essay 4 - Nathalia's ePortfolio

Nathalia Canedo
Concurrent Enrollment Essay
o Handling Money
n It is important to decide how you are going to handle your money in a relationship. Interview a
married couple and ask them the following questions:
n Do you believe that all your assets belong to both of you and that all your debts are your joint
n Do you expect to share equally in financial decisions? If not, how do you plan to make financial
n Do you plan to use a budget? Why or why not?
n How do you feel about each partner’s having a personal allowance for which he/she is not
accountable to the other?
n How do you feel about buying on credit? Small items? Large items?
n What did you do about debts each of you brought into the marriage?
n Who is the bill payer? Check writer? Bookkeeper? Investor?
Handling money the right way is very important. For this interview i interviewed my mom. When
I asked if she believed all her assets belong to her and my dad, she said that they were both responsible
for them because it is their job to care for one another and both of them to provide for each other. But
though they all share the responsibility for everything including money and debts, when it comes to
most financial decisions my mom usually makes those one her own. She is the one that budgets and
handles the money and figures out where it is best for it to go.
My parents have a budget but it’s not a very strict one. They pay what needs to be paid for first,
then with the money left over they spilt it up into different things the family needs or wants. Because
they pay for everything together and believe in what’s mine is yours, they don’t have separate
allowances. They are both accountable for everything.
My parents have one credit card and don’t like to use it at all unless it’s something that they
absolutely need it for. Which is very uncommon. Because neither of them have ever liked using credit
cards, when they got married neither of them had very much debt. But the little debt that each of them
did have became both of their responsibilities.
Essay Writing Rubric
Ideas: Good information, details, specific, clarity, focus
Organization: Structure, intro, logical order, transitions, strong ending
Voice: Bring to life, personality of writer, shows knowledge
Word Choice: Clear, precise, colorful, strong verbs
Sentence Fluency: Rhythmic, flows, no fragments
Conventions: Grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization