Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Osaka University, Osaka, Japan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, North Carolina and Physics Departments at Duke University and North Carolina State University University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Majorana Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Experiment GERDA Collaboration Meeting June 28, 2005 Dubna, Russia The Majorana 76Ge 0nbb-Decay Experiment • Based on Ge crystals – 180 kg 86% 76Ge – Enriched via centrifugation Veto Shield • Modules with 57 crystals each – Three modules for 180 kg – Eight modules for 500 kg! • Maximal use of copper electroformed underground • Background rejection methods – – – – Granularity Pulse Shape Discrimination Single Site Time Correlation Detector Segmentation • Underground Lab – 6000 mwe – Class 1000 Sliding Monolith LN Dewar Inner Shield 57 Detector Module Conceptual Design of 57 Crystal Module • • • • Conventional vacuum cryostat made with electroformed Cu Three-crystal tower is a module within a module Allows simplified detector installation & maintenance Low mass of Cu and other structural materials per kg Ge 40 cm x 40 cm Cryostat Vacuum jacket Cap Cold Plate Tube (0.007” wall thickness) Cold Finger Ge (62mm x 70 mm) 1.1 kg Crystal Tray (Plastic, Si, etc) Thermal Shroud Bottom Closure 1 of 19 Towers Shield Design Veto Detector Sliding Monolith LN Dewar Inner Shield 57 Detector Module • • • • Allows modular deployment, early results 40 cm bulk Pb, 10 cm ULB shielding 4p veto shield Sliding 5 ton doors (prototype under ME test) Background Goals and Demonstrated Levels • Simulation connects activity to expected count rate • Background target: ~1 count/ROI/ton-year • Three years’ run time with this level (~0.5 ton-year) ~5 x 1026 y Bkg Location Ge Crystals Purity Issue 68Ge & 60Co Activation Rate Target Exposure Ref. 1 atom/kg/day 100 d [Avi92] Target Mass Target Purity Inner Mount 2 kg Cryostat 38 kg Achieved Assay 1 mBq/kg 2-4 mBq/kg 1 mBq/kg 1 mBq/kg 232Th Cu Shield 310 kg Small Parts 1 g/crystal [Arp02] & more recent work [Mil92] Ge Exposure Timeline • Conservative estimate of 100 days exposure taken • Doubling this or spallation rate (1 atom/kg/day @ surface) adds only 3% to total rate Process Step Minimum Estimated Time Effective Time (with shield) Enrichment: (ECP Zelenogorsk) ~90 days ~1 day Shipping: Zelenogorsk to Oak Ridge 32 days 3.2 days Production of metal and initial refinement: 11 days 11 days Manufacturer’s zone refinement 14 days 14 days Crystal growth: 4 days 4 days Mechanical preparation 3 days 3 days Detector Fabrication 7 days 7 days 161 days 44.2 days Shipping Concept: 2m cube Storage Concept: 4m cube Total Granularity detector-to-detector rejection ~ 40 cm • Simultaneous signals in two detectors cannot be 0nbb • Requires tightly packed Ge • Successful against: – 208Tl and 214Bi • Supports/small parts (~5x) • Cryostat/shield (~2x) – Some neutrons – Muons (~10x) • Simulation and validation with Clover Pulse Shape Discrimination Central contact (radial) PSD • Excellent rejection for internal 68Ge and 60Co (x4) • Moderate rejection of external 2615 keV (x0.8) • Shown to work well with segmentation • Demonstrated capability – Central contact – External contacts • Requires ~25 MHz BW Time Correlations • 68Ge – – is worst initial raw background 68Ge -> 10.367 keV x-ray, 95% eff 68Ga -> 2.9 MeV beta • Cut for 3-5 half-lives after signals in the 11 keV X-ray window reduces 68Ga b spectrum substantially • Independent of other cuts QEC = 2921.1 3 , 5 t1/2 cut No cut Crystal Segmentation g (“High” Energy) • Segmentation – Multiple conductive contacts – Additional electronics and small parts – Rejection greater for more segments 0nbb • Background mitigation – Multi-site energy deposition • Simple two-segment rejection • Sophisticated multi-segment signal processing • Demonstrated with – GEANT4 (MaGe) calculations – MSU experiment g 60Co g g (“Low” Energy) Segmentation Study Experiment and Simulation 60Co on the side of the detector Crystal Experiment Crystal GEANT 1x8 4x8 1x8 4x8 Counts / keV / 106 decays Simple multiplicity cuts – No PSD Ultra-Pure Electroformed Cu • Th chain purity is key Electroforming copper – Ra and Th must be eliminated – Successful Ra ion exchange [C] – Th ion exchange under development C A B • Demonstrated >8000 Th rejection via electroplating from A->B 30 cm x 30 cm Cryostat • Starting stock [A] <9 mBq/kg 232Th • Intensive development of assay to achieve 1 mBq/kg 232Th of A, B, and C, and, possibly much less – Based on ICPMS of nitric etch soln – Would allow QA of each part Small Parts: Low-background Front-end Electronics Package LFEP ORTEC LFEP3 (IGEX) LFEP4 Material Circuit Board (PTFE, Cu, Au) Mass (grams) 0.32974 JFET 1.5E-4 RhO2 Resistor 5.9E-4 Al wirebond wire ~2E-5 Silver-Loaded Epoxy ~1E-4 Design Drivers Analog Performance Needed for PSD • Commercial digital spectroscopy hardware used for current PNNL PSD has 40 MHz, 14-bit digitization • Sampling rate is good match with “easily-achievable” HPGe preamp bandwidth Full-energy 1621-keV g (top) and 1592-keV DEP (bottom) reconstructed current pulses from 120% P-type Ortec HPGe detector (experimental data) Response of Ortec HPGe 237P preamplifier Multi-Parametric Pulse-Shape Discriminator Extracts key parameters from each preamplifier output pulse Sensitive to radial location of interactions and interaction multiplicity Self-calibrating – allows optimal discrimination for each detector Discriminator can be recalibrated for changing bias voltage or other variables Method is computationally cheap, requiring no computed libraries-of-pulses An old demonstrated result with 12 bit 40 MHz digitization rate 212Bi DEP of 208Tl 1592.5 keV 1620.6 keV Experimental Data 228Ac 1587.9 keV Original spectrum Scaled PSD result Keeps 80% of the single-site DEP (double escape peak) Rejects 74% of the multi-site backgrounds (use 212Bi peak as conservative indicator) Previous Front-End Results Rise-times for various experimental configurations. The pulser rise-time for these tests was ~15 ns. Rise-time with pulser input (10%-90%) Detector type Commercial HPGe detector, 30% relative efficiency, Princeton Gamma-Tech. 30.0 ns Low-background detector and cryostat with original IGEX cooled FET assembly, 30% relative efficiency. 43.0 ns Low-background detector and cryostat with final IGEX cooled FET assembly, 30% relative efficiency. 37.5 ns IGEX low-background detector cryostat with original cooled assembly and internal wiring. and FET IGEX low-background detector and cryostat with final IGEX cooled FET assembly and Beldin type 8700 coaxial cable for signal connections. 70 ns 32.5 ns All tests used PGT RG-11 as preamp back-end Disasters Do Happen Punishment for yielding 120 ns 10% - 90% performance • We didn’t really like that FET anyway… Current LFEP Module Performance (2N4356 FET w/92cm leads) 40 ns 1090% outpu t pulse input powe r outpu t powe r input pulse 25 MHz Background Goals Gross and Net Rates for Important Isotopes Background Source Counts in ROI per t-y 60 Ge Co 2.54 1.22 0.01 0.02 208 214 60 Tl Bi Co 0.12 0.03 0.26 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.16 0.58 0.22 0.04 0.00 2.28 0.30 0.02 0.64 0.06 0.00 0.18 0.04 0.34 0.02 0.01 0.00 cosmic muons activity (,n) 0.03 1.33 0.003 0.003 0.18 0.003 Total Est. Background (per t-y) Counts in ROI 68 Germanium Inner Mount Cryostat Copper Shield Small Parts Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net External Sources Gross Net 2n bb-decay TOTAL SUM 0.03 0.01 0.26 0.70 Dominated by 232Th in Cu 0.03 0.18 < 0.01 1.21 At this level, we might not get a count in a 3 year run! Cuts vs. Background Estimates 16 0vbb 14 External Small parts 12 Cu Shield Counts / ROI / ty Cryostat 10 Inner Mount Crystals 8 6 4 2 0 Raw 0vbb Final 0vbb Raw Granularity PSD SSTC Segmentation Construction vs. Operations 45.00 68Ge 12000 build up and decay 40.00 10000 35.00 External Small parts Cu Shield Cryostat Inner Mount Crystals 30.00 25.00 8000 kg/quarter atoms 68 6000 4000 20.00 2000 15.00 0 80% of total 68Ge has decayed 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 10.00 5.00 0.00 Raw Construction Raw Granularity Segmentation PSD Time Correlation Majorana Sensitivity vs. Time • 180 kg 86% 76Ge operated for 3 years • 0.46 t-y of 76Ge or 0.54 t-y total Ge Effect of background 0 cts/ROI/ty: Ideal 1 cts/ROI/ty: target 8 cts/ROI/ty: certain (IGEX levels with new data cuts applied) A Recent Claim Klapdor-Kleingrothaus H V, Krivosheina I V, Dietz A and Chkvorets O, Phys. Lett. B 586 198 (2004). Used five 76Ge crystals, with a total of 10.96 kg of mass, and 71 kg-years of data. 1/2 = 1.2 x 1025 y 0.24 < mv < 0.58 eV (3 sigma) Background level depends on intensity fit to other peaks. Expected signal in Majorana (for 0.456 t-y) 135 counts With a background Goal: < 1 cnt in the ROI (Demonstrated < 8 cnts in the ROI) Reference Schedule Year 20050 Year 20061 Year 20072 Year 20083 Year 20094 Year 20105 Year 20116 Year 20127 Year 20138 Year 20149 Year 201510 Year 201611 Proposal/CD-0 Package CD-0/Approve Mission Need R&D Module R&D module Conceptual Design Site Selection CD-1/Approve Preliminary Baseline Range Construction Preliminary Design (PED) CD-2/3a/Approve Baseline/Long-Lead Procurement 3a: Prepare and Ship Ge Enriched GeSite Preparation CD-3 Start Construction Module 1 Receive Ge Testing Fabricate Detectors Electroforming Production Cryostats Module 2 Testing Assemble Experimental Apparatus/Shielding Assemble Detectors into Cryostat/Shield Module 3 Testing Full Detector Operations Pre-Operational Testing CD-4/Start of Operations Operations Decommissioning Majorana Sensitivity: Realistic runtime GERDA Relationship • GERDA Collaboration using 20 kg of existing (IGEX+HM) 76Ge crystals (Phase 1) and ~35kg new Ge (Phase 2) to achieve sensitivity past KKDC • New approach for Phase 1 & 2 – Ge immersed in cryogen in large tank in LNGS • Signed MOU to cooperate in early years and merge for unified ultimate thrust, using most effective technologies and concepts • Continued careful cooperation and coordination very important! GERDA P1 20 kg GERDA P2 35 kg Joint experiment ~1000 kg Majorana 180 kg Majorana Summary • As in Gerda, backgrounds are key • We have begun proposing a modular plan for intermediate (180 kg) scale with potential for expansion to ton scale • The NuSAG Committee is expected to recommend a double-beta decay research plan by mid to late July The Majorana Collaboration Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island Michael Attisha, Rick Gaitskell, John-Paul Thompson Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia Alexander Barabash, Sergey Konovalov, Igor Vanushin, Vladimir Yumatov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Viktor Brudanin, Slava Egorov, K. Gusey, S. Katulina, Oleg Kochetov, M. Shirchenko, Yu. Shitov, V. Timkin, T. Vvlov, E. Yakushev, Yu. Yurkowski Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California Yuen-Dat Chan, Mario Cromaz, Martina Descovich, Paul Fallon, Brian Fujikawa, Bill Goward, Reyco Henning, Donna Hurley, Kevin Lesko, Paul Luke, Augusto O. Macchiavelli, Akbar Mokhtarani, Alan Poon, Gersende Prior, Al Smith, Craig Tull Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California Dave Campbell, Kai Vetter Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico Mark Boulay, Steven Elliott, Gerry Garvey, Victor M. Gehman, Andrew Green, Andrew Hime, Bill Louis, Gordon McGregor, Dongming Mei, Geoffrey Mills, Larry Rodriguez, Richard Schirato, Richard Van de Water, Hywel White, Jan Wouters Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Cyrus Baktash, Jim Beene, Fred Bertrand, Thomas V. Cianciolo, David Radford, Krzysztof Rykaczewski Osaka University, Osaka, Japan Hiroyasu Ejiri, Ryuta Hazama, Masaharu Nomachi Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington Craig Aalseth, Dale Anderson, Richard Arthur, Ronald Brodzinski, Glen Dunham, James Ely, Tom Farmer, Eric Hoppe, David Jordan, Jeremy Kephart, Richard T. Kouzes, Harry Miley, John Orrell, Jim Reeves, Robert Runkle, Bob Schenter, Ray Warner, Glen Warren Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario Marie Di Marco, Aksel Hallin, Art McDonald Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, North Carolina and Physics Departments at Duke University and North Carolina State University Henning Back, James Esterline, Mary Kidd, Werner Tornow, Albert Young University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Juan Collar University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina Frank Avignone, Richard Creswick, Horatio A. Farach, Todd Hossbach, George King University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee William Bugg, Yuri Efremenko University of Washington, Seattle, Washington John Amsbaugh, Tom Burritt, Jason Detwiler, Peter J. Doe, Joe Formaggio, Mark Howe, Rob Johnson, Kareem Kazkaz, Michael Marino, Sean McGee, Dejan Nilic, R. G. Hamish Robertson, Alexis Schubert, John F. Wilkerson