American Sign Language - Anoka

American Sign Language
Course Syllabus
2015-2016 Anoka High School
Mrs. Kohl
Web Page:
SchoolWires (teacher web pages); Google Classroom-students will be
given a code at a later date
AHConnect Website:
This class will focus on expressive and receptive skills in American Sign Language and an
introduction to American Deaf culture. Weekly interactive activities allow you to rehearse what
you’ve learned in class. In each unit we will be learning: Unit 1-Welcome; Unit 2- Getting
Started; Unit 3-Getting to Know You.
Master ASL! Level One by Jason E. Zinza
This will supplement the Master ASL! Materials. Signing Naturally
by Cheri Smith, Ella Mae Lentz and Ken Mikos and Sign Enhancers
videos featuring the Bravo family as well as other materials not
Notebook, Pencil/Pen, 3-ring binder (or folder)
Cultural Awareness
Students will receive written and oral information on the following topics:
Historical events and history of ASL. Students will also obtain a basic understanding of
the Deaf culture and issues
Grammatical/conversational Skills
Students will be able to introduce themselves and exchange information about themselves in
ASL. They will be able to converse about surroundings, where they live, their family and other
activities in ASL. They will also be able to give simple directions, describe others and make
requests in ASL. Students will participate in dialogues and class activities in ASL which highlight
facial expression, body language, hand shapes, eye gaze, mouth morphemes and head
movement as it is communicated in the target language, ASL.
Vocabulary Skills
 Given a set of targeted vocabulary items drawn from class activities and dialogues,
students will be able to demonstrate receptive and expressive mastery for a beginner
student of ASL.
Our classes are conducted in ASL from the start. The teacher will use gestures, signs,
drawings/writing, and act out situations to get the point across. Your job is to keep trying. This
may sound a bit overwhelming at first, but trust me, it works! Remember to keep practicing
ASL outside of the classroom! Find a “signing buddy” to sign with outside of class. You will
learn the language better and become a better signer for it.
YOU are responsible for your success and learning in this class. Whenever you have
a question or concern, it is important that you communicate with me and let me
know! I will do my best to help you do well in this class. I am available for help and
can assist you before/after school, via email or by appointment.
Good luck to you for a great trimester! 
1. Do your best – school is your #1 job.
2. Keep your voice off and sign. It’s not ASL if you use your voice.
3. Take care of yourself and the room. You are not, without permission, to use the
smart board and/or computer equipment.
4. NO GUM, candy, pop, or juice is allowed in the classroom.
5. The Anoka High School Cheating Policy is strictly enforced. Refer to your student
6. Be on time for class.
7. Attendance is crucial to your success in this class. If you are continually absent, you
will fall behind your classmates. ASL is a visual language that is best learned in class.
8. Participate in class. If you sleep or do other work in class, you’ll fall behind.
9. Leave all electronic items out of sight. Anoka High School’s policy is strictly enforced.
You will be informed when you are allowed to use them in class.
You need to be here in order to learn the language. ASL is a 3-D language and is not something
that can be learned from a book.
If you are absent, YOU are responsible to find out about make-up work and deadlines for upcoming
assignments and exams. Ask me at the appropriate time for make-up work – wait until the other
students are working quietly or during passing time.
Anoka High School’s policy for tardies is:
 Every third tardy and thereafter results in a referral and call home.
ASL is a visual language. Please leave your voices at the door. DO NOT use
your main language in the classroom. Make every effort to communicate in
other ways:
Writing on the white board
Pantomime or gestures
Please understand that it’s extremely rude and culturally inappropriate to use
your voice in ASL class and especially if the instructor is Deaf. If excessive
talking continues, your parents and AP will be informed of your inappropriate
conduct. I am expecting you to communicate with your peers using ASL!
Interpersonal: 10% of your grade. Points are given for active communication and are
given based on teacher observation. Active communication means using signing when called
upon, and participating in group/paired activities.
Assignments: 20% of your grade. Assignments include homework, journal, other
papers/projects assigned.
Expressive: 35% of your grade. This includes dialogues. Practicing dialogues and other
expressive activities is essential in earning a good grade. All presentations/dialogues will be
done in front of the class. There will be at least one dialogue per unit plus additional
Receptive: 35% of your grade. This includes the tests that are given for each unit.
Tests and quizzes will be done online/or with the Teacher’s computer showing the signs on the
SMART board. The final exam will be given live.
Late work is accepted within a time limit. 1-3 days, full points will be given, any later than 3 days,
you’ll lose half the points. Please complete your work on time.
I do not GIVE grades, you EARN them!
Syllabus Signature Sheet
As the student, I have read the course syllabus and am aware of the course objectives and
expectations, grading policy, and cheating policy. I am responsible for adhering to the
expectations and I am aware of the rewards/consequences associated with my decisions.
Printed Name of Student
Signature of Student
As the parent/guardian of the above named student, I have read the course syllabus and am
aware of the expectations of my student.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Email address (for future contact regarding your child)
Return to Mrs. Kohl by: ___Friday Sept. 5____________________