Session 4: Elementary Facilitator’s Guide: Building Readers Sequence of Sessions Targets for this Session I can analyze the Recommendations for Teaching the Foundational Reading and Language Standards to determine the impact on my classroom practice. I can describe the relationship between improved literacy performance and instructional focus on reading foundations skills and language standards. High-Level Purpose of this Session This session will introduce participants to an important supplement to the modules: the Foundational Reading Supplemental Materials for Grades 3-5. This resource is intended to support literacy instruction beyond module instruction and ensure that students meet all of the Common Core standards. Accountable independent reading, fluency practice, grammar, word study, vocabulary and additional work with complex texts will be addressed. Related Learning Experiences Participants should have an understanding of the structure of the modules. Key Points Struggling readers need to engage with complex texts. An understanding that literacy instruction occurs at other times during the school day, not only during ELA Module instruction. Session Outcomes What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? I can analyze the Recommendations for Teaching the Foundational Reading and Language Standards to determine the impact on my classroom practice. How will we know that they are able to do this? Discussion Synthesis for Teams I can describe the relationship between improved literacy performance and instructional focus on reading foundations skills and language standards. Session Overview (10:45-12:00; 75 minutes) Section Time Overview Prepared Resources Facilitator’s Preparation Introduction and Overview of Materials 13 min In this section, participants PPT_ Building Readers_ 4Elem _ NTI814 will be introduced to the learning targets, react to a Recommendations for Teaching RF and quote and be introduced to LS_4Elem_NTI814 the recommended materials for supplemental ELA instruction. Model Lesson 28 min In this section, participants will experience a whole group model lesson based on the Foundational Reading and Language Standards materials. This will allow participants to familiarize themselves with a lesson that supports the mastery of select language standards. Recommendations for Teaching RF and LS_4Elem_NTI814 Strips_ One Well_4Elem_NTI814.pdf (strips cut and put into envelope; one envelop per 10 participants) Excerpt_ One Well_4Elem_NTI814.pdf One folder on each table with copies of 10 pictures in each folder Chart paper Markers Model Center Lessons 35 min In this session, participants will read and reflect on the need for complex texts, especially for struggling readers. Participants will then have another opportunity to experience lessons through center work. Aspects of ComplexText_4Elem_NTI814.pdf Cloze_4Elem_NTI814.pdf Sentence Strips_4Elem_NTI814.pdf (cut up and put in envelope; one envelope per participant) Key Sentence Strips_4Elem_NTI814.pdf Vocabulary_4Elem _NTI814.pdf Synthesis and Action Planning 10 min Participants will reflect on Learning Targets Notes_4Elem _NTI814 and synthesize their learning by adding to their Synthesis_Teams_NTI814 Action Planning Task Card. Session Roadmap Section 1: Introduction and Overview Time: 10:45-10:58 [13 min] In this section, participants will be introduced to the learning targets, react to a quote and be introduced to the recommended materials for supplemental ELA instruction. Materials PPT_ Building Readers_ $Elem _ NTI814 Recommendations for Teaching RF and LS_6N_NTI714 Time 2 min Slide #/Pic of Slide Script/Activity directions Grouping PPT Slide #1, #2 Welcome participants to this first session of Day 2. Introduce the two learning targets for this session: I can analyze the Recommendations for Teaching the Foundational Reading and Language Standards to determine the impact on my classroom practice. Whole group 6 min PPT Slide #3 I can describe the relationship between improved literacy performance and instructional focus on reading foundations skills and language standards. Display quote by on the PPT slide: In the past, proficiency such as comparing and contrasting two grade-level texts might be given as a fifth-grade standard but what Split tables was meant by grade-level text was never defined. Not only is there a standard devoted specifically to students’ ability to read increasingly more complex text but explicit guidelines are given in the form of quantitative indices in Appendix A and in illustrations of exemplar texts in Appendix B. An emphasis on increasing capacity with complex text makes perfect sense and we can only ask why it has been ignored for the past several decades.” PPT Slide #4 5 min PPT Slide #5-#12 Participants introduce themselves to split tables by sharing name, role and work location. Participants should add to their introductions, “ I agree with Hiebert’s last statement in the quote because….” Or “I disagree with the last statement because…” Participants will view PPT slides regarding the structure of the foundational reading and language standards materials. It is imperative for participants to understand that the Recommendations for Teaching Language Standards and Reading Foundations for Grades 3-5 is meant to supplement the module lesson in order to create a cohesive literacy experience for ALL students. The module lesson at this level is designed for 60 minutes of instruction. These materials advise teachers how to structure the remaining literacy block. Important points: The 3-5 resource booklet includes an Overview and 5 components: Word Study Criteria; Additional Work with Complex Text; Fluency Resources; Show the RuleTM Strategy (grammar and usage strategies); Independent Reading The Overview includes: description of resources in packet; a sample schedule; a list of examples of where the RF and L standards live within the 2B Modules Show PowerPoint slides. The slides are self-explanatory and explain key points of each tab of the Recommendations booklet. Whole group Section 2: Model Lesson Time: 10:58-11:25 [28 minutes] In this section, participants will experience a whole group model lesson based on the Foundational Reading and Language Standards materials. This will allow participants to familiarize themselves with a lesson that supports the mastery of select language standards. Materials: Recommendations for Teaching RF and LS_6N_NTI714 Strips_ One Well_4Elem_NTI814.pdf (strips cut and put into envelope; one envelop per 10 participants) Excerpt_ One Well_4Elem_NTI814.pdf One folder on each table with copies of 10 pictures in each folder Chart paper Markers Time Slide #/Pic of Slide Script/Activity directions Grouping 2 min PPT Slide #13 Tell participants they will experience a whole group model lesson based on the Foundational Reading and Language Standards materials. This will allow familiarization with a lesson that supports the mastery of select language standards. Ask them to please hold questions until the mini-lesson is complete. Whole group PPT Slide #14 Display the following two sentences on the ppt. slide: The panda bear eats shoots and leaves. The panda bear eats, shoots, and leaves. Ask participants: “How is the meaning of each of these sentences different? As a reader, what helps us figure out the differences?” 2 min PPT Slide #15 Say: “In order for people to understand your writing (which is the whole purpose of writing!), you must follow certain rules.” Share the long-term learning target PPT slide: Whole group I can use grammar conventions to send a clear message to the reader. Define grammar conventions as rules for written and spoken language. Ask participants to think-pair-share: “Why is it important for writers to follow language rules while writing?” Call on a few participants to share their thinking. PPT Slide #16 Share the two learning targets for this mini-lesson: 4 min PPT Slide #17 3 min PPT Slide #18 4 min PPT Slide #19 I can explain what conjunctions are and how they are used in sentences. I can use conjunctions to improve my writing. Explain that today the class will be learning about a kind of word called a conjunction. After looking carefully at the conjunctions in an excerpt from One Well: The Story of Water on Earth, participants will try to figure out what conjunctions are and how they are used in sentences. Ask participants to each take an envelope from the center of the table. Inside are sentence strips from the excerpt, One Well: The Story of Water on Earth. Explain that the underlined words are conjunctions. Ask participants to share some of the sentences and underlined words on their strips with the group. As they share, begin recording the conjunctions on chart paper. Have participants locate the copy of the excerpt: One Well: The Story of Water on Earth in their Participant’s Notebook. Tell them they are to be detectives and find the conjunctions (“and,” “or,” “but,” “so”) as they read. They should highlight or underline the conjunctions. (NOTE: Tell participants that this is an article that they would already be familiar with through prior lessons.) When participants have completed highlighting the words in the excerpt, ask: “What is the ‘job’ of a conjunction? What rule could go Whole group; solo Solo Whole Group with the highlighted words/conjunctions?” Connect these questions back to the Learning Targets: 8 min PPT Slide #20 2 min PPT Slide #21 3 min PPT Slide #22 PPT Slide #23 I can explain what conjunctions are and how they are used in sentences. I can use conjunctions to improve my writing. As a whole group, invite participants to begin to define the rule. Guide the discussion, drawing the language of the rule from the ideas the participants are presenting. The group should generate a Conjunctions Rule Anchor Chart with a definition similar to the one below as well as several examples participants noticed in the text: A conjunction is a joiner, a word that connects (conjoins) two words, phrases, or sentences. Participants should now choose a picture from the folder at the center of their tables. Encourage them to choose a picture of interest. They will use these pictures to inspire ideas for their own creative writing pieces. With the new rule in mind (conjunctions), invite each participants to craft a creative piece using the rule as much as possible throughout the piece. This reinforces the newly acquired knowledge and provides evidence of the depth of knowledge. When participants are finished with their writing, ask them to use their highlighters to “show the rule” throughout the piece. Have participants now locate the Show the RuleTM self-assessment rubric in their materials. Participants should apply this rubric to their writing piece and then share the findings with an elbow partner. Say: “Once a rule has been added to the chart, everyone is accountable for following it in all written work. You are now cumulatively accountable for all of the rules on the chart in all of our writing across the curriculum. I will emphasize this each time a rule is added.” Ink-Pair-Share with this question: Why is it important for writers to Solo Solo; pairs Whole group follow language