Manajemen Rantai Pasok Pertemuan 1

Manajemen Rantai Pasok
(Supply Chain Management)
TKI- 460 (2 SKS)
Oleh :
Ir. Nofi Erni, MM
Jurusan Teknik Industri
Universitas Indonusa Esa Unggul
Simchi-Levi, D., P. Kaminsky, and E. Simchi-Levi., 2003.
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts,
Strategies, and Case Studies, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill,
Vollmann, T.E., W.L. Berry, D.C. 2005. Whybark & F.R.
Jacobs, Manufacturing Planning & Control for Supply Chain
Management, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York
Frazelle EH. 2001. Supply Chain Strategy. Mc. Graw Hill,
New York
 Kriteria dan bobot penilaian
Kehadiran : 5 - 10%
Mid Semester Test (UTS) : 30-35%
Final Test (UAS): 35 - 40%
Tugas : 15- 25%
Group & individu
Minggu 1:
Minggu 2:
Minggu 3:
Minggu 4:
Minggu 5:
Minggu 6:
Minggu 7:
Minggu 8:
Minggu 9:
Minggu 10:
Minggu 11:
Minggu 12:
Minggu 13:
Minggu 14:
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Key Issues in Supply Chain Management
Logistics Network Configuration
Inventory Management
Risk Pooling
Case Study
The value of Information
Supply Chain Integration
Strategic Alliances & Procurement/Outsourcing Strategy
Coordinated Product & Supply Chain Design
Case Study
Customer Value & Supply Chain Management
Case Study
Information Tech & Decision Support Systems for SCM
Introduction to SCM
 What is Supply Chain ?
1. Chopra & Meindl (2004) Supply Chain adalah
jaringan pihak-pihak yang secara langsung atau tidak
langsung terlibat dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan
2. Levi et al. (2002) Supply Chain adalah jaringan
perusahaan-perusahaan yang terlibat secara
langsung dan bersama-sama bekerja dari hulu ke
hilir mengelola aliran barang, aliran uang dan aliran
informasi untuk menciptakan dan mengantarkan
produk ke tangan pemakai akhir (end costumer)
Introduction to SCM
What is Supply Chain Management?
Istilah SCM pertama kali dikemukakan oleh Oliver &
Weber pada tahun 1982
SCM perluasan dan kosep baru dalam memandang
manajemen logistik.
 Manajemen logistik lebih terfokus pada pengaturan
aliran barang dalam suatu perusahaan
SCM mengutamakan tercapainya integrasi aktivitas
untuk seluruh mata rantai pengadaan barang mulai
dari hulu ke hilir sampai pengiriman pada konsumen
Definisi SCM
• The Council of Logistic Management
“ SCM is the systematic, strategic coordination of the
traditional business functions within a particular company and
across businesses within the supply chain for the purpose of
improving the long term performance of the individual company
and the supply chain as a whole
• Simchi Levi
“ SCM is a set of approaches utilized to efficiently
integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores,
so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right
quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time, in order
to minimize system-wide costs while satisfying service level
External SC Configuration
Warehouses and
Distribution Centers
Internal SC Configuration
A Key Concept: Integration
 Systems Approach:
SCM takes into account every facility that has an impact on cost
and customer service
The objective of SCM is to be cost-effective across the entire
system (total costs: distribution (from supplier to manufacturers,
from manufacturers to warehouses, from warehouses to retailers),
inventories (raw material, WIP, finished goods), manufacturing
In other courses the focus is on local minimization (inventory costs
at a single location, distribution costs from one location to another).
Here we should think in terms of the system-wide costs and service
Integration (continued)
 Integrated planning involves:
Functional Integration (of purchasing, manufacturing,
transportation, warehousing)
Spatial Integration (across geographically dispersed vendors,
facilities, markets)
Hierarchical Planning (coherence and consistency among
overlapping supply chain decisions at various levels of planning)
 Integrated Planning does not necessarily
require centralized control
What makes SCM difficult?
 Global optimization
To design and operate a supply chain so that
total systemwide costs are minimized, and
systemwide service levels are maintained
 Uncertainty
Such as : Customer demand, travel times,
machines & vehicles
Global Optimization
 Facilities in the chain have different,
conflicting objectives
Manufacturers need to adjust to customer demand (flexibility)
Suppliers would like to ship larger-steady quantities
Warehouses and distribution centers would like to see smaller
batches to reduce inventory
 Dynamic nature of the supply chain
Customer demand and supplier capabilities change over time
Relations in the chain evolve over time (highly specific, low volume
production through customization)
Global Optimization (cont.)
 The supply chain is a complex network
Facilities dispersed over a large geography
or all over the globe
 Systems variation over time
Demand and cost paremeters varying
overtime due to the impact of : seasonal
fluctuations, trends, advertising &
promotions, competitors’ pricing strategy.
Where is the complexity ?
Although successful applications of SCM
concepts are widely available they can not be
replicated easily to other organizational
The supply chain is a complex network (facilities and
organizations with different conflicting objectives)
Matching supply and demand (manufacturers have to
plan for production levels months before the demand is
System variations over time (seasonal fluctuations,
trends, advertising, promotions, competitors’ pricing)
Many SC problems are new (high-tech life cycles-one
order opportunity-no historical data)