the time you
need to be doing your own work.
Doing assignments alone
 Yes, you understood correctly. You must
work independently. That means not asking
your friend what he or she got for question
 ***You can ask Mr. Martinez for help; it’s
what they pay me for*** (Your parents’ tax dollars
at work).
 Once again, no talking during in-class assignments.
Thank you.
Sexual Harrassment
 When writing stories or creating skits, it is
expected that you maintain a certain
decorum; that means:
 NO vulgar language or gestures, sexual
references, references to illegal or
immoral activities. Legally speaking, an
offended student can sue your parents
and the school district.
Other forms of
 Racial jokes or slurs;
 Referring to select body parts;
 Slandering;
Are you an attentionseeker?
 If you love to bask in the spotlight and be the
center of attention, then sign up for our Theatre
class; they would love to have you. There is
no time for this in Spanish class.
 If you are overly insecure and/or have an
excessive need for attention, please resolve
this with the counselor or through an
extracurricular activity; no showing off in
Spanish! It isn’t “all about you”
Test Day
 A few students make a career of being absent
on test day; and for you offenders, here goes:
 Guess what? If your absence is unexcused,
your make-up test will be 40% longer and at
least 30% more difficult!
Test Day
part 2
 If you suffer from test anxiety, seek help
from the counselor; she can give you
some tips; talk to your parents, your
doctor too; they can help;
 Ask yourself: what’s the worst that can
 Please do not use this as an excuse to
postpone the test;
Guidelines for staying out
of trouble:
 Follow directions!!!!!!!!
 Learn from your mistakes and use a
better strategy in the future;
 Treat other people as you would want to
be treated.
On Quiz Day
 Don’t get mad at me on Quiz day
because you didn’t study or didn’t
understand the material. I am usually
available for a few minutes before school
and even more time after school. If you
take advantage of my help you won’t be
so angry on test day!!!!!!!!!!