rules when writing? PPT Slide #24 Learning Target Check-in. Have participants use the Thumb-ometer to rate their success with the Learning Targets: Thumbs-up= I met the target. Thumbs-sideways= I am making progress towards the target. Thumbs-down= I still have a lot of work to do before meeting the target. Tell participants that this is the end of the model lesson. Ask if any clarifications need to be made or questions answered. Section 3: Model Centers Experience Time: 11:25-11:50 [35 minutes] In this session, participants will read and reflect on Materials: the need for complex texts, especially for struggling readers. Aspects of ComplexText_4Elem_NTI814.pdf Participants will then have another opportunity to experience lessons through center work. Cloze_4Elem_NTI814.pdf Sentence Strips_4Elem_NTI814.pdf (cut up and put in envelope; one envelope per participant) Key Sentence Strips_4Elem_NTI814.pdf Vocabulary_4Elem _NTI814.pdf Time 15 min Slide #/Pic of Slide Script/Activity directions PPT Slide #25 Display the PPT slide with the CCSS #10: “By the time they complete high school, students must be able to read and Grouping Whole; solo; pairs comprehend independently and proficiently the kinds of complex texts commonly found in college and careers.” Tell participants that this is why struggling readers need to have access to text that is grade level appropriate.” PPT Slide #26 Ask participants to locate the article, Aspects of Text Complexity Project Why Complex Text Matters by David Liben in their Participant’s Notebook. Ask participants to read the article and textcode for the following: Idea I AGREE with (=) Idea I ARGUE with (?) Idea I ASPIRE to () Allot 10 minutes for reading. PPT Slide #27 2 min PPT Slide #28 2 min PPT Slide #29, #30 When participants are done reading, ask them to turn to a shoulder partner and share text codes. Additionally, pairs should discuss the following prompt: “What are the ramifications if we do not ask struggling readers to engage with complex text?” Tell participants that they will experience model centers focusing on additional work with complex text. Ask them to hold on to any questions that they may have as an educator until the simulation is over. Tell them will have time at the end to debrief. This is a simulation of what centers might look like in a classroom however participants will remain at their tables and complete all 3 centers without rotating space. Tell participants that you will introduce the learning targets and give explanations of the activities at each center. Tell participants the learning target for Center 1: I can construct meaning from the text by completing a cloze activity. Show ppt. slide with an example of how to circle the correct word from the list of 3 choices within an excerpt of complex text Whole group Whole group 2 min PPT Slide #31, #32 2 min PPT Slide #33, #34 Show ppt. slide with the example of how to locate words within the text and place them in the appropriate category. Display the slide with text; tell participants that they are going to locate the words associated with each category. Allow participants time to complete the center activities. Circulate to answer/ clarify questions. 10 min 2 min Tell participants the learning target for Center 2: I can organize and make sense of text by placing sentences of a paragraph in the correct order. Show ppt. slide with the example of how to put sentences in correct order. Tell participants that they will work independently. Each participant should take an envelope of sentence strips. Then, participants should place the strips in order on their tables. When they are finished, they may check their work against the actual paragraph that is located in their Participant’s Notebook. Remind participants to NOT look at the actual paragraph until they have attempted to put their sentences in order Tell participants the learning target for Center 3: I can categorize vocabulary from the text. PPT Slide #35 Section 4: Synthesis Show the slide on self-assessment and say: “Now that you have completed each center activity, grab a sticky note and attach it to each completed piece of work. • Write a “+” on sticky if you feel you have met the target of your center. • Write a “?” on your sticky if you feel you are making progress but still have some confusion. • Draw a heart on your sticky if you put forth effort but are unsure of how to meet the target. Time: 11:50-12:00 [10 minutes] In this session, participants synthesize their Materials: learning by adding to their Synthesis for Teams notecatcher that Whole group Whole group Solo Solo was introduced in Session 1. Learning Targets Notes_4Elem _NTI814 Synthesis_Teams_NTI814 Time 10 min Slide #/Pic of Slide Script/Activity directions PPT Slide #36 Invite participants to locate the Session 4 Elementary Learning Targets Notes in their materials. Ask them to silently reflect on their progress towards this session’s targets: I can analyze the Recommendations for Teaching the Foundational Reading and Language Standards to determine the impact on my classroom practice. PPT Slide #37 I can describe the relationship between improved literacy performance and instructional focus on reading foundations skills and language standards. Participants should then work in their school teams to complete their Synthesis for Teams from Session 1. They should discuss and answer questions using new thinking from this session. Turnkey Materials Provided PPT_ Building Readers_ 4Elem _ NTI814 Recommendations for Teaching RF and LS_4Elem_NTI814 Participant’s Notebook Grouping Solo; school teams