Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 FEEDBACK ON PROJECT ACTIVITIES This is the final evaluation of Perspectives 360 project performed by partners. This evaluationis devided in to several dimensions: project management, partner working, value for money, quality and scope of dissemination, project sustainability, added value, impact assessment (National and Europe). All these mentioned dimensions will be described separatelly in the text below. The sample of this research is N=9 meaning, that nine partners have answered questioneer and gave their opinion about all apspects of the project and its management. Since all respondents where asked to evaluate asked features in the scale from 0 to 10, therefore graphs show the average of evaluations. Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 First block of questions consists of 14 questions which are meant to evaluate project management activities. 1. Project management With first question all partners where asked to evaluate whether in general project activities have been in line with the deadlines. Since there where some delays in delivering one or another activity, partners evaluated this feature with mark average of 7.7 what is quite good result because all deadlines in the end where met. Intention of the second question was to identify whether the instructions of the tasks were clear for all project partners. This aspect was evaluate with high mark of 8.7. To the question whether the organization of the activities fitted the purpose respondents answered with quite high marks which average is 9.2. All partners where very high motivated to carry out project activities. This is backed up by evaluation with very high mark average of 9.8. Asked whether the communication between the project partner and coordinator has been effective partners answered, that there where minor issues which occurred, therefore evaluation average is 8.7. With average evaluation of 8.2 partners indicated that they have received all the information I needed on time. The best management aspect of the project from project coordinator side was the clear instructions for partner organizations what they need to do. The evaluation of this aspect is 9.7. The atmosphere of the project team has been open and friendly. With this aspect strongly agree all partners with average evaluation of 9.1. Also all partners think that financial resources were sufficient for carrying out project activities. This aspect was evaluated with very high mark average of 9.4. All partners, with evaluation of 9.2 think that their organization allocated sufficient human resources for the project activities. On the other hand some partners think, that more human recourses could have been allocated for implementation of project activities from some partner side. Therefore this aspect is evaluated with high mark of 8.8. I addition partners think, that they and their organizations could have Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 Allocated more time the project activities. This aspect was evaluated with average mark of 8.5. Respondents think, with evaluation of 9.6, that infrastructure for carrying out project activities was sufficient. And the last aspects was also evaluated with high marks of 9.1. Partners where asked whether there was relevant infrastructure in partner organizations, including coordination partner for carrying out project activities. 10 8.778 9 8 7.778 9.222 9.889 9.778 8.778 8.222 9.111 9.444 9.222 9.667 8.833 8.556 9.111 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 In general project activities The organization of the The communication My organization’s role and FINANCIAL resources were Partner organizations, There was a RELEVANT have been in line with the activities fitted the purpose between the project INFRASTRUCTURE in my responsibilities in the sufficient for carrying out including coordinating deadlines partner and coordinator has project activities partner, allocated sufficient organization for carrying project were clear been effective HUMAN resources for the out project activities project activities Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 The secind block of questions consists of 8 questions which are meant to evaluate partner wotking activities. 2. Partner working 10 9.333 9 8 7.667 9.444 8.778 9.000 8.444 8.000 8.333 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Partner The instructions of The level of The organization All partners were The I received all the The quality of the contributions the tasks from WP accuracy of of the activities motivated to communication information I partners’ were within the leading partners partner fitted the purpose reach common between the needed from performance was set deadlines were clear performance was goal of the project project partners partners on time sufficient high has been effective Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 Partners where asked to evaluate whether partner contributions were within the set deadlines. Since there was issue earlier with deadlines, this evaluation is little bit lower with average of 7.6. All partners indicated that instructions of the tasks from WP leading partners were clear. Evaluation average of this aspect is 9.3. The level of accuracy of partner performance was quite high, because partners evaluated this aspect with average of 8.7. All partners agree, that the organization of the activities fitted the purpose. There were some very minor issues; therefore evaluation is not 10, but 9.4. Of course all partners indicated, that they were motivated to reach common goal of the project. To this aspect 9 were given, because there are always ways how to improve the motivation. The communication between the project partners has been effective with some minor aspects which were constantly improved during two year project time. But these minor aspects have influenced partner evaluation of 8.4. Other issue is also connected with communication. Partners where asked whether they received all the information I needed from partners on time. This issue was graded with 8 meaning, that there were some communication aspects which were solved during project time. Partners also thought, that partners’ performance could have been better. Therefore their evaluation is 8.3. Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 The third block of questions consists of 2 questions which are meant to evaluate partner thoughts on value for money aspect. 3. Value for money 10 9.889 9.944 My organization perceives this project as “value for money”? My organization is interested in adopting the P360 tool, because it gives “value for money”? 9.5 9 8.5 8 Partners where asked wether their organisation perceives this project as “value for money”. Evaluations are 9.8 out of 10 meaning, that they see it as very good value for money for all partner organizations. The follow up question was whether partner organization is interested in adopting the P360 tool, because it gives “value for money”? The answers were also marked very high, because average of all evaluations is 9.9 out of 10. All project partners see this project and also P360 tool as very good value for money. Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 The fourth block of questions consists of 6 questions which are meant to evaluate partner thoughts on quality ans scope of dissemination. 4. Quality and scope of dissemination 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8.889 9.333 9.667 9.222 8.000 7.222 Dissemination of the information about project activities received a lot of attention from stakeholders My organization disseminated this project countrywide My organization disseminated this project through Europe My organization used a variety of media to disseminate this project My organization has a My organization is making separate web-page for the steps in transferring the P360 tool experience of the P360 to other activities of my organization? Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 Talking about dissemination and its channels, partners where asked whether dissemination of the information about project activities received a lot of attention from stakeholders. The average of evaluations is 8.8 meaning, that not all stakeholders where interested in project or its activities. Partners indicated that their organizations disseminated this project countrywide. Evaluation of this aspect is rated with 9.3. Most of the organizations disseminated this project also through Europe. This aspect was evaluated with average of mark 8. Partners with high mark of 9.2 indicated, that their organization used a variety of media to disseminate this project and also P360 tool. Asked whether all partner organization shave a separate web-page for this tool, not all answered with high evaluations. Average of 7.2 shows, that all partners have web-sites for this tool just not all a separate one. Also all partners indicated, that their organization is making steps in transferring the experience of the P360 to other activities of my organization. This evaluation is marked with very high marks average of which is 9.6. 5. Project sustainability The fifth block of questions consists of 7 questions which are meant to evaluate partner thoughts on project sustainability. All partners indicate, that their organisations have foreseen further steps for project sustainability. Evaluation of this aspect is quite high, therefore average is also high - 9.5. Evaluation of P360 tool integration in to partner organization services is also very high - 9.1. Meaning, that partners are planning to use this tool organization wide. This aspect is backed up by next question where partners with strong evaluation of 9.5 indicate their plans to use P360 in their organization in future. Organizations are planning not only to use this tool in their organizations, but also promote P360 to private companies. Evaluation of this aspect was 10 from all partners. Partners also plan to promote it to state owned companies 8.7, but the readiness to do that is a little bit lover, because evaluations are also lower. With evaluations of 8.5 partners indicated, that they plan to promote P360 also outside their country. With 9.5 average partners where sure that they will organize further P360 marketing events after the project. Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 10.000 10 9.556 9.556 9.556 9.5 9.111 9 8.778 8.556 8.5 8 7.5 Our organization has foreseen further steps for project sustainability P360 tool is integrated in to our organization services We plan to use We plan to We plan to We plan to We plan to P360 in our promote P360 to promote P360 in promote P360 also organize further organization in private companies to state owned outside our P360 marketing future companies country events after the project Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 6. Added value The sixth block of questions consists of 10 questions which are meant to evaluate partner thoughts on added value. All partners, with evaluation average of 9.5 agree that this project has delivered added value to testing of organization personal. All partners agree that not all managers were impacted by P360 testing; therefore evaluation score on this one is 8.6. This is very understandable, because impact on manager depends from himself and organization in first place. With average of evaluations of 9.6 partners agree, that t his project has given their organization competitive advantage through use of the P360 tool and methodology. Also usage this tool during this project has given partner organizations added value through better understanding of country SME manager needs. Evaluation average on this is 9.4. With evaluation average of 9.6 all partners indicated that this project has given added value through better understanding of management competencies in partner organizations. All partners also agree that this project has given their organizations added value through better understanding of SME managers’ strengths and weaknesses when comparing assessment results. Evaluation marks are also very high, because average is 9.4. This project also did impact partner companies understanding on management competencies. Evaluation of this aspect is rated with 9.7. It also did impact on partner company quality when communicating with company managers. All partners agree with this and evaluate it very high, because average is 9.8. Through trained facilitators partner companies have developed new quality in communicating with company managers. Evaluation of this aspect is also high - 9.6. And with average of 10 partners valuate aspect, that P360 and the project has given their company new ways of testing manager competencies. Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 10 9.667 9.556 9.667 9.444 9.5 9.778 10.000 9.889 9.667 9.444 9 8.667 8.5 8 This project has P360 testing has This project has delivered added impacted on all given our value to testing the SME organization of our managers tested competitive organization advantage personal through use of the P360 tool and methodology This project has This project has This project has This project has This project has given our given added impacted on our impacted on our given our organization value through company company quality organization added value understanding of added value better when through better understanding of through better management communicating understanding of management understanding of competencies with company country SME competencies in SME managers’ managers manager needs our organization strengths and weaknesses when comparing assessment results Through trained P360 and the facilitators our project have company has given our developed new company new quality in ways of testing communicating manager with company competencies managers Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 7. Impact assessment (National and Europe) Managers nation and Europe (in project partner countries) wide where asked to give feedback about impact on them personall, their organisation. Answers where wery positive and here are some of them: • It was very interesting to learn opinions of others. • It is very usefull method to managers. • Very happy with assessment and feedback. It helped me and my organisation a lot to understand the management level in pur organisation. • It is a good tool to identify areas that need improvement in your development and also where your strengths lie. Then you can plan personal or organisational development. • This is an excellent tool for personal and team development. We have lerned a lot. • It is a good thing, that we did it, because it will enable us to monitor trends in changing behaviour. • I found the feedback highly useful; it helped me to understand differences in scoring and the possible reasons/explanations for these. • After testing I and my company are more aware of areas where could concentrate some personal and company development. • It was helpful to have this test and the feedback to think about why certain scores were high/low and why there were discrepancies between my own view and that of others. • There where useful recommendations which I will definitely take on board and think about in my work. • Slightly disappointed that the results were not as high as my standards for myself, but this is a positive thing, and I can now look at what are the barriers to the scores that I would have liked. It has given me real direction about what areas I need to work on. Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “Perspectives 360” No. LLP-LdV-TOI-371 • • It was a very interesting process, that confirmed my existing self knowledge. I am in the process of acting on this, by changing jobs/relocating – this confirmed I had made the correct decision. I did find it useful, and would recommend it to others. It was important to have the face to face feedback from my mentor who had some idea of my strengths and weaknesses and could suggest positive actions to increase my effectiveness and the effectiveness of the organisation